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Homebrew forums

For all you homebrewers, what forum (similar to this one) do you visit most?

I only visit Homebrewtalk.com, it looks like it's the biggest and the best, just like here....

If you are a member there, shoot me a PM, same screen name, AACJ. Maybe we could start a B&B group over there.
HBT for me as well. I've tried some of the other ones (Northern Brewer mainly), but always went back to HBT. There is a huge community of extremely good home and pro brewers on that site. I'm on there as Edcculus as well, but don't really post that much anymore.
I've got an account on HBT as well. Haven't been active on there for a while though, given the downturn in my brewing lately. Once I have more time I'll inevitably brew more, have more questions, and get back to posting.
I'm about to start up my first home brew next month, and I'm looking to join a forum about it. I'll be brewing wine, which I understand is not the main focus of a lot of the home brew forums.

Anyone else into wine brewing? Anyone find one forum more helpful or less helpful for it compared to beer-heavy forums?

(By the by, I'm a big beer fan too, and will most likely wind up getting a separate kit to do a beer brew after I try a few wine brews out)
I'm not too sure about that. I'm sure there are wine specific forums. HBT does have a pretty devoted wine crowd though.
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