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Any Runners in the House?

I pulled the trigger on a garmin watch earlier this week as a motivator; now I'm committed. I got on the bicycle last night for the first time in months I've come to the realization that getting back into shape is gonna hurt... It sure isnt gonna be as easy as it was in my 20's. Looking forward to it thought.
I pulled the trigger on a garmin watch earlier this week as a motivator; now I'm committed. I got on the bicycle last night for the first time in months I've come to the realization that getting back into shape is gonna hurt... It sure isnt gonna be as easy as it was in my 20's. Looking forward to it thought.

Which Garmin model did you get?
Which Garmin model did you get?

I got a refurbished (looks unused to my eye) forerunner 210 with the premium HR strap for $75 on the bay. I do like the newer watches much better, but I needed a HR strap for the bike anyway. The strap is ~$50, so the 210 watch was effectively 25 bucks. You can't even buy a basic timex watch for that, so its a deal I couldn't pass up!
Been running regularly and starting to incorporate strides back into my workouts. My foot is probably at 90%, which I'm really grateful for to start feeling like myself again. Running fast was always what I struggled with the past few weeks, I've been able to get down to 5 minute mile pace the past week, pain free. Now I only hold it for 30 seconds, any more and there would be pain! :lol:
Been running regularly and starting to incorporate strides back into my workouts. My foot is probably at 90%, which I'm really grateful for to start feeling like myself again. Running fast was always what I struggled with the past few weeks, I've been able to get down to 5 minute mile pace the past week, pain free. Now I only hold it for 30 seconds, any more and there would be pain! :lol:

That's great that you're able to run pain free, Tim. I urge you to take care with incorporating speed work though... If you can run pain free, that's great and you can maintain fitness that way. There's always time to work on your speed later when you're back to 100%. I realize you're just doing strides at this point, but it's a slippery slope. When strides are OK, it's really easy to take big steps into workouts that could land you back on square one. Just take it slow and increase intensity incrementally. Workout pain is one thing, but if you feel injury pain, you need to back off. Take baby steps here... pun intended. :)

Also, I'm curious about your Pre avatar... whats the story?
Been running regularly and starting to incorporate strides back into my workouts. My foot is probably at 90%, which I'm really grateful for to start feeling like myself again. Running fast was always what I struggled with the past few weeks, I've been able to get down to 5 minute mile pace the past week, pain free. Now I only hold it for 30 seconds, any more and there would be pain! :lol:

Tim and Stephen - glad to see you're both on the road to recovery!
I got a refurbished (looks unused to my eye) forerunner 210 with the premium HR strap for $75 on the bay. I do like the newer watches much better, but I needed a HR strap for the bike anyway. The strap is ~$50, so the 210 watch was effectively 25 bucks. You can't even buy a basic timex watch for that, so its a deal I couldn't pass up!

I have some friends who have the 210 and they've been satisfied. Sounds like you got a great deal.

That's great that you're able to run pain free, Tim. I urge you to take care with incorporating speed work though... If you can run pain free, that's great and you can maintain fitness that way. There's always time to work on your speed later when you're back to 100%. I realize you're just doing strides at this point, but it's a slippery slope. When strides are OK, it's really easy to take big steps into workouts that could land you back on square one. Just take it slow and increase intensity incrementally. Workout pain is one thing, but if you feel injury pain, you need to back off. Take baby steps here... pun intended. :)

+1! This is solid advice. Glad you are running again; I know it's been a frustrating stretch for you.

Tim and Stephen - glad to see you're both on the road to recovery!

Thanks, Josh!
Wow, this is one of the lengthier threads on the forum :)

Without reading through everything, I'll just introduce myself as a former runner. I was a middle distance guy in high school and college; predominantly half mile and mile races and relays. After college, I managed a run specialty retail shop for several years. In that time I was pretty competitive in the local rinky dink race circuit. I also did some post collegiate track racing, which is really what I enjoyed most. The post collegiate scene, for the most part boils down to old(er) guys jumping into open races at college meets. After I left the running store, I basically shut down after a decade or so of competetive racing. I started cycling and haven't looked back... but that's another thread.

Late last summer I started running again, which lasted for a few months - just long enough to have a taste of run fitness. Regretfully, I let myself go again over the winter. Now that spring is here, I'm thinking about starting back up again but I drag my feet because I know how painful those first few weeks are...

Welcome to the board and glad to hear you're thinking of getting into it again! Keep at it and post your results!
Welcome to the board and glad to hear you're thinking of getting into it again! Keep at it and post your results!

