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Williams Shaving Soap

The thing about Williams is that it's REALLY slick, which I like. But it often leaves a thin, bubbly mess on my face, rather than a decent lather. Sometimes I use Williams as a pre-shave, and then put a decent cream on top of it. Sometimes I don't use a decent cream, but just some cheap old Barbasol; I've had surprisingly good results with this combination.

But used alone, Williams is too much work, IMHO. I'd rather pay a buck more for VDH Deluxe.
I just bought some Williams Mug soap. I'm not very pleased, so far, with the lather that I get with it. Has anyone else had experience with it?

Here's some reading that you might be interested in, and there's plenty more if you don't find any help in these.

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The wife's investment
The thing about Williams is that it's REALLY slick, which I like. But it often leaves a thin, bubbly mess on my face, rather than a decent lather. Sometimes I use Williams as a pre-shave, and then put a decent cream on top of it. Sometimes I don't use a decent cream, but just some cheap old Barbasol; I've had surprisingly good results with this combination.

But used alone, Williams is too much work, IMHO. I'd rather pay a buck more for VDH Deluxe.

It does make a good base for super lather and can be used to get rid of any creams that didn't work out very well. However, I feel it's like going to a coffee house and asking them to through a scoop of Folgers (except it's not as good as Folgers) into your espresso.
I actually like modern Williams a lot though getting it right might be a tad more work than with the average soap. It is a far cry from vintage Williams but then again, that is true for most modern shaving soaps. Still, modern Williams is a rising star in my den and the more I use it, the more I like it; most soaps in my collection seem to go the other way. I am glad to have a small stash waiting....
Reading this thread yesterday inspired me. I used Williams this morning and had a great shave.

Me too. Taking up Disburden's challenge, I resolved to use Williams straight, with no pre-shave or other additions. Let the soap sit in cold water for a couple of minutes in the mug while I washed my face. Poured off the water, lathered up with a wet brush. Nice thick lather. Three pass shave with a new blade, and no weepers or irritation. Had to finish off with Aqua Velva, since it was a Williams day. Nice to know that a dollar soap can deliver, at least for me.


The wife's investment
Me too. Taking up Disburden's challenge, I resolved to use Williams straight, with no pre-shave or other additions. Let the soap sit in cold water for a couple of minutes in the mug while I washed my face. Poured off the water, lathered up with a wet brush. Nice thick lather. Three pass shave with a new blade, and no weepers or irritation. Had to finish off with Aqua Velva, since it was a Williams day. Nice to know that a dollar soap can deliver, at least for me.

  • a machine made cigar can be smoked.
  • Folgers can be used to make a drinkable cup of coffee.
  • Drugstore tobacco can fill your pipe.
  • a plastic spoon can deliver soup from a polystyrene bowl to your mouth.

I have tried every suggestion over the years with Williams and I can make great billowing clouds of lather with it. However, it always leaves me feeling like I wasted a shave when I have so many other luxurious lathering products.

Yes it works and is priced pretty accurately at 99 cents. It just doesn't rock my world (except for the fun I have in Williams threads :biggrin1:).
If you want i can show a picture of my new williams on the brush...my water is so hard i have to contsantly throw out coffee pots due to calcium build up.
Yes, I am resurrecting this thread...it is the only soap I can't get to lather properly. I always get bubbles and I end up switching either to Cade, VDH, or just using cream. I tried so hard to like it... :(
Fill mug with water and Puck.
Soak brush in mug too

Get out and dump out water
Lightly shake the brush do not let all the water come out
mix on puck in mug until prelather thickens in mug
You should press in the puck too at times with brush
Keep working the puck until brush is loaded

I use vie long horse hair brush or boar for williams.
I get some of my best shaves with Williams. I really believe most don't give it a fair shake. It takes some work to get the lather right, but when you do it is a great shave.

1. I soak the puck in my jar while I shower.
2. Squeeze almost all the water out of my brush so it is not much more than damp.
3. Start loading for 15 seconds or so
4. Dip the tips of the brush in water
5. load 15 seconds
6. dip tips
7. load 15 seconds
8. Face lather adding water as needed.
(If you want more lather increase load time to 20 seconds or add another 15 second load).

There are other methods to get a good lather with Williams, but this is the one that works best for me, and the haters that I have converted. Which is 12 by the way, and yes I am counting.:001_cool:
I've been using Williams for years. Recently, I've been on a kick where it's all I have been using again. Disburden and redheaded shaver have some good tips. The only thing I would add, if your doing it right, it's messy, just keep loading. The vintage stuff is better and easier on my skin but I can get by with a decent ASB and the modern Williams. I'm a 100% straight razor user and this soap is slick and I do get excellent shaves with it. C&S it's not, but I enjoy the nostalgia of using it.
Yes, I am resurrecting this thread...it is the only soap I can't get to lather properly. I always get bubbles and I end up switching either to Cade, VDH, or just using cream. I tried so hard to like it... :(

I've actually been very please with VDH. It's my daily goto for now.


Needs milk and a bidet!
i just used it. bought two pucks for .79 each. i'm not impressed. or should i say AT FIRST i was impressed, i got a great lather, thick, creamy, applied it to my face, but once i got half of my face shaved the other half had become thin and almost dry. for the second pass i loaded the brush again, this time easing up on the water since the first lather thinned out on my face... i got the same results...a super lather that went on my face great, but quickly became thin, i had to load and reapply in various spots.

as far as cheap soap goes in Williams case you get what you pay for i guess, it does the job but not well. VDH is a lot better IMO.
If the phrase "It takes some work" appears anywhere in any statement regarding the performance of any product, there is an issue.
Well, I'm fortunate to have very soft water and think that is the reason I can get a great lather out of modern Williams. I don't soak the puck or go after it with a soaking brush. I just go to the puck with a damp brush for about 20 seconds or so, dipping the brush in water if needed. I then proceed to face lather with great results. A nice creamy, long lasting lather results and I get a fine shave. Not sure why it works so easily and well for me but I like it.
Well, I'm fortunate to have very soft water and think that is the reason I can get a great lather out of modern Williams. I don't soak the puck or go after it with a soaking brush. I just go to the puck with a damp brush for about 20 seconds or so, dipping the brush in water if needed. I then proceed to face lather with great results. A nice creamy, long lasting lather results and I get a fine shave. Not sure why it works so easily and well for me but I like it.

That is precisely what I do, with the same good results. We don't have very soft water here, nor very hard but I have the feeling that all that soaking of soaps (not just with Williams) and brushes does more bad than good. I tried it a couple of times but I found the results, well, messy. Dry puck and damp brush with occasional dipping if needed works with all my soaps, always!
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