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-Best blade for Thick/Heavy beard and sensitive skin-

i need some recommendation to the best blades for thick/heavy beard and sensitive skin
Thank you very much :)
I don't think you'll go wrong with Gillette Silver Blue or Gillette 7 O'clock Stainless (green - from Russia.) They're both very sharp and very smooth.
I don't think you'll go wrong with Gillette Silver Blue or Gillette 7 O'clock Stainless (green - from Russia.) They're both very sharp and very smooth.
i tried the Gillette Silver Blue and i dont like it...
I was thinking on Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless Green(Russia) and Perma-Sharp Super they are both very smooth and sharp...
Who is more sharper between the two ?
Who has better longevity between the two ?

Thank you very much..
I like the tried and true Feather DEs, the Gillette 7o'clock yellow the best. Some of my beard is pretty coarse, around the chin/neck. My skin is sensitive to the point where more than two passes with a touch up on the neck leads to irritation. That is with any blade, or any type or razor, straight, DE, or SE.
With things being YMMV, I'd recommend getting a sampler of different blades from either tryablade.com or Razor Blades Club (the latter if you are in Europe) and go for some popular choices e.g. Russian Gillettes, and some lesser known ones e.g. Lords, Indian Gillettes, Treet.
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