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Bootlegger's El Dorado

OkieStubble has done it again! The latest Bootlegger's aftershave is almost ready for release to the masses.

He's been tinkering around with Pinaud Special Reserve for this new aftershave blend. I was a bit apprehensive about this project, because I was not a fan of Special Reserve. I remember the very first time I tried it. I had decanted a sample from an aftershave passaround box. I put it on and had my wife smell it. She turned her nose up and said I smelled like an old woman. I somewhat liked the scent, but it was very dark and harsh, and a bit strong for my liking. Since she didn't like it, I never touched that sample again.

Over the years I had tried and used a few aftershaves that were in the same vein as Special Reserve. Avon Öland, Avon Leather, and Mandom. Oddly enough, I liked them all. From my memory, Öland and Mandom seemed to be copies of Special Reserve. They had notes that I remembered, so I thought I'd pull out my sample of Special Reserve again to try. I thought maybe my nose had changed, and maybe I'd like the Special Reserve this time. Nope! Still smelled a bit to old and dusty.

Fast forward to February of this year. OkieStubble sent me two samples of a blend he'd been working on. Aside from the knowledge that they had Special Reserve in them, I had no idea what he threw in the mix. We went back and forth on them, I definitely preferred one of them, but to my nose, it still wasn't quite right. OkieStubble went back to the lab and tinkered a bit more. He came up with a new recipe, and told me what it was, so I mixed up a batch at home and it's great.

I never thought, I'd have an appreciation for Special Reserve, but this new recipe has changed my mind. It is still unmistakably Special Reserve with the leathery and smoky goodness. But it is now much softer around the edges. All the harsh bite and "old lady" scent is gone. It is everything I'd expect from Bootlegger's, a few good things mixed together to make something great.

We decided about halfway through the process to call it El Dorado. El Dorado's recipe is now finalized and it is in the trial stage. OkieStubble has sent samples to 5 B&B members for their review. We will release the recipe for Bootlegger's El Dorado after receiving their feedback.

I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts!
Wow KJ. That is really neat. I love it that someone is taking up the task of making regular old workaday scents...work. I have said this recently but it bears repeating. The state of mass market, off the shelf aftershave splashes is beyond bad. This is certainly one area where Europe is kicking our backsides. Pitralon, Myrsol, Floid, and a few others make thoroughly decent, but not necessarily spectacular, mass marketed aftershave splashes that work well, smell good(depending upon your tastes) and are readily affordable in their home markets. Look down the aisles at our mass retailers. Axe, Old Spice Fraud, and any number of other ocean/water/shampoo/sugary scented stuff that is overwhelming in aroma(should we really call it odour?) and have about as much to do with adult grooming as well, I don't know what. I understand the manufacturers market to whatever sells the most but man, other than English Leather and British Sterling there really isn't much out there other than a Clubman product or two in my locality. This little project sounds great.
My label for El Dorado. The imagery should give you a glimpse into the scent.



Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I have one last sample of Bootlegger's El Dorado in a mailer, ready to go out to someone who is willing to give it a review.

Is there anyone out there who wants it? :)
Had an afternoon shave with The El Dorado today. It went on smoothly with very little sting or burn. I was a bit surprised by this, however, this tends to happen when I use a lanolin based soap. The formula is still a mystery, but I can say for sure it has Special Reserve in the mix. Special Reserve without the right cross to the kisser. The other ingredients smooth it out nicely. Rubbery, oily, leathery, and tobacco with powdery dry down and sweet and floral/herbal undertones. I can't put my finger on the sweetness or the floral tones. Again, I don't know what else is in the mix. Really enjoyed this juice and still get whiffs after an hour of original application. It won't dethrone Perfecto for me, but it takes just enough punch out of the Special Reserve to leave me standing for another round. Well done, and thanks for letting me be a part of this. Face feels great.

PS Getting a bit of vanilla late. I could be way off on this.
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Rubbery, oily, leathery, and tobacco with powdery dry down and sweet and floral/herbal undertones. I can't put my finger on the sweetness or the floral tones. Again, I don't know what else is in the mix. Really enjoyed this juice and still get whiffs after an hour of original application. It won't dethrone Perfecto for me, but it takes just enough punch out of the Special Reserve to leave me standing for another round.

PS Getting a bit of vanilla late. I could be way off on this.

Did you steal this review from Wine Spectator? [emoji12]


A little poofier than I prefer
I received my sample on Saturday. Thanks Okiestubble and Vez! I guess I pretty much agree with August West. The opening note is very much Special Reserve, but with the edges smoothed off. Very nice. After a while the SR scent dried down into the powdery, floral notes that August West described. I could have sworn I smelled the Veg coming through. Lilacy Veg, not cat pee Veg. It was nice. I am not among the Chosen, but I liked this. I have since been informed that there is no Veg in El Dorado, so I guess either my memory or my nose is miscalibrated. Anyway, well done gentlemen and thanks for allowing me to beta-test it. I'll post some more thoughts in a few days when I have a chance to use it some more.
I received my sample yesterday (Monday). I am TERRIBLE, like totally inept, at describing scents, so I will fall back on August West's description.

Just want to say that El Dorado is really good stuff. Thanks so much to OkieStubble for allowing me to sample.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I am glad everyone is enjoying Bootlegger's El Dorado so far! A big thanks to Tony, John and BSAGuy, for your reviews. They really described exactly the goal I had in mind for my El Dorado concoction.

I wasn't looking to create a new scent. Only looking to keep all the great qualities that makes Special Reserve... Special. While eliminating the harsh dry down, and adding a bit of refinement and sophistication to the mix. Now reading these excellent reviews, I am happy to say it appears I have succeeded.

I am looking forward to reading more reviews as they come in. Thanks to everyone for showing interest in my concoctions.
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