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Blade Sample Update

For you "newbies", I would strongly advise standardizing on a blade until you have developed a consistent technique. The way some of you are going about it, you're introducing too many variables. For many, the Personna Lab or Med Prep would be a good choice. Also, choose one soap or cream you like and stay with it while you work on your prep and lathering techniques. You are more likely to get good results that way than hopping around.

I know it's fun, but defer the product evaluation until you know what you are doing.

I started DE shaving with a Derby blade. I planned to go through 2 blades, then try my next blade of choice. If the first blade is horrible, I will probably not try a second and go back to the first blade for a bit. Then change to blade 3. If blade 3 is better, I'll try blade 4 using 3 as the new standard. I'm hoping this will be a good plan of action. The only issue I could see happening is if I run out of my "standard" blade too soon. I can always order more, but would want to be careful about getting too much.
For you "newbies", I would strongly advise standardizing on a blade until you have developed a consistent technique.


I know it's fun, but defer the product evaluation until you know what you are doing.

Killjoy! :p

Actually, I know your advice is absolutely spot on, and is in all likelihood the best way to go about learning this new hobby/skill. I also know with 100% certainty that there is no way I'll be following said advice. One of my many bad habits developed over a lifetime is taking good advice and then running the other way. Plus, I've got a bit of an attention issue [Squirrel!] that would preclude me being faithful to one soap/razor/lather style, etc for any length of time.

So, that being said, today I face lathered VDH, used a Personna and followed up with Old Spice. I'll keep the Personna tomorrow (and also the DE89, cause its the only one I've got right now), everything else is subject to the whims of the morning.
For you "newbies", I would strongly advise standardizing on a blade until you have developed a consistent technique. The way some of you are going about it, you're introducing too many variables. For many, the Personna Lab or Med Prep would be a good choice. Also, choose one soap or cream you like and stay with it while you work on your prep and lathering techniques. You are more likely to get good results that way than hopping around.

I know it's fun, but defer the product evaluation until you know what you are doing.

Absolutely solid advice. It's so hard to know if it's the blades or the technique. I'm keeping it to Dorcos, Derbys, and Astras for now.
Personna Lab day 2 - I got a great shave with the Labs today, I think even better than yesterday. Very comfortable and smooth for two passes (WTG, XTG). This blade is near the top of my list currently, along with Astra and Gillette Black. One more day with this blade before I start working back through the others to re-try each one.

In keeping with my pattern of disregarding perfecly sound advice ;), I changed up a couple of other elements of the shave today. First, from reading some other threads on here I decided to back off the heat on my lather/rinse water a bit in an attempt to reduce some of the shave-related face inflamation/irritation (nothing major, just trying to go from good to great). Not cold by any stretch of the imagination (a cold shave would not be my cup of tea), but not screaming hot either.

I also went back to the TOBS Jermyn St cream today. I used the previously mentioned cooler water and a little more product today. Also, I was substantially more patient with building the lather today and took my time. I was rewarded with lather that couldn't be more opposite from my previous experience with this product. Today's lather was thick, slick, luxurious and smelled heavenly. In two uses, I went from slight disappointment in the TOBS to "couldn't be happier".

All in a day's shave, I guess. :) Saga continues tomorrow...
Personna Labs Day 3 - Another CCS with the labs. Towards the end of my second pass today, I started noticing a little tugging and dullness. Its not too bad, so I could probably stretch this blade to tomorrow, but I think I'm going to go ahead and swap it out. I think all the blades I've tried are probably good for 3-4 days for me, with the Feather being the exception. I'll be interested to see if I have the same results as I go back through the blades for round 2, but in the initial round I wasn't comfortable even going to day 3 with the Feathers.

I have a couple of observations from the first go-round on these blades. First off, while I know there's still room for improvement in my technique (lather making especially), I think I've reached a level of competence where I can get consistently good shaves with few nicks and minimal irritation. Second, I really (really) need to map my beard - I generally start with a straight N-S pass, and I'm finding that on parts of my neck that means I'm going XTG or even almost ATG in one area. The problem with needing to map my beard though is that I need to not shave for a couple of days, and I look forward to shaving now, so I've not compelled myself to do that just yet.

Now to decide which blade to try first for round 2.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the Personnas. I had the same issue, by the time I knew enough to map my beard, I was too into it. It's easier if you hold of 1 or 2 days, but you could try checking your stubble right before your shave, there might be enough to tell the angle it's growing at.
Astra SP, Round 2 - I liked the Astras so much the first time I tried them, I decided to start there with round 2 of my blade samples. I was not disappointed; today's 2 pass shave was just as close and smooth as I remember. I will say that I required a little more touch-up after 2 passes today than I needed with either the Gillette Blacks or the Personnas. I'll monitor that the next couple of days to see if that is a trend (maybe a trade-off for being sooo smooth and forgiving). All-in-all, a very comfortable shave and my face feels great.

