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Applying Aftershaves

I apply balms with the fingertips and the splash with the palms massaging in the balm all over but with the splash it more of a pat it on my face and call it good.
For A/S splash, #3 on a damp or slightly wet face. Seems to get a more even distribution of the A/S.

For A/S balms & milks, I believe it's #4, as I pour a little into the palm of one hand, and dip the fingertips from the other hand in and massage it in with the fingertips, again going for a more even distribution.

I started to put #1 for A/S balms & milks, but I read #1 as pouring it into one hand and applying it with that same hand.

I must say, I first thought this question posted was slightly mundane, but I was certainly wrong as this turns out to be a very interesting thread! Nice post National Razor!

I'm a #3 for both balms and splashes.

I apply to damp, but basically dry skin. With splashes I apply a liberal amount, and I slap it on then rub it in on my neck and cheeks. If my hands are still moist with splash I even will make a run around my nose and forehead. Sort of like it's an astringent.

Same goes for balms, which I only use when I have dry skin (winter/spring). I always apply the balm to my forehead, too, because I use it as a light moisturizer.

I usually leave my face and hands damp/slightly wet but no droplets or running water.

If there isn't much burn I rub it in, if it burns I do the barbershop pat to 'slap away the burn' (hey, it works)
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