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What do you think about this whole “pay it forward” new wet shavers are taught?

Interacting with others is part of the fun on B&B. I believe that if you take a PIF on B&B you should then make a PIF yourself at a later date. That was the original intention. It’s not a free gift. It’s a loan that is meant to be paid back to someone else. It’s also a fun way of connecting and building relationships on B&B.

April 22d, 1784
“Dear Sir,
I received yours of the 15th Instant, and the Memorial it inclosed. The account they give of your situation grieves me. I send you herewith a Bill for Ten Louis d'ors. I do not pretend to give such a Sum; I only lend it to you. When you shall return to your Country with a good Character, you cannot fail of getting into some Business, that will in time enable you to pay all your Debts. In that Case, when you meet with another honest Man in similar Distress, you must pay me by lending this Sum to him; enjoining him to discharge the Debt by a like operation, when he shall be able, and shall meet with another opportunity. I hope it may thus go thro' many hands, before it meets with a Knave that will stop its Progress. This is a trick of mine for doing a deal of good with a little money. I am not rich enough to afford much in good works, and so am obliged to be cunning and make the most of a little. With best wishes for the success of your Memorial, and your future prosperity, I am, dear Sir, your most obedient servant,”
B. Franklin.
B&B is one of the finest forums, with the best group of generous, thoughtful and knowledgeable members. Proof positive of their generosity is the amount of PIFs I see regularly. I have been on the receiving end of a very generous PIF during Christmas time a few years back: A Colonial General Razor, an HL Thater Badger Brush, and a tin of Le Pere Lucien Oud Santal shaving soap. I was blown away!

I've never felt obligated to give anything away; rather, I feel great joy to share my bounty with others in this wonderful hobby. I hope my PIFs made others feel the same.

Nuff said.


I shaved a fortune
If I might make a slight detour in the thread. Where do y'all buy boxes and pay for shipping? I've kind of narrowed down what I like and want to PIF a bunch of the razors I'm not going to use.
I'm one of those guys who saves shipping boxes from former orders.. I use a hair dryer to loosen the glue on the labels and peel them off.... I use those boxes when I sell something or give something to another B&B member. So far, I've never needed to buy a shipping box.

That said, you can get a variety of flat rate or priority mail boxes at your local US Post Office.
I discovered that when so many “newish” wet shavers start to feel comfortable in this hobby & don’t see themselves new anymore they feel this need to pay it forward like everyone does & get taken advantage of by so many wet shavers that get so much free gear from forums & the shave dad group. I belive if you don’t want to spend $30 on a razor yourself, you’re not even serious on trying this hobby so i’m not giving you a free rockwell. What are your thoughts?
•"I discovered that when so many “newish” wet shavers start to feel comfortable in this hobby & don’t see themselves new anymore they feel this need to pay it forward"
I consider myself a newish wet shaver, feeling fairly comfortable now in this new hobby. I have won a couple of pifs and even purchased a couple items from members here. I am planning some pifs myself but not as a "need" to pay it forward but rather a "want" to.
•"get taken advantage of by so many wet shavers"
How you know they are being taken advantage of? Serious question. Maybe there is something I should know.
I'm one of those guys who saves shipping boxes from former orders.. I use a hair dryer to loosen the glue on the labels and peel them off.... I use those boxes when I sell something or give something to another B&B member. So far, I've never needed to buy a shipping box.
Thanks for the tip. I never thought of using heat to remove old labels. I did buy a dozen cheap bubble mailers, though--they're great for mailing things that aren't easily broken via USPS Ground Advantage at their lowest rate.
If I might make a slight detour in the thread. Where do y'all buy boxes and pay for shipping? I've kind of narrowed down what I like and want to PIF a bunch of the razors I'm not going to use.
I tend to have boxes and bubble envelopes around, because I buy too much stuff. I use “Pirate Ship” for discount shipping and print the labels at home.

It had never occurred to me that I might be pressured to “pay it forward”, as if there is some obligation here. My id is stronger than that.

I have won a few PIFs of shave soap that was offered as samples for others to try or simply moving on something that wasn’t wanted.

I just completed my first PIF, also a jar of shave soap. It is a true PIF, since someone gave me a jar and now I am giving someone else a jar. However, it is not because I feel I am obligated in any way. I am not going to use that soap, other people may want to try it, or simply want it as a free giveaway. I don’t particularly care about that, I just figure that it isn’t worth selling and I can offer other interested shavers an opportunity to try something new rather than throw it away, or leave it floundering in a drawer here. It is a great way to share with this interesting community.

I recently ordered samples of shave soap from a couple of vendors. I will try them and likely offer what are not my favorites as a PIF again. Why not?the cost of shipping is small and it will enhance someone’s experience like my experience has been enhanced by the PIFS I won and by my presence here on the forum.

I ramble…
If I might make a slight detour in the thread. Where do y'all buy boxes and pay for shipping? I've kind of narrowed down what I like and want to PIF a bunch of the razors I'm not going to use.

If you're serious about buying shipping boxes in any particular size and quantity ULINE has a vast selection of high quality boxes in almost any size you could possibly want. If you want to make sure your package arrives unsquished and want to let your recipient know you really care then I recommend their Indestructo mailers. I have purchased similarly looking mailers from amazon as well but they were not nearly as strong as the ULINE ones. I'm sure there are other suppliers of quality boxes as well but I'm just sharing my experience.

As for shipping, I'm in Canada so can't really help you there.
PIf away if you want, nothing wrong with it. I have been fortunate in getting a pif. I don't feel pressure of any kind in pif'ing something or not, not at all, its just up to how you feel, simple as that.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
In my very early days here I was the recipient of a generous pif, and it was partly that kindness which encouraged me to stick around.

I didn't "need" to be gifted any free razor stuff, but I certainly appreciated the gesture. And, remembering that, I have given other members items as well.

Of course there will be the occasional person who is out to take advantage of others generosity, but I don't think that should stop people being generous. Most people here are very decent.
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