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What straight did you use today? Now with PICTURES


Ask me about shaving naked!
Tanifuji BaBa, the brush was a JFiber in ebonite. Pre-shave wqs Prep, soap and AS were SMN.

Okay, so maybe test shaving 3 razors at once is a bit much, but I don’t shave every day and waiting almost 3 days between shaves is simply too much for me to bear. These old eyes want to see some lengthy whiskers in the sink.

I made sure each one participated in a few ATG strokes on my second pass, and other than a few, tiny weepers around the mouth where I have micro-scarring from a childhood moto-x accident (a full-face helmet would have been nice), all razors performed smoothly. The Don Luis menthol aftershave (price tag says $6.99, what a deal!) proved that out.

All 3 razors were finished on the SG20k. It’s my second favorite edge next to a Jnat one. So each razor will get the Jnat touch-up treatment now that I’ve got my one pitted nagura back in the line-up.

Manaslu M-55 full hollow
Scheön Burg 663 frameback
Lewis “Sheffield” full hollow


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