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Where to buy Canada shaving soap (US)


I shaved a fortune
I picked up a tub of Canada back in early March. I have it up for tomorrow's shave and I did a test palm lather a little while ago. 10 swirls of my Rudy Vey brush gave me enough lather for a six pass shave. Super slick, dense lather. I'm amazed that off the tub this soap is truly unscented. The lather had a very, very faint scent. If I wasn't looking for a scent, I think for all intents and purposes, it's scentless.

I'm going to pair this with Grooming Dept's unscented pre-shave and unscented Rejuvenating Serum for a truly scent-free shave.
I used Canada Shaving Soap for only the second time today. I really, really like it. I have a few new soaps/creams so that's why I haven't used it more, but it's among the very top of the ones I own. Fortunately, I don't have any duds yet and I don't think I will since all of them were recommended by seasoned shavers here.
Woo the Canada Shave Soap army grows!

Would love your thoughts in the thread I got going over here



three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Great soap, but I only buy it on Amazon - when it's in stock. It's worth the wait for me as the price is so much cheaper. Fortunately I usually have one on the shelf, so I never have a soap buying emergency.
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