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What makes for good razor burn relief?

Most days it is witch hazel....however for a particularly bad day I will break out the unrefined shea butter
Another option: Aloe Vera gel, widely available (supermarkets, pharmacy chains, dollar stores, GNC, etc.). Or Thayer's witch hazel with aloe vera, or other Thayer's options.
Prevention has been the best cure for me. A milder razor, less pressure, shaving WTG, etc. Haven't found that balms or lotions soothe all that much. A bit of menthol or burn can be distracting though.
I do this as well. I have a small container with a re-freezable ice pack, that I add water to, and a fresh wash cloth, so by the time I get out of the shower, and done shaving, the water is ICE cold.

I saw this tip from Manic's YouTube video where he got a shave at T&H. Post shave, they immediately took a towel that had been soaking in a big tub of ice water to cool the face, and close the pores.

I won't shave again with out ice cold water. Makes a world of a difference post-shave. :)

Forgive a newbie if I'm making a taboo point on here. But, while cold water does great as part of a post-shave routine, I feel the need to point out that pores do not open and close on your skin. Hot, cold, dry, wet: your pores are always open. If anything, hot water would actually puff up your skin a bit and therefore just slightly reduce the size of the opening; cold temperatures would seize up the skin and just slightly enlarge the opening.
A healthy splash of alcohol free Thayer's Witch Hazel and a coat of Trumper's Skin Food usually helps me quite a bit
I would bet aloe Vera gel would be a great razor burn healer.

Thanks for the suggestion. Totally forgot about this. We live in the Sunshine state, and I can't believe I didn't think about this.

Picked up a tube for a $1 this evening. Curious to see if this cheap fix, helps. I bought the "cooling gel" with a little menthol.

I doubt aloe gel could make it any worse. (HOPEFULLY, not lol)
It's a journey brother. Healing and reducing redness has been in my sights for a long time.

Ahmen! And I'm not going to give up easily. I knew going into this, I wouldn't have perfect shaves each and every time. I knew there were going to be learning curve, and while I think my angle at which I shave at, is pretty good. It's focusing on applying NO pressure, and building the proper lather.

I've heard some say different components are more important then others, but for me, I find each step, and component of the shave vital, as I have quite senstive skin.

Thanks for your relpy. :)
Bump Off from Sally's is great. Also, Clubman has a good razor burn/bump product. Both have salicylic acid. Bump Off has glycolic acid and alum as well.
A really darn, good treat that I do:

Refrigerated Witch Hazel / Refrigerated AV Ice Blue / Nivea Sensitive Balm

As you can probably tell, my face really likes and responds well to a very cold post-shave process...

What do you mean by your "face really responds well to a very cold post shave"?

Do you mean it just feels good, or is your skin softer, more moisturized, etc. by having a "cold" post shave, as apposed to any other type of post shave?

I am finding out that I REALLY enjoy the cold post shave process when I can. I have refridgerated a few items to try another day. I love the ice-water bathed towels post shave, and finding I actually quite enjoy using Biegelo (Proarso green) shave cream.
Bump Off from Sally's is great. Also, Clubman has a good razor burn/bump product. Both have salicylic acid. Bump Off has glycolic acid and alum as well.

The SA is one of the reasons I like Aveeno Clear Complexion facial moisturizer so much. It's a tad pricy, but lasts a really long time as I use very little. It was my daily moisturizer anyway, so I started using it after shaves and it is fantastic!
Prevention has been the best cure for me. A milder razor, less pressure, shaving WTG, etc. Haven't found that balms or lotions soothe all that much. A bit of menthol or burn can be distracting though.

I'm trying to get to that point. In the meantime while I perfect my technique and preventative measures, not every single shave has been perfect for me; yet. My goal is to get to that point, where I can shave effortlessly, get zilch razor burn or irration, and do more then a 2-pass shave.

I'm working on the "kinks" so to speak, and trying to get better. In the meantime, "relief" is also important at this moment, while I am still learning how to make proper lather, face lather, seeing how I respond to soaps vs creams, etc.

Baby steps. :)
But, while cold water does great as part of a post-shave routine, I feel the need to point out that pores do not open and close on your skin. Hot, cold, dry, wet: your pores are always open. If anything, hot water would actually puff up your skin a bit and therefore just slightly reduce the size of the opening; cold temperatures would seize up the skin and just slightly enlarge the opening.

Thanks for the reply. I am not an expert or anything close to it, hence such a "newbish" type thread. I am just trying what I saw in a YT video, from a T&H shave "salon".

So are you saying by using cold water, it could actually be counter productive? If so, why do many guides here and elsewhere, say to do a final rinse with warm/hot water, to clear all the soap/lather, then follow up with cold water to "prep" the face for alum/after shave/balm what have you?

Curious, that's all. :)
The SA is one of the reasons I like Aveeno Clear Complexion facial moisturizer so much. It's a tad pricy, but lasts a really long time as I use very little. It was my daily moisturizer anyway, so I started using it after shaves and it is fantastic!

SA = good post shave ingredient? Isn't there another type of "acid" that is also helpful pre and or post shave?
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