Side note - I think I'm done with using very hot water for my shaves. The last few days I've backed off the heat and been using warm water. The shaves have been very comfortable with no lingering irritation on my face afterwards. Maybe after I'm through the blade sampling, I'll try a larger water temperature comparison.

Edit: One other note for round 2 is that I'm removing some of the variables so I can focus more on the blades. This will be a challenge for me, as i like to use all my creams and soaps. I have two boar brushes and will alternate days with those to allow them to fully dry between uses. Software-wise, I'll be using only the Col Conk Bayrum soap and face lathering for this round.
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Tomorrow is going to be a no shave day. I need to force myself to not shave for a day or two so I can get a good beard map and start doing true WTG/XTG passes. I guess as an added bonus, I'll get to try out the Astras on a couple days' beard growth - first time since I've been DE shaving that I'll skip a day.
well still being a newbie, I have yet to try the Astra's or Derby's as you suggested. But my roommate bought a box of blue labs, so of course I snagged one! I tried it for 2 days strait. Now I have a teenagers growth at 40, and I did not find the pesonna to live up to my expectations. I did perform 3 pass shaves,and did not get BBS. I was very surprised, First day with TOBS sandlewood cream, second day Kiss My Face key lime.Just to rule out cream choice. So as of yet the Dorco's are just making my face BBS, that I am having a hard time wanting to try something else. Although I do have feathers coming.but should I just chalk this up to "not right for me" what do you think?
I did not find the pesonna to live up to my expectations.
So as of yet the Dorco's are just making my face BBS, that I am having a hard time wanting to try something else. Although I do have feathers coming.but should I just chalk this up to "not right for me" what do you think?

I think this is definitely a YMMV scenario. I got good results with the Personnas, but every face is different. I'm not sure Feathers are for me, but many folks on here swear by them. I think the best bet is to get 5-packs of a few different blades and give 'em a shot.

For me, there are a couple of blades I want to try from the blade exchange (Rapira and Voskhod). I think I'll add Dorcos to that list.
Isn't it interesting how everyone has such unique experiences? I didn't like Dorcos very much, had reasonable experiences with Derbys, and have a very close shave with my first time with Personnas (also some razor burn which hadn't happened in a while). I have Feathers coming but I doubt I'll try them for a while.

I'm using EJ 89L for a razor. My understanding is less aggressive razors (ie, those that expose the blade less) will not be as well matched with Personna blue. I have only one razor so no frame of reference, this is just oft quoted "wisdom" on the boards.
ok now you peaked my interest on the Rapira and Voskhod........and what is the blade exchange,is that on the forum somewhere?
Astra SP, Round 2, Shave 2 - I've still yet to be disappointed with the Astras. They're very comfortable and always seem to deliver a DFS with minimal effort. No irritation today, and barely a tingle when I splashed on the Clubman. Great way to kick off the weekend.
Astra SP, Round 2, Shave 3 - Another good shave today with the Astras. I dare say these blades are just downright predictable. There's just a touch of irritation on my neck this morning, and boy did I feel the aftershave (Ice Blue A/V) when I put it on. The blade must be starting to wear just a bit on day 3, as it's just a touch less smooth than yesterday. Overall though, another very good Astra shave. One more day for this blade tomorrow.
I averaged three shaves on my IP Reds, but haven't stress tested my SP's yet. They're good blades for me from what I've experienced though.
I don't think I would skip the Derby. It's a fine blade and you may really like it. I did like the Astras better, but it was not by a huge margin.

Honestly, while I don't think I'll ever 'stock up' on Derbys, I do think it would be good to keep a few around. It could be an excellent choice to use on a day where your face is feeling roughed up, but you don't have an option to skip shaving for whatever reason.
Try a couple Personna Lab blues on the blade exchange. I did a couple and ordered a hundred for $12.75 shipped.
Astra SP, Round 2, Shave 4 - OK, but not great, shave today with the Astras. I think 4 is about the outer limit on this blade for my beard. I had several spots that needed touch-up today after the shave and that hasn't been the case on the other Astra shaves.

For tomorrow, I'm going to give the Gillette Yellows another shot. If they perform for me this time like they did last time, the remainder will either be PIF-fodder or will go directly to the blade exchange.
Killjoy! :p

Actually, I know your advice is absolutely spot on, and is in all likelihood the best way to go about learning this new hobby/skill. I also know with 100% certainty that there is no way I'll be following said advice. One of my many bad habits developed over a lifetime is taking good advice and then running the other way. Plus, I've got a bit of an attention issue [Squirrel!] that would preclude me being faithful to one soap/razor/lather style, etc for any length of time.

So, that being said, today I face lathered VDH, used a Personna and followed up with Old Spice. I'll keep the Personna tomorrow (and also the DE89, cause its the only one I've got right now), everything else is subject to the whims of the morning.

I agree. While the advice is sound, it's not one I'm willing to follow. There's enough in life where I need to follow rules and protocol. I don't want shaving to be one of them; shaving is relaxing and enjoyable - quite the opposite of scientific protocol.
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