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What Shavette / Barber Razor Did You Use Today?


La Toja shaving stick bowl lathered on heated wax heater. Homemade 18mm fan synthetic knot brush. Single pass with Gentleman Barber shavette 1/2 DE Marisho blade. Followed by Witch Hazel used as pre electric lotion for touch up with Paul Anthony Travel Shaver, Ponds Cold Cream and cold water splash to finish. No nicks virtually BBS. Nice, lovely skin post shave texture !
Last edited:
Sunday 1/05
BADGERary Day 5
All BADGER Brushes - All Month

I've come to the conclusion I don't like the IBC Clone
The Personna Injector Blade worked just fine
I just don't like the geometry of the shavette
Finish Pass with the STAR Lather Catcher
Lather Catcher Sunday

Razor: Chinese IBC Clone Shavette
Blade: Personna Injector (1X)
Lather: Talbot Shaving GRACE Soap Mix
Brush: Made-Rite No. 82 Vintage PURE BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen/Glacial Splash Mix

Post Shave: Abbate Y La Mantia ISHTAR

Growth: 3.5 day beard
Prep: Warm shower: Stirling Sheep bar soap
Pre: None
Brush: Semogue 1470
Lather: Colgate - Shaving Mug Soap
Load Bowl: Old Spice Mug
Lather Bowl: large CaYuen shave bowl

Razor: Feather Artist Club DX kamisori razor
Blade: Kai Captain Titan ProTouch MG (D6)

Post: Stirling witch hazel, PAA Mysterium Serum

2 pass with no touch ups.


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Sunday 20250105

Razor: AliEx Wood Handle AC Folding Barber Razor
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG (10 shaves, 26 passes and retired)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Excellent 2-Pass CCS++ :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
SOTD: Sunday January 5, 2025
Razor: Kasho Woody/RazoRock Superslant L3++OC
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink (5)/Dorco Prime (4)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Tcheon Fung Sing

I'm getting comfortable with shaving whenever I get the time. Not because I want to be comfortable with it; after all, there are reasons why things should happen at particular times. I can be a bit obsessive about that...:)

But to the matter at hand. I think I'd call it a BBS, but only now that the aftercream has soaked in. I thought maybe the Woody didn't take off as much as on previous outings, but it seems a bit early to change out the blade with only five uses on it so far. The same blade in an X1 slant lasts nine or 10 shaves.

Monday 1/06 Shave
BADGERary Day 6
All BADGER Brushes - All Month

Full Three Pass with the Feather Kamisori
Very Nice Autopilot shave
No Finishing Razor Needed
Quick & Easy BBS Shave

Razor: Feather SS Kamisori
Blade: KAI ProTouch MG (2X)
Lather: TFS Granducato Toscano Mix
Brush: Olive Wood Handle PURE BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix

Post Shave: Proraso Cypress & Vetyver Balma

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