A couple of Kikuboshis today. The SK-1 needs a little more time on the stones. The edge I put on it last night wasn't quite as nice as what I did prior to cleaning it up. The 2002 was brilliant though.
Still in Beard Season until the weather in the NE makes up its mind on weather it is Spring or not. I am using the Art Razor Kamisori to edge in my cheeks and neck. Love this lil guy!
8/8 Ale Cf again. I reset the edge and finished on a translucent Arkansas yesterday and I can say, for me and my skin, a natural finish on a Jnat or Ark is more comfortable than a 12k synthetic edge. My honing technique can put an equally keen and comfortable edge with either a Jnat or an Ark. Shave soap was Cajun Blade Oud Wild, Semogue torga C5 boar brush, Clubman Whiskey Woods AS. A superb and very satisfying shave today.