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Ham radio

The police scanner thread made me think if there where any ham radio operators out there. I got my license but I never use it. I also have a radio but i broke my antenna cable. Here is my call sign KE5OXW. Maybe after I get my cable fixed I can try and raise yall.
Edit: I did not mean for the said face to be there, so if a mod wants to they can feel free to take it off.
Hey Michael,

What kind of radio do you have? Do you have a good repeater network around you? Even with a tech license you can now work the world with IRLP. It's a great hobby.


de K1ROD (rod)
Hey Michael,

What kind of radio do you have? Do you have a good repeater network around you? Even with a tech license you can now work the world with IRLP. It's a great hobby.


de K1ROD (rod)

I actually can not remember the brand I have had it for a year. Yes there is a local club that owns a repeater on a tv tower. I live in Cedar Hill Texas, which is like the high point for a while, hence the towers.
Also been meaning to upgrade but never got around to it. Also do you know how to fix an antenna cable? Got shut in the car door.
I actually can not remember the brand I have had it for a year. Yes there is a local club that owns a repeater on a tv tower. I live in Cedar Hill Texas, which is like the high point for a while, hence the towers.
Also been meaning to upgrade but never got around to it. Also do you know how to fix an antenna cable? Got shut in the car door.

I can more than likely fix or replace that cable for you if you feel like dropping it in the mail to me.Shoot me a PM.

I'm on the localrepeaters almost every morning during my commute. I live in an apartment, so a permanent HF station has eluded me, but I belong to a local club and FIELD DAY IS COMMING UP!

You can actually work the world WITHOUT a radio using echolink: http://www.echolink.org/

Just use your computer.
W2ROW :smile:

I mostly spend time on HF - DXing, but I haven't been very active lately. The XYL is K2ROW and we use 2 meters for local communications.


I've wanted to get into HF for a while. I'm still just a tech right now, because I haven't had time to go take the test for general due to schoolwork. Definitely look at what clubs might be in your area.
Please excuse my utter ignorance on the subject of Ham Radio operation, but is the general idea behind it to just get on a frequency and talk to people?
Tech and hoping to upgrade now that code is out of the picture. Tried and tried but never could quite get that.

73 de KD5DBF
Please excuse my utter ignorance on the subject of Ham Radio operation, but is the general idea behind it to just get on a frequency and talk to people?

Basically yes - but ham radio operators have access to frequencies that allow consistent worldwide communications. We have to take exams and have multiple levels of licenses which allow greater privileges as the difficulty of the exam increases. We are also allowed to build and modify our own radios.

When a local or regional disaster strikes we are frequently one of the only consistently reliable means of communication into and out of the disaster area.

In addition to voice we also use morse code (and other communication modes) which can increase our ability to reliably send/receive information over long distances under difficult communication conditions. There are hams who communicate by bouncing signals off the moon. We even have many satellites in orbit which are dedicated to ham radio communications.

Basically yes - but ham radio operators have access to frequencies that allow consistent worldwide communications. We have to take exams and have multiple levels of licenses which allow greater privileges as the difficulty of the exam increases. We are also allowed to build and modify our own radios.

When a local or regional disaster strikes we are frequently one of the only consistently reliable means of communication into and out of the disaster area.

In addition to voice we also use morse code (and other communication modes) which can increase our ability to reliably send/receive information over long distances under difficult communication conditions. There are hams who communicate by bouncing signals off the moon. We even have many satellites in orbit which are dedicated to ham radio communications.


Thank you for the explanation. I knew that any old Joe Schmoe couldn't just buy and operate a Ham radio and that exams were involved, but now I know why. Very cool indeed. :thumbsup:

I'm on the localrepeaters almost every morning during my commute. I live in an apartment, so a permanent HF station has eluded me, but I belong to a local club and FIELD DAY IS COMMING UP!

You can actually work the world WITHOUT a radio using echolink: http://www.echolink.org/

Just use your computer.

that link is cool. Got signed up. I want a home base station but the cost and size of the tower stop me. I got a mobile one mounted in my truck.
N2ZKL here.
I'm holding an Extra Class license but due to deed restrictions in my development I'm not allowed to external antennas. Have an atic mounted multi-band antenna for HF and also a 144/440 MHz antenna for local repeaters.
Not very active
KE5CJZ, but I've actually only ever made one transmission. I got the license when I was doing Search and Rescue in Santa Fe, NM, and I moved shortly thereafter. Since then I haven't had any need or even opportunity to use a radio.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
My buddy has been a ham operator for decades (he doesn't even own a computer). Recently, he gave me a demonstration, and even introcuced me to someone under ninety.
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