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Goose Island Bourbon County release day!

I'm not one for standing in line on Black Friday. But I decided to drive over to the local Binny's here in the Chicagoland Area and grab some bottles (a couple to rock and a couple to stock) of the lovely line of Bourbon County stouts by Goose Island. Line moved pretty fast and got to talk beer with some fellow beer nerds. Got 3 bottles of the regular Bourbon County and 1 bottle each of the Coffee Stout and Barley wine.

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I scored a couple bottles of the stout and BW and one of the coffee here in the Metro Atlanta area. Did you happen to see any of the Proprietor's there around Chicago?
The Proprietor's was being sold but it was in pretty limited quantity so it was snapped up pretty fast. The Coffee stout and Barley Wine usually sell out pretty fast as well.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Staff member
I miss having a big box alcohol retailer within driving distance of me. All I got is local liquor stores and gas stations.

Those bottles look cool. Enjoy!!
I got 2 bottles of stout, standing in two lines at two different stores...MN doesn't get quite as much as Chitown! we were only allowed 1 bottle as each store had only gotten one case. But hey I used my black Friday skills to get there early, scout out times, and dress warmly. Was fun chatting with fellow beer nerds.
Same story in CT. My sister and her neighbor were able to snag a bottle each, on consecutive days, as the store only received a case of the Bourbon County. One bottle goes on the shelf per day.
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