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Cole Haan Shoe Restoration

Inspired by johnniegold's restorations of his Aldens by B. Nelson and Alden, I decided to search out a restoration for a pair of well-worn, poorly cared for Cole Haan Split Toe dress/office shoes that I've had for about 5 years. I did a little web searching and discovered that Cole Haan offers restoration services of its own. Given the condition of the shoes (as you'll see), I figured that it would be best to work directly with the manufacturer to try and resurrect these shoes to as close to original condition as possible. I am opting for their $115 "Signature Restoration," which includes (from their website and order form that accompanied their package):

"Our premium restoration package. We replace your worn soles and heels with original or enhanced Cole Haan materials. As needed, we repair tassels, hardware, hand sewing and stitching; refinish the upper; and custom fit your shoes with new padded leather sock liners. Your shoes are returned with the following accessories exclusive to our Signature Package: Cole Haan natural cedar shoe trees, flannel shoe bags, shoe care products and shoe horn."

They offer services as simple as new heels up to their Signature Restoration, but you can also get a "Full Restoration", which has the same physical shoe restoration as the Signature Restoration, but you don't get the accessories. I figure that since they're going to restore/refinish the upper, I want the polish/wax to be as close a match to the color as possible, and I can use a pair of full sized shoe trees. So I contacted them via the website, and received a reply within a day or two. We worked out that I was just having one pair restored, and they said they would ship the package to me. A week or so went by, and this arrived in the mail:

Opening the package, there was a shipping return envelope and order form, and instructions to wrap my shoes in tissue and send them along with the order form in the enclosed envelope:

And now for some pics of our victim, er, patient.

You can see that the uppers are in pretty rough condition, with a lot of the color having been stained, scuffed and scratched. The stitching is not too bad, so hopefully a touch up and refinish of the leather will bring them back.

The toes are also very worn, as I do have a fair amount of walking on city streets in my job, so they've taken a beating over the years.

The heels? Well, let's just say that I'm a fairly serious heel striker. :001_rolle

As for the soles, you will recall that Cole Haan offers Nike Air technology in the heel and sole for comfort, so the soles are rubberized. It's fair to say that if these were a pair of tires, they would be considered as bald as Persis Khambatta in Star Trek The Motion Picture. As I've looked at replacement shoes recently, I've noticed that Cole Haan does not seem to offer the rubberized leather sole anymore, and has gone to almost all rubber, so I'm curious to see if they bring them back to *original* or *current* standards.

So they're off in the mail, and their packaging indicates a 4 week return. Now we wait.
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I have these EXACT shoes in 10.5D

I really needed 10.5E so I tried to insert a ziploc bag w/ water and put them in the freezer. Ziplock popped and completely ruined the shoes.

Lesson learned.


"Got Shoes?"
Oh man, Cole Haan has their work cut out. :eek: :biggrin: I'm definitely excited to see the restored pictures. Subscribed. :yesnod:

If you are satisfied with the workmanship upon return then you get a "new" pair of shoes, cedar shoe trees, flannel bags, some shoe care products and a shoe horn all for $115. I would say that's a pretty sweet deal.

Thanks for putting this together, Bob.
I've got newer Cole Haans that have leather soles and the other more casual one has the leather/rubber sole combo. I'm excited to see how they come back, mine are looking a little rough too
I'm excited to see how these come out. I have a couple pairs of their Saddle shoes that are no where near needing restored, but was really curious about this should the time ever come.
They WERE some nice shoes and they will be nice again. I look forward to seeing the results as I have a pair that could use some restoration too.
Heck, if they can bring them back to anything close to what they were at the beginning, they'll be miracle workers in my book.


"Got Shoes?"
Now that we have a Cole Haan restoration to go along with the Alden and B. Nelson restorations, it would be great to get some others as well and have a whole compendium of restoration programs to draw from.

Anyone have a pair of Allen-Edmonds, Johnston & Murphy, Crockett & Jones, etc., that they want to restore and would be willing to do a thread to add as a reference tool? That would be great.
I have these EXACT shoes in 10.5D

I really needed 10.5E so I tried to insert a ziploc bag w/ water and put them in the freezer. Ziplock popped and completely ruined the shoes.

Lesson learned.

Never heard of such a thing! :lol: Sorry about your shoes, though.
except for the soles...the leather would have been about a 20 minute job to look like new again....just a little conditioning and polish....and they would have looked great....


Now half as wise
Wish I would have thought of it. I just got a pair of J&M back from my local guy with new soles and heels. Maybe I'll wear a pair everyday, rain or shine, to have a worthy candidate!:laugh:
I have no idea how you waited for 2 pairs. I did polish my new pair of Alden Plain Toe Blucher in Color 8, and the Alden Black NSTs while I've been waiting. :thumbup:
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