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Who won the Rooney 1/1 Finest?

Let me know how it compares to D01 and the like. I tried the super 3/1 and found that I missed the density of the big boys, but I wouldn't want the loft increase that Rooney med and larges get, so I'm hoping the Finest are much more dense, if not I'll just check Rooney off as a maker who's brushes I don't need to own. (Other than the Heritage I'm negotiating a trade for at the moment... shhh)

I'll let you know, though my D01 2-band flat top is my favorite brush by far and it will be hard to best. I don't think my Rooney 3/1 is for me either and am hoping the finest will displace it.

I spent all afternoon before the auction ended reading every thread on this site about the Rooney Finest's. Basically most of them said it is unlike any hair in any brush - just couldn't resist.

Though I will say that the Shavemac D01 2-band is unlike any hair I've encountered as well. The tips are almost silky like in feeling. I really want to get a D01 3-band extreme flat top to compare, but I think this recent purchase will hold me over from any new brush purchases in the near future.
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