Welp, first run back is in the books. I went for a short trot from the office around lunch time yesterday. I'm keeping it short and slow for a while to acclimate my legs again. This morning I feel like I need to go for a short run to shake the crap out of my legs, but I know that at this point it's only going to exacerbate the issue!
Welp, first run back is in the books. I went for a short trot from the office around lunch time yesterday. I'm keeping it short and slow for a while to acclimate my legs again. This morning I feel like I need to go for a short run to shake the crap out of my legs, but I know that at this point it's only going to exacerbate the issue!
Good stuff! Don't discount recovery or shake out runs; they can be great for reducing soreness. Just don't overdo it.

Had one of those runs tonight when you just feel fantastic. You just cruise along and feel like you could go forever. I love when that happens.
My second run was Tuesday with my wife. I pushed our daughter in the BOB stroller and it kicked my ***. Yesterday was my third short run of the week and this morning, my legs are really quite sore. One week down, a few more to go... I'm looking forward to walking pain (soreness) free again as well as being able to run a reasonable pace without laboring.
10 miler today. Aside from the diminished endurance. I felt great. Knock on wood.

Very nice! Glad you are healing up.

My second run was Tuesday with my wife. I pushed our daughter in the BOB stroller and it kicked my ***. Yesterday was my third short run of the week and this morning, my legs are really quite sore. One week down, a few more to go... I'm looking forward to walking pain (soreness) free again as well as being able to run a reasonable pace without laboring.

Pushing the stroller is a great workout (so I hear). I'd ease into that. If you are having a lot of soreness the next morning try doing some light yoga/stretching after your run. Also, make sure you stay hydrated.

On Thursday I did 4.74 miles at a 6:45 pace. I was working hard but not so hard that it was painful. I swam yesterday and had plans to get up early and run this morning...that didn't happen. Maybe tonight but more likely tomorrow.
Very nice! Glad you are healing up.

Pushing the stroller is a great workout (so I hear). I'd ease into that. If you are having a lot of soreness the next morning try doing some light yoga/stretching after your run. Also, make sure you stay hydrated.

I appreciate the advice. I've done a bit of running with strollers in the past and it is tough. Not so much from the added weight/resistance as it is because your arms are restricted. My problem with "comebacks" is that I tend to judge myself based upon my past when I was running a lot.
I'll get there :)
Though I've never been a runner (but have been really getting in to fitness walking in the last 2 months) I ran my first 5k Saturday! I wasn't a timed race..more of a fun run/walk event. I was lured in because it started and ended at a local brewery and instead of a t-shirt, you got a pint of beer and a souvenir mug. Apparently that was the motivation I needed.

I had planned on walking it but my brother-in-law convinced me to run it with him. He taught me how to have the endurance to do so. I kept running out ahead of him and he kept pulling me back, telling me I needed to take it slower. In the beginning I had a really hard time running so slow, so I finally slipped in behind him to force myself to let him set the pace.

I'll be danged if we didn't run the whole thing (except for 2 or 3 stops for traffic lights...it was an open course). My final time was about 36 minutes, so 11.5 minute miles. Not blazing fast of course, but I'm fairly proud of that.

I took a break yesterday but might try running again tonight. I won't say I'm hooked, but I am planning on getting some proper running shoes this week or next and giving it shot.
Though I've never been a runner (but have been really getting in to fitness walking in the last 2 months) I ran my first 5k Saturday! I wasn't a timed race..more of a fun run/walk event. I was lured in because it started and ended at a local brewery and instead of a t-shirt, you got a pint of beer and a souvenir mug. Apparently that was the motivation I needed.

I had planned on walking it but my brother-in-law convinced me to run it with him. He taught me how to have the endurance to do so. I kept running out ahead of him and he kept pulling me back, telling me I needed to take it slower. In the beginning I had a really hard time running so slow, so I finally slipped in behind him to force myself to let him set the pace.

I'll be danged if we didn't run the whole thing (except for 2 or 3 stops for traffic lights...it was an open course). My final time was about 36 minutes, so 11.5 minute miles. Not blazing fast of course, but I'm fairly proud of that.

I took a break yesterday but might try running again tonight. I won't say I'm hooked, but I am planning on getting some proper running shoes this week or next and giving it shot.

Congratulations! But I'm warning you, once you find a good pair of runnings shoes, its a slippery slope! I remember running my first 5K eight years ago and thinking how I'd never get through it. And now I'm running through snow and slush and sometimes in the dark during winter!
I was lured in because it started and ended at a local brewery and instead of a t-shirt, you got a pint of beer and a souvenir mug. Apparently that was the motivation I needed.
Thats the best kind of motivation, right there. I love events that are supported by local breweries because they always have good beer afterwards.
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