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What do you do for your workday shaves?

Trying to get into DE shaving. Biggest problem for me is that I have a thick coarse beard that covers high up onto my face and my entire beard. Anyways, this morning I did 3 passes of WTG on both face and neck of course. It is quite time consuming.

Would I be better off doing one pass *** and one pass ATG? What does everyone do when they don't have unlimited time and want a decent but not BBS?

I shave at night every day.. it's my favorite time of the day after a day of hard work.
I can easily get away without shaving in my work environment and before I started DE shaving, I would often only shave a few times a week. After purchasing my first safety razor and reading up on B&B, I started shaving in the evenings when I knew that I had plenty of time to try to learn technique and not put myself under pressure. First up was 1-pass NS and a little tidy-up and then after a couple of weeks I was able to shave in the mornings without missing my train :wink2: Now I am able to make 2 passes and tidy-up in less time than it took for 1 pass when I first started- the shaves are a lot better and I shave every day because I enjoy it.


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The only thing that I can say is that, with time, pratice, it gets better. If I take the shave itself, I now take 10 minutes for 3 passes. I now take the same amount of time that I used to take with a Mach3.

It's funny because I really don't see myself shave with a Mach3 & canned goo anymore...
I take about 15mins-20mins to do 3 passes. I take that much time because I want to. I enjoy taking the time to shave properly with 3 passes. I don't have a fixed start time at work so I'm never really in a hurry.
I have experimented though with what would be the fastest way for me to shave and still be an acceptable job. I could if I had to get away with one and a half passes. The whole face ATG and the jaw and neck with an XTG pass. That will give me a barely passable shave. I can do that in approx 5 mins if I have to.

Relax, take the time and enjoy the experience.
I agree with starting earlier. I have been waking up 20 minutes earlier. Months ago, there is nothing in this world that would make me do that consistently. Now, I look forward to getting up without hitting the snooze...gotta get up and enjoy my leisurely DE shave with songs from the Great American Songbook playin' in the background! I enjoy it that much to sacrifice sleep time! :001_tt1:

that sounds just like me! I find myself waking up 45 mins to an hour earlier than I would before DE shaving, just so I don't have to rush, can enjoy my shave, coffee, and breakfast (I used to never eat breakfast, either!).
+1 on the suggestions to do a WTG and XTG pass instead of your current WTGx2 routine. It might help if you don't try for a BBS shave and just go for a decent, socially acceptable shave. The process will get faster and the results will get better as you get more practice.
The only thing that I can say is that, with time, pratice, it gets better. If I take the shave itself, I now take 10 minutes for 3 passes. I now take the same amount of time that I used to take with a Mach3.
Exactly. I make a 2/4 pass shave (2 cheek, 4 neck) daily and it takes 13 minutes, start to finish, including prep. Shaving with a Sensor took about as much time, and wasn't nearly as enjoyable.
Another suggestion is to keep it the same every day - use the same cream / soap, brush, blade type, and razor. Do this until you're happy with your progress and then start switching it up. It might seem like it takes forever, but once you get good, it will be 10 minutes of good morning time. Totally worth the time it takes to figure it out.
I can maybe see the point of 2 wtg passes, but by the 3rd one there's got to be no hair left to cut in that direction, you're wasting your time. Definitely start adding in XTG passes, you'll see great results that way.
I would go WTG and XTG.

On work days amen that! Much less chance of redness or bleeding on a work day...and your stubble should come in enough to have the pleasure of shaving again the next day! I usually save the three pass shave (including the legendary *** pass) for Saturday. Sunday I rest!
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