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I got famous! LOL


Ask me about shaving naked!
He doesn’t seem to sell Simpsons brushes now. Amazon killed him.

Visit his site and you’ll know.
What is the grit of your chicken, I suppose they are natural like stones and cannot be grit rated.

But for nagura do you use a leg or wing?
Chicken progression, coarse to fine grit.
Chicken progression, coarse to fine grit.

As the resident B&B country boy I may know a thing or two of the chicken progression.

Start with the White leg horn. They are small but defiantly the fastest and most efficient.
Move to the mid grit on you Barred Rock, they are dependable and versatile, think Coticule.
I would finish with the Road Island Red, the Queen of layers, there is no better finisher.

For you Steve, it's the Easter Egger or Ameraucanas. These can do it all, they're colorful, and everybody wants one in their yard. She's your Jnat.

For you Synthetic lovers, I would focus my interest on the hybrids. Black Stars, Cinnamon Queens, Production Reds. There sure is hell nothing natural about them but those buggers will produce.

Those of you that chase those rare stones, you know who you are. The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is your girl. She will be pretty, and she will be expensive, and she will underperform the others. But we know you don't care about that.
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