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B&B Monthly Photo Contest--August--Vote


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wow, they are all nice. but i'm a sucker for B&B music pics, so my vote goes to: Edcculus Drum Kit
I wish I'd seen this a few days ago. I would have entered. Ah, well. Since I didn't, I'll at least cast a vote. It was a tough choice, but I'm going to go for Lamb Root's Blackbird on a wire.
We have a tie between Lamb's Root and Snargle.
24 Hour Tie-breaker vote
Cast your vote, Lamb's Root or Snargle.
Good luck gentlemen.
kenno. but to break the tie, i will say lambs root. lambs root's photo has a bird in it as well. did you know that?
I'm calling it.
This month's winner, with a stunning image, is Ivan!

PM Jason your vitals for your mug. Well earned.

You get to pick October's theme.
Thanks for sharing some wonderful work here Gentlemen. Congratulations to Ivan on that stunning image.
There were a number of very good photos in here. I hope everyone continues submitting their work in future contests.

Congratulations, Ivan, on your win! Nice job. :thumbup:
this is a pretty cool thread and idea. i vote to continue on same thread every month but,,, photo should be taken that same month. or is that going too far?
Congratulations, Ivan. The real winners here, though, are the B&B members that have access to such wonderful works of art. Gentlemen, you all did very well!
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