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Any opinions on a stubble beard?


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I think a scruffy stubble beard makes you look like a bum. Conversely, one that is neatly shaped and trimmed, with super clean edges etc. makes you look like some sort of metrosexual narcissist, which is even worse in my book. Truth be told I don't give a damn what anyone else does, but I can still have and express an opinion on it when asked, and that is mine 👍
I used the stubble look for years, you have to do the lower and upper lines, for me it was a Miami Vice look , but the truth was I would get a lot of irritation, so that worked well (norelco groomer needed). I went years, many years with NO blade touching my face, then I grew a Hughe beard for a few years until the pandemic ruined everything and now I shave the face.
I believe the feelings on a stubble beard are pretty evenly split, but in an effort to find something that nearly everyone (men, women, small children and well-fed domesticated animals) can rally behind is a general dislike (kempt or unkempt) of neck beards (unless it's for religious sons). I think the small percentage of people that can pull off a neck beard is so infinitesimally small as to not cause a ripple in a puddle; in general, not a good look (see Andrew Luck).
My two sons both sport beards. One has a full well trimmed beard that looks fine. The other has a stubble beard, that frankly makes him look like he's been on a 3 or 4 day drunk. To me the height of tacky, would be a man in a three piece suit and tie with a stubble beard.
But please keep in mind, that this is just a rant from an antiguated old guy that is at least a couple generations back from the 'In Crowd'. :rolleyes:
I agree with you 100%. It makes you look like a bum even if you are in a suit.
You are either groomed, or you aren't. (The "Miami Vice" look didn't last as long as the television series)! The "stubble beard" makes you look as if you've been "dragged through a knothole backward". Yeeech!

Not for me, thanks.
I had a boss who had a stubble beard, I'm not sure if he did so because he was saving time, had bad shaving experiences, or was trying to rock the stubble look. What I do know is he was successful at what he did. I doubt the stubble kept him from exceling.

That said, I personally dislike the stubble beard*. I adhere to the clean-shaven look, personally (though, I've been known to skip some shaves out of sheer laziness). Back in my younger days, being clean shaven helped to accentuate my jawline. Unfortunately, my jawline is now hidden behind multiple chins! 😆

I will also note that as someone who had some fun in his 20s and 30s, the ladies much preferred it when I was clean shaven. When I was stubbly, it caused some irritation when we enjoyed recreational activities in the boudoir. 😉

*For that matter, except for gloriously huge beards, I dislike beards. I like to say that beards are for hiding weak jawlines. Of course, I may be speaking from a place of sour grapes! 😁
Looks great if you’re out riding trails or on a hunting trip for a week. My wife likes the roughneck stubble look, but I am usually either clean shaven or a full beard. To each his own; kinda like hair cuts or the lack of hair.
Stubble beard was made popular by celebrities such as George Michael and Don Johnson. But if you check their pictures, they always had their beard immaculately and obsessively trimmed, which is not the way most people with 'stubble beard' have it. In fact, the style was dubbed "designer stubble" and it requires rigorous maintenance.
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