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Anyone Spray or rinse Razor in isopropyl alcohol?

After each shave I rinse my razor and then spray it down with isopropyl alcohol. My logic is that it will quickly evaporate the water from the razor and the blade edges, hopefully helping to maintain the razor and blade. Does this make any sense? Anyone else do similar routine?
Sometimes I'll wipe the blade of a straight razor with mineral oil after use and will wipe it with alcohol before stropping the next time I use it.

I clean all new (to me) razors that way whether DE or Straight.
After each shave I rinse my razor and then spray it down with isopropyl alcohol. My logic is that it will quickly evaporate the water from the razor and the blade edges, hopefully helping to maintain the razor and blade. Does this make any sense? Anyone else do similar routine?

I do this exactly for both straights and DE razors, and have been doing it for years. As I am sure you have found, it really dries the razor more quickly and also prevents soap scum buildup. Right now I use the 70%, but have considered that the 90 may be even better suited to my needs - which do you use?


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Does this make any sense?
Nope, way too much work for me.

Anyone else do similar routine?

Nope, once a month or maybe longer, if I am bored I'll use some soap and a toothbrush and clean them and perhaps a dip in Barbicide. But the Barbicide jar is usually reserved for incoming used razors.
My normal routine is loosen the razor head, rinse under hot water, shake dry and place in holder for next day.
Yes, I have the alcohol in one of those travel spray bottles dollar stores sell in bunches of 3.
I rinse my DE or straight under hot water, give it a shake and then spray with alcohol, it evaporates in a few seconds leaving it clean and dry. For the straight I finish with a few laps of a felt strop.
This all happens while the witch hazel on my face dries before using ASB.
Yes, I have the alcohol in one of those travel spray bottles dollar stores sell in bunches of 3.
I rinse my DE or straight under hot water, give it a shake and then spray with alcohol, it evaporates in a few seconds leaving it clean and dry. For the straight I finish with a few laps of a felt strop.
This all happens while the witch hazel on my face dries before using ASB.

+1 - my routine exactly! - except for the straight razor so far :biggrin1:. I use the 90% and have seen no ill effects. I used to leave the blade in when I sprayed, but now I actually take it out, spray the razor and the blade, shake the razor and reinstall the blade. Probably way overkill and as Bruce points out above - too much work, but It's my routine now so I'm used to it.
The spray bottle is a good idea. I have them now for aftershave to reduce the amount that comes out but hadn't thought to use them for alcohol. I have a small bottle with alcohol in it but I think I'll get another small spray bottle (or two).
i wipe it down with alcohol only after changing the blade each time. every 4-5days. lubricate the screw mechanism with grease every month.
+1 on what brucered does--which is not much. Despite not doing much and despite the coarse beard on my chin and upper lip, my EJ89l routinely gives me 7 very nice shaves from my Gillette Yellows, Perma-sharp Supers, and even Feathers (thanks to the excellent prep I learned from the B&B community).
New razors (even if brand new) - I will dip in Barbicide or wipe with alcohol. Otherwise, I just wipe them off. I will wipe straights with oil after they have dried if I'm not going to use them immediately.

The 'dip 'em in mineral oil' trick is used by many to prolong cartridge life but it doesn't really apply to a blade that will only be used two or three times (IMHO).

Having said all that, if it floats your boat, I would say it certainly can't harm anything. However, if you are using a straight, be sure the alcohol won't affect the scales. I inadvertently wiped down a straight that had a heavy wax on the scales and the alcohol destroyed the finish - which, of course, was easily refurbished.
If I remember I give my de a quick dip in barbicide, but I forget most of the time, and it seems somewhat pointless to me.
When I pop out the blade, I dissemble the DE. At that point I run the parts under hot water and rinse with a couple of drops of anti bacterial handwash. Then I shake dry, reassemble and put the DE back in its stand. Whole routine takes less than 45 seconds.
The only time I mess with alcohol is when I'm using a carbon blade but that's only to prevent rust. I drop it from the razor onto a paper towel or tissue, blot it off, then put it into a film canister with rubbing alcohol in it to soak until the next shave. When using stainless, I just leave it in the razor and let the whole lot dry.
I take an extra moment to clean, rinse and dry the razor and blade. I see absolutely no benefit to using any antibacterials or other exotic cleaning or drying agents. No 'hols' or 'cides'.
I do this exactly for both straights and DE razors, and have been doing it for years. As I am sure you have found, it really dries the razor more quickly and also prevents soap scum buildup. Right now I use the 70%, but have considered that the 90 may be even better suited to my needs - which do you use?

I am using 70%, but i purchased 90% and will be using that going forward.
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