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Storage wars.... soap edition

Those look classy, and great. I am a firm believer, that the wooden bowls are basically useless, and way too costly. I too would rather have two pucks, rather than a puck with a (useless) fancy bowl.

I agree that the wooden bowls are a lot more bling than bang (for the buck)! I have a couple of wooden bowls and am seriously considering getting rid of them. All my other soaps are either in the manufacturer's screw-top container or in these great little glass bowls. I like the tight seal on the glass bowls that keeps all that wonderful fragrance inside where it belongs!
One thing to consider. I just received a sample of Mystic Water's Lily of the Valley soap (Love it!). It's soft, pliable soap. I had all my glass, 1cup bowls occupied so I put it in a wood bowl that came with my TOBS Sandalwood. Now my Mystic Water's soap smells like a mix of the two scents, which to my nose, is not all together a bad thing, but for testing a new soap, I'd prefer the scent come from just the sample.
Noob question. What do you guys do with pucks that come with the round bottoms? Do you store them upside down? Melt them down? Grate them then mash them down? Or do you take out the puck and load the brush with the puck in your hand then put it back in the bowl when you're done?
Don't know about anyone else,, but I just slice off the bottom so it fits the container slice it up and pack the rest around the top or fill in spaces. The soap warms up to your hands a bit and you just sort of mush it into place. Once you add water a couple of times and swirl a brush around in it , it all sort of blends together into one mass of soap. It all works. Some didn't fit well at all but no big deal. It's only soap and chops up and wedges into spaces quite easily.
Some I grated with a cheese grater and pressed into place and some come very close to fitting, like Cade. For that one I got the edges wet and pressed hard into the bowl.
For me, the best solution is the plastic Ziploc bowl. I don't have to worry about dropping and breaking glass, they are light, they stack securely for a door shelf, if I happen to sell a soap it would not bother me to sell with the bowl, they're cheap + you can get coupons in the Sunday paper, and if you want to, they will float in a sink of hot water while you shower to warm up the soap along with the brush :001_smile
You know I have a few in wooden bowls, and I like the look, but you've got me thinking...I like the glass bowl idea, and at 1/2 price to a wooden bowl...

Thanks so much for a great find!
O..........M...............G!!!!!!!! container store!!! Why havent I discovered this sooner? My container disorder will be out of control!!!!! I love containers!!!! In fact I have more containers than stuff to put in them... Sorry for the hijack... If you need me, I will be over there buying more containers I don't need off that site.....
I need to go to TJ Maxx. I bought my Pyrex bowls with the red lid at walmart 4 for $10. I need to get some blue ones and for $8 why not. These glass containers are great.


Sometimes I get used to the crazy pricing here in Australia, some things are cheaper and some are dearer.

My local stores all have the two cup Pyrex or Anchor-Hocking bowls, none have the one cup size that keep getting mentioned here.

I admit that I don't get to go to shopping centres much as I am usually too busy working but as I am on a break and had to get the car serviced this morning I dropped into the major shopping centre nearby which has a Target, K-Mart, Myer, David Jones, Harris-Scarfe plus a number of other smaller bed/bath decorator type stores. None had anything even remotely suitable under AU$25 for a reasonably sized container with a lid for decanting some Cella into as I find the small red tub too small.

The big surprise was that I finally found one of these set of four Anchor-Hocking containers at one of the stores for the sum of AU$39.95. That is ridiculous, I could buy a set in the US and have it posted to Australia for less so I didn't bother.

End of rant. :)
thats an excellent value buy right there, opened my eyes to TJ MAXX being more than a place to find reject shirts with bad sewing
Sometimes I get used to the crazy pricing here in Australia, some things are cheaper and some are dearer.

My local stores all have the two cup Pyrex or Anchor-Hocking bowls, none have the one cup size that keep getting mentioned here.

I admit that I don't get to go to shopping centres much as I am usually too busy working but as I am on a break and had to get the car serviced this morning I dropped into the major shopping centre nearby which has a Target, K-Mart, Myer, David Jones, Harris-Scarfe plus a number of other smaller bed/bath decorator type stores. None had anything even remotely suitable under AU$25 for a reasonably sized container with a lid for decanting some Cella into as I find the small red tub too small.

The big surprise was that I finally found one of these set of four Anchor-Hocking containers at one of the stores for the sum of AU$39.95. That is ridiculous, I could buy a set in the US and have it posted to Australia for less so I didn't bother.

End of rant. :)

How about the price of beer in Australia? In college, I was forced to spend my 4 months in Australia drinking boxed wine...beer is OUTRAGEOUS!
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