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Guess that movie quote

I did the total opposite, Price. I thought I knew the movie and was thinking "but Woody Harrelson wasn't in Demolition Man" and then I smacked myself in the forehead

I guessed the connection was going to be Wesley Snipes, but couldn't place the quote. :sad:
Start the morning off continuing the thread...easy connection here

"You know, I counted the floors to this building from the street."
"There's one missing."
:lol:, damn near spit water on the screen! Nicely done!
I couldn't resist
I wish I could keep Javier bardem going as a string but I don't know anything else of his
Here's a connection I'm sure will need no clarification

"I'm a foolish old man who's been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpie in trousers and a nincompoop."
Close enough. Actually, Phil's line is from the Coen brothers version. My quote is the ending of the original, before John Wayne rides away and the credits roll.
I wasn't entirely sure which was which, runs together in my head sometimes. Cant pass me up some John Wayne connections....

"SADDLE UP!" (repeated many times throughout)

Close enough. Actually, Phil's line is from the Coen brothers version. My quote is the ending of the original, before John Wayne rides away and the credits roll.
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