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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

Pre: Hot Water

Cream: Palmolive Rinfrescante

Brush: Vulfix2234s

Razor: Schick I1

Blade: Schick (1)

Post: Alum/DWH

AS: Bootlegger’s Green Freeze

It was a head shave this morning but I must have to say that it one of my best shaves that I can remember. I am a lover of all things menthol and seen a few post about Palmolive Rinfrescante. I decided to purchase it and glad that I did so. I look forward to 90°+ summer Sunday days. DFS all around!


The Lather Maestro

Sunday, March 2​

  • hot face cloth, Proraso red preshave cream
  • Captain's Choice stoneware lather bowl
  • Yaqi Ghost 90SB DS head on Cosmetics Spiral Ti handle (China)
  • Dorco Prime #1 (Viet Nam)
  • DS Cosmetics 22mm mountain badger (China)
  • S.V. Opuntia (Italy)
  • Thayer's WH (USA)
  • PAA Doppelganger grey A/S (USA)
10/10 BBS S.V. Sunday! There it is! Yesterday's shave on #7 with this blade was a 9.9 -- Today I got my customary daily BBS, very comfortable. It's nice to finally have mastered my hardware, software, and technique. Such a great shave!
Prep: Hot water
Razor: Gillette "195" (1960)
Blade: Derby Premium (3)
Brush: Oumo "Red Metal"/Two-Band
Soap: Cella
Post: Cold water followed by Cella Aftershave

Sunday 3/2 Shave
Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Second Shave in the challenge
Damn near BBS result today (9.85/10)
I was worried about these blades but they are proving themselves
Blade is still very viable after five uses

Razor: ANNIE Feather Cut Stainless Shavette
Blade: KAI PINK Feather Cut Blade (5X)
Lather: Tcheon Fung Sing Crema Purissima Per Barba
Brush: the Holy Black Horn Handle BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix
Post Shave: Gillette Cool Wave Aftershave

Sunday morning shave (rated 10/10) using:
  • Razor: Lambda Athena (no. 22-234)
  • Blade: 1966 L3 English Gillette Super Silver (6)
  • Brush: APShaveCo Angelic Harp G5C (excellent)
  • Pre-shave: Stirling Glacial Chill preshave soap and Noxzema
  • Soap: Barrister & Mann Seville
  • Post shave: Thayer’s Coconut Witch Hazel followed by Old Spice splash and Stirling Glacial unscented balm
Excellent Sunday morning Athena shave with the English Super Silver on its sixth use. A perfect BBS finish in two passes plus minor touch ups. Nothing is more efficient than the Athena on the second pass ATG. The B&M Seville was wonderful. I may have over hydrated it, but no matter. The scent is beautiful, so says the LOTH.

My shave scoring log is found HERE.

Happy shaves everyone :badger:
Prep: Hot Shower/Amish beard oil
Razor: HLS Polished Titanium Taiga
Blade: Kai (2)
Cream: CF 1445
Brush: HLS Polished Titanium 2band finest WT badger
Lather Bowl: CC Obsidian
Alum Stick: Sprouts mineral block
Aftershave: CF 1445 Balm
Quality: Slick BBS
Comments: 2 day growth on coarse beard/sensitive skin. Good shave. 1445 is an amazing scent; lately I have been noticing I do not like creams equally as I like soaps, shaving soaps are gaining strong priority in my usage. Castle Forbes is great, but I would not say it is 5/5. It is solid 4/5 lather and 3.5/5 balm, it takes 2-3 hours for the balm to really be absorbed and your skin to go from irritated to normal. Brush, I have to say once you try unbleached and ungelled HMW Silvertip badger-nothing compares, I am not in love with bleached and gelled version in HLS anymore, I always think about the experience with unbleached and ungelled custom brush I made recently. Second time using the same Kai blade and I could feel it become more dull compared to the 1st time…resulting in increased skin irritation across lower-mid neck. I am getting close to settling down—Taiga OC or Rex Konsul XL/Rapira SS Blade-perfect on all terms/unbleached and ungelled Hmw silvertip badger/ soaps (Bio Cella/Mike’s Natural/MdC Vetiver)…As for now gotta finish what I have or I just might give it away.

Rating: 8.8/10


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Sunday, March 2, 2025

RazorRazoRock Game Changer 0.76P (face)
Karve Bison (head)
BladeDerby Premium (no. 4 / 5) [1] (face)
Derby Premium (no. 3 / 5) [8] (head)
BrushSemogue Asylum Boar

LatherMartin de Candre Original [12] (face)
Mike’s Natural Soaps Lime [9] (head)

7 / 10 (face)
10 / 10 (head)

I hadn’t used the Bison in a while. It’s still king of the hill for head shaves.


Ditto, ditto
2 Mar 2025 - Shave 59/300+ in 2025

Prep: hot shower, PAA Cube

Soap: MdC Magellan
Brush: SOC Boar
Lather Bowl: CC The Admiral

Razor: Game Chnger .76-P
Blade: Lab Blue (3)


Post Shave: cold water rinse, Dickonson's Original
Aftershave: Fine American Blend
Additional: Aloderma Aloe Vera Gel

Pushed a third pass, probably shouldn't have. Face is a bit tender and the American Blend burned like crazy. I'll either take tomorrow off or use the .68-P plate.

9.6/10 - BBS



I shaved a fortune

Sunday, March 2​

  • hot face cloth, Proraso red preshave cream
  • Captain's Choice stoneware lather bowl
  • Yaqi Ghost 90SB DS head on Cosmetics Spiral Ti handle (China)
  • Dorco Prime #1 (Viet Nam)
  • DS Cosmetics 22mm mountain badger (China)
  • S.V. Opuntia (Italy)
  • Thayer's WH (USA)
  • PAA Doppelganger grey A/S (USA)
10/10 BBS S.V. Sunday! There it is! Yesterday's shave on #7 with this blade was a 9.9 -- Today I got my customary daily BBS, very comfortable. It's nice to finally have mastered my hardware, software, and technique. Such a great shave!
I'd like to report, I used my recent acquisition, the Ghost 0.90, this morning.... Lovely razor.. Thx to you and @JAHE for bringing it to my attention.... Lovely smoothness... comfortable yet close.... It was a joy to use and I'm hoping the shave lasts 12 hours. It feels like it just might as I'm almost to 7 hours now with a completely smooth face. <eg>
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