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Godrej Shaving Cream

I liked Godrej okay but it didn't like me too much. Something in it reacted with my face, gave me some serious burning and irritation.

But I was having razor burn at the time from other causes so it may have not been the cream as much as I thought it was. I may dig my tube out of Shaving Purgatory (under the bathroom sink) and give it another try.

Could very well be the lanolin. Lanolin is a common skin irritant similar to Lavender. Do you have a similar experience with Mitchel's Wool Fat or Musgo Real?
Could very well be the lanolin. Lanolin is a common skin irritant similar to Lavender. Do you have a similar experience with Mitchel's Wool Fat or Musgo Real?

Never tried Musgo or MWF. I'll try my Godrej again this week to see if it bites me as much as I previously thought.
I bought a tube last week - it expired on 03/08 :001_huh: I've used it a couple of times and there haven't been any problems with lathering. I guess i'm at a loss for words as to why a market would sell expired product.

I have been told by an Indian friend of mine that the date you guys are seeing refers to when the cream was actually produced not when it expires.
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I have been told by an Indian friend of mine that the date you guys are seeing refers to when the cream was actually produced not when it expires.

either way, I can honestly say that for the money, this is easily the one cream in my collection that gives me consistently good shaves. I might have to pick up a few more tubes of it soon.
Well for the past month I've been using the Godrej Rich Foam on and off and I like the smell now. It smells clean. I've been back to the asian supermarket in Phoenix but it looks like they are still out of Godrej shave cream.
I've tried and liked the Menthol Mist. I also have a puck of the shaving round soap. It works great for something that cost about $2.50 on Ebay. I don't use it much, but have been very happy with the performance at that price point.
I have tried to purchase these for the site but could not. I buy Godrej from their distributor here in the USA but even he does not carry the soap rounds. Living in Central NJ with a large asian Indian population and many supermarkets for their culture, I have never seen the soap rounds, even where the cream is sold.
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I have been told by an Indian friend of mine that the date you guys are seeing refers to when the cream was actually produced not when it expires.

My tube of menthol mist (blue) has two dates on a white sticker, clearly labeled: manufacturing date 11/2007, expiry date 12/2009. There's also a notice on the label "best use before 25 months from package date", which matches. Both dates were *inside* the box, so if you care about the expiration you would have to open the box.

I bought it a few weeks ago at an Indian grocery that didn't carry the pucks or any other creams. I'm not going to throw it away at the end of the month, either: it's doing just fine.
I've been using Godrej for the last few weeks, and am amazed by its performance and consistency. Its found a regular spot in my rotation. The lanolin-based slickness has been really good, I've had no skin issues due to it.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Found a shop tonight in Gurnee, Illinois that sells Menthol Mist, Rich Lather and LIME!!! woo hoo.

Picked up some nice loose leaf Assam tea while I was there.
A friend bought me a tube of Rich Foam on a recent trip to India (for about $.60 and she still got ripped off). It actually took some doing to find. Apparently, the consensus among pharmacists is that Godrej (shaving products division) is near to going out of business. Ironically, Indians prefer Gillette.

So pick some up while you still can--according to the box, it's halal and vegetarian approved. Me, I like the sixty cent lanolin.
Godrej has been a good seller for me these last few weeks. I would be sorry to see it go if that is accurate. In spite of having a large India community in this area I cannot find the Gillette that you say they prefer. Just the Godrej, Old Spice, and Dettol creams.
I wouldn't call my friend's research exhaustive by any means, but up where she was Godrej was hard come by (and subject to those phase-out rumors). I think the Gillette product in question is the same canned crap served all over the world.
I think the Gillette product in question is the same canned crap served all over the world.

I don't think so. It is not a canned goo. The product in question is likely this (which comes in three different varieties, and seems to be used with a brush, since it has a brush pictured on the package; this is being shipped direct from India), it's a form of tubed gel:



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Oh. Well there you go. Should have remembered that there are a legion of better-informed shavers on the board, no matter how farflung the product.
I don't think so. It is not a canned goo. The product in question is likely this (which comes in three different varieties, and seems to be used with a brush, since it has a brush pictured on the package; this is being shipped direct from India), it's a form of tubed gel:


I'd like to know how these Gillette creams compares to the Gillette cream sold in Europe (I've seen the Italian version sold at Shoebox Shave Shop).
These, and many of the other Indian creams sold by this seller intrigue me, but the shipping is crazy expensive. A 3 pack of these creams could likely be had for $3.00-$4.00, but the cost to ship it would be about $11!!

Beauty and Fitness Mart E-Bay Store

I hate to pay that much for shipping as well, however, when you shop around, it isn't all that bad. Another vendor sells one Old Spice shave cream for around $10 a tube, plus around $5 for shipping (to me!). From that ebay seller, you could get 3 tubes for $8 plus $9 shipping (to me!).
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