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What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

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G'day all!
Long black and a slice of fruitcake made by a family friend. Cool change today so I'm enjoying the cool breeze through the window.


Not made for these times.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Mad Priest Sloth Dispelling.
French press.

It's 8° in Music City right now. Our cold weather advisory is in full affect. Not enough sleep again. Maybe 5 hours. Another Red-bellied woodpecker showed up in the cedar tree yesterday. Everything seems to be enjoying the unsalted peanuts and cashews. Just relaxing at home today and getting some guitars down at the studio this evening. I'll probably grab a pizza from Sal's for dinner. 🍕

Looking forward to my shave later. I may break out the Mühle R41 head paired with my Timeless Ti Crown handle.

Have a peaceful Wednesday, crew. ☕
It’s another day in my world and my mental health had some trouble last night. Schizophrenia along with some other symptoms i have made it a not so great night. Lots of trouble with my brain but I’ll survive so blessings to you all. Remember gentlemen can’t be explained without the gentle aspect of it. I am drinking coffee now. You all have a wonderful day 🕊️🌈🤩🍦🏀🐔
Stumptown Hair Bender in the Aeropress this morning.

It's 8° in Music City right now. Our cold weather advisory is in full affect.
5° here.
The Texas grid stayed up with good reserve capacity.
Hopefully we will have the same fortune. Yesterday TVA stopped short of a warning, but did ask people to use less electricity this morning to ease the expected strain on the grid.
Got a shave in and I’m feeling much better. The invega hafyera injection i receive twice a year does wonders. I highly recommend it or something similar if you or someone you know suffers from these type of psychosis symptoms. My coffee this morning was Cultivar Elevation beans brewed by the Moccamaster and drank black. God is good and i’ll be the first to say that life ain’t easy but it’s one heck of a beautiful journey! Peace 🕊️🌈🤩🏀🍕🐶
GM most magnificent and blessed coffee crew.

I got off to a cold, cold, cold for this area slow start this morning.

One cheeze omelette topped with ketchup and Cholula Original. 2 slices of toast topped with a thin layer of butter and grape jelly.

Washed it down with French Market coffee chicory made with an Aeropress. No additives needed.

I think the Cajuns were onto something when they added chicory to their coffee.

A male Cardinal is on my deck right now eating some unsalted cashews that I crushed up. These kinds of things always bring joy to my heart.

The Major remembers that, when he + his ex lived in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia*, we had a mated pair of cardinals living in our back yard. He feels quite certain that this was the same pair, since cardinals are known to both mate for life + be quite territorial. Of course, the Major named said pair, the male Stan after the greatest Cardinal of them all, Stan Musial, + the female Laura after his great uncle Stan's wife.


* Mount Airy, Philadelphia - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Airy,_Philadelphia

Mount Airy is nationally recognized as being a model for an integrated community. Indeed, that was a major reason that the Major + his ex moved out there in the first place: so that our children could grow up w/kids who didn't all look like them. As a side benefit, the area both offered suburban-style benefits as back yards + a genuine forest (Carpenter's Woods - Wissahickon Valley Park — Old-Growth Forest Network - https://www.oldgrowthforest.net/pa-carpenters-woods-wissahickon-valley-park), along w/more urban amenities as being able to - horrors! - walk places and take reliable rail and bus transit into Center City. When the Major worked at the University of Pennsylvania, he was able to get door-to-door in less than 45 minutes w/o even owning a car (Chestnut Hill West Line - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chestnut_Hill_West_Line).

The Major misses that neighborhood- but not the ex-wife!!!
GM, all.

When the Major awoke, it was 0F (18C) outside, w/o factoring wind chill. That's cold enough that even he would bundle up a bit.

At the very least, it inspired him to brew a cup of coffee that specifically reminded him of warmer climes. Yes, he knows, coffee only grows in warm areas. But, some remind him of this more than do others. And one that does an especially good job of it is Bones Coffee's Jamaican Me Crazy. Ya, mon. This morning, he enjoyed a cup w/a teaspoon of sugar, rather than straight black. In this case, the touch of sweetness did an especially good job enhancing the caramel + coffee liquor aspects of the roast.

It also got him thinking... the next time he finishes a bag o'beans, he needs to replace it w/one that similarly reminds him of warm weather, etc. He's thinking of Hawaiian coffee this time. Not necessarily Kona - that stuff is really good, but also really expensive. Maybe one like Kawai Coffee. Does anyone have any personal favorite Hawaiian coffees besides Konas or Kona blends*?


* a coffee labeled as being a "Kona blend" is legally required to contain at least 10% real Kona coffee. Given the expense of real Kona, you can bet good money that almost no Kona blend contains any more than 10% of the real thing.
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