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Has a 3 day growth become fashionable? mini rant

I thinks its a combination of trying to look "cool" and the fact that most men have NEVER had a quality shave, and they are tired of paying for the crazy pricing of the current carts. Due to that pricing, lots of men REALLLY stretch their carts, so have terrible,tugging shaves. Its no wonder they dont want to shave. :(
I was one of those 3day growth guys because shaving with carts tore me up, but now that ive found the DE razor I shave daily and enjoy every minute of it.
When you remember that the idea of being cleanly shaven everyday was implanted into the public consciousness to sell more razor blades, staying clean shaven everyday is honestly not any less silly. Whether it looks good or not though is another (subjective) matter.
That stubble look has been around for 30 years gentleman. That's well over an entire generation. The truth is, if chicks didn't dig it then dudes wouldn't sport them. The casualization of the workforce over that time has helped to maintain the look also.
It's no accident that the perma-stubble look has arrived on the scene with the dominance of expensive/crappy shave cartridge systems.

Perma-stubble also gives the wearer an air of rebellious individuality in the same way that earlier generations wore long hair and full beards.


This has been my take on it as well
I believe that alot of people who sport the look like it because it eliminates all the issues they had with shaving. It is not a full out beard, but they can maintain it without a razor. No more ingrown hairs, razor burn, expensive cartridges...

If they only could experience what a great shave was like, that would be the "new" norm.
When you remember that the idea of being cleanly shaven everyday was implanted into the public consciousness to sell more razor blades, staying clean shaven everyday is honestly not any less silly. Whether it looks good or not though is another (subjective) matter.

Not sure I agree with that. At least not fully. Not everyone marches lockstep with the marketing gurus. I submit to you that the idea of being clean shaven every day is a natural desire inspired by the wish to shed the uncomfortable beard. (At least for those who find it uncomfortable) Early attempts to do so were more unpleasant than the beard itself. Flint, clamshells and bronze razors helped but still not practical or pleasant. Once straight razors of good steel became available, initially only those of means could afford their own gear or daily trimming by a barber. Not to mention that wielding a straight is an acquired skill with an attendant learning curve probably a status symbol. A clean shave was something to aspire to. Only when King Campe made his razors was the dream of daily smooth shaves available to the masses. This of course Gillette did to sell more razor blades. He was filling a niche not creating desire where none had existed before.

I probably have been conditioned my whole life to see a clean shave as a sign of pride in oneself and respect for those around you. At any rate, shaving or not shaving for a weekend and then cleaving the 3 day growth is honest. What you have done or have not done is evident. To spend 10 or 15 minutes daily to appear that you are ungroomed, nonconformist and the rugged individualist… not so much. I know that it is a personal choice and we are all free to make the one that works for us.
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I wonder if this is a side effect of many men having horrible shaves with cartridges and canned gel, so they just opt for the stubbly look. That's certainly what I did for a couple years, just because I hated shaving so much. Truth be told, I still think I look better with stubble, or at least some variety of beard. I just enjoy shaving so much now, it outweighs my aesthetic tastes. Granted, I grew up in a Greek/Roma family; all the men have beards, so that was normal to me. To this day, I have never seen my father clean-shaven. Neither has my mother, for that matter. I am giving myself a few shave-free days to try to grow my goatee back- I have so much trouble shaving my chin that I'd rather not, and I look good with neatly-trimmed chin spinach. Plus, it gives me an added challenge to shape with my shavettes; sort of an obstacle course, if you will.
Think we might need an "i hate stubble and AOS" subforum.

every week a new thread on both subjects pops up.
I try and not worry what other people look like :)

If a guy hasnt shaved - I dont batter an eye.

Agreed. What does it matter to me if someone prefers a different look than I do? There's more to people than their facial hair, but I guess some people can't get past the exterior.
Perma-stubble also gives the wearer an air of rebellious individuality in the same way that earlier generations wore long hair and full beards.

So the way I see it is if there are enough of these 3 day stubble types out there, We, the clean-cuts, will become the rebellious individuals
Yassir Arafat
His stubble might have been a cultural thing. I have heard that in some parts of the world facial hair for men is the norm.

Anyway, just because gas masks fit better over clean-shaven faces in WW1 doesn't mean we all have to shave our faces now. I personally think it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to shave or not and how often. But I would be less than honest if I din't thing there wasn't a bit of "me too" going on with some of the guys I see with 3 day stubble. I think if you can pull it off and you like it, fine--and in my opinion, it has to look PERFECT. I still think that in some business settings it is unacceptable. We had a teacher at our site that did not shave regularly (due to a skin condition) and he always looked like a pig.

Now if you'll excuse me, my prepper/survivalist camp is having a gas-mask drill today so I am off to shave.
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I sported this look for a while... I would let it grow out a few days, then shave it off, etc. etc. That was several years after I shaved off my beard, which I mostly wore because I had bad acne and reacted poorly to multi-blade razors and canned goo, and because I thought it was an easy way to appropriate masculinity (which had its own issues). Plus, if I shave, unless I get a very good shave and I'm wearing foundation, my skin is so translucent it has a permanent 5 o'clock shadow anyways. I'm like Homer Simpson- I shave and the shadow soon reappears.

A pair of groomer clippers are cheaper than buying cartridge after cartridge of the latest mass-market razor and having it go dull, and they typically last longer than electric shavers as well (which need new foils or blades periodically). Some people do have facial hair that tough. I was lucky if a Sensor or Mach 3 would last me a few shaves before it started to become uncomfortable to use, not to mention hell on my skin's appearance.

So, I think a previous poster had it right... the mass market move to multi-blades has squeezed a lot of people out of shaving and onto designer stubble . Far easier to maintain and less torturous on the skin.
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I keep stubble (or rather, very short beard) on my cheeks and chin, and maintain it with a trimmer. I like it, girls my age like it and if it makes some auld grumps go online and gnash their teeth then that's just a bonus :thumbup1:
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Just had my second shave after a week of stubble. Hated the stubble, love the shave and especially the smooth me after the shave. Great hairy outdoor beasts can look quite cool with black stubble like cactus needles, but not I.
They say "The best a man can get." But some men (actors and designers too) are reluctant to get "the best a man can get" and enjoy ingrown hairs, irritation, razor burn every day, so they prefer to wear "Designer stubble". I also used to wear "Designer stubble" just to cover my "Razor phobia". Everybody knew I was too far from any designer studio then :lol:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Just a few days ago I had an interview with a young engineer interested in the position. He showed up with the in crowd stubble.
Guess who didn't get the job.
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