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Has anyone noticed how loud the background music has become in movies and tv shows? We have to adjust the tv volume to x level to be able to hear the conversations and then the background music becomes unbearable at times. Sometimes parts of the conversations are even missed due to background noise. Seems like we are constantly having to turn the volume up or down.
Anyone else noticed this? Maybe it's just our tv? And yes, volume leveling is set to on. (I think that is what it is called)
Has anyone noticed how loud the background music has become in movies and tv shows? We have to adjust the tv volume to x level to be able to hear the conversations and then the background music becomes unbearable at times. Sometimes parts of the conversations are even missed due to background noise. Seems like we are constantly having to turn the volume up or down.
Anyone else noticed this? Maybe it's just our tv? And yes, volume leveling is set to on. (I think that is what it is called)
My wife and I complain about this all the time. It's not a problem on every show, but a lot of them. Doctor Who is one of the worst offenders, by far. The sound on the TV in our den is routed through a Sonos Playbase, which has features called "Speech Enhancement" and "Night Mode." Speech Enhancement boosts the frequencies associated with human speech, theoretically making it easier to hear the dialog. Night Mode is kind of like on-the-fly compression; it tries to soften loud sounds and boost quiet sounds, so that you can watch at low volume levels (presumably while someone else is trying to sleep) and still hear everything. Both of these settings are helpful sometimes and not helpful other times.
I just started the third season of White Lotus. Can't seem to get into it so far, but have only fiinished the first episode. I have been a Mike White fan going way back. But I can see how he is an acquired taste for much of his work, and maybe that is what is going on for me here.


I shaved the pig
I just started the third season of White Lotus. Can't seem to get into it so far, but have only fiinished the first episode. I have been a Mike White fan going way back. But I can see how he is an acquired taste for much of his work, and maybe that is what is going on for me here.
I‘m following along and feel the tension building…slowly. Not getting the same enjoyment as the other two seasons, but still interested in where this trek is headed. Must say the jungle is making me claustrophobic and I feel a world of hurt is right around the corner.

Also watched Zero Day with Mrs. Raven…meh.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Has anyone noticed how loud the background music has become in movies and tv shows? We have to adjust the tv volume to x level to be able to hear the conversations and then the background music becomes unbearable at times. Sometimes parts of the conversations are even missed due to background noise. Seems like we are constantly having to turn the volume up or down.
Anyone else noticed this? Maybe it's just our tv? And yes, volume leveling is set to on. (I think that is what it is called)
Yes, often very annoying. Started to watch an Irish crime show, but the background is way too loud, so I stopped after only one episode.
I‘m following along and feel the tension building…slowly. Not getting the same enjoyment as the other two seasons, but still interested in where this trek is headed. Must say the jungle is making me claustrophobic and I feel a world of hurt is right around the corner.

Also watched Zero Day with Mrs. Raven…meh.
That makes sense to me. Good comments! Thanks. I am sure I will end up watching the whole thing!

Mike White can be slightly David Lynchian, as I think about it. I am guessing happy endings are not on the agenda!
Has anyone noticed how loud the background music has become in movies and tv shows? We have to adjust the tv volume to x level to be able to hear the conversations and then the background music becomes unbearable at times. Sometimes parts of the conversations are even missed due to background noise. Seems like we are constantly having to turn the volume up or down.
Anyone else noticed this? Maybe it's just our tv? And yes, volume leveling is set to on. (I think that is what it is called)
Interestingly enough - we watch a lot of NHK in the evenings and for the most part volume level is consistent across all their content.

With exception to the news which is quite a deal louder than their other programming.
Forgot to mention earlier - we are both watching the new series of Death in Paradise, episode 4 last night. Initially I was a bit unsure about the new DI but I am warming to him.
I just finished watching all 5 seasons of Hell on Wheels, and tonight I've begun watching Season 1 of 1923. I'm 3 episodes in and still feeling unsure. The Catholic beating and child abuse scenes are extremely triggering for me.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
I just finished watching all 5 seasons of Hell on Wheels, and tonight I've begun watching Season 1 of 1923. I'm 3 episodes in and still feeling unsure. The Catholic beating and child abuse scenes are extremely triggering for me.
Yeah, those scenes turned me off to 1923. Otherwise it's REALLY good.
I just finished watching all 5 seasons of Hell on Wheels, and tonight I've begun watching Season 1 of 1923. I'm 3 episodes in and still feeling unsure. The Catholic beating and child abuse scenes are extremely triggering for me.
I imagine that’s a tame depiction of how “savages” were converted.

Humans are capable of such greatness and equally so of such darkness - given stories from my grandfather and things that my father to date won’t talk about.
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