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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

WR2 1.00/1.20 with Suneko (2) on Rocnel Ti handle

Today broke my usual daily 3 passes und did only 2 WTG and ATG all with 1.20 gap. Superb result, like it

Saturday morning. Grey sky, but a lot warmer than it's been.

Thiers Issard 5/8 round point straight razor
Vie Long 16745 olivewood handle pure badger brush
Denim Original aftershave

The simple, straightforward and reasonably priced Issard. I like this one - it's not only a great introduction to their more expensive offerings but a good, solid shaver.

Screenshot from 2024-02-03 09-56-49.png

The Vie Long is a nice small badger brush that does very well with an old reliable like Tabac. Denim Original sits happily on top of the smell of the soap. A good no-nonsense shave this morning.

I'll give it a "9", but only because I'm saving the "10"s.
Sat 3
Soap & Aftershave Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic
Brush Yaqi 26mm Lucky Dice Tuxedo
Razor Shavette + Euromax Platinum
Top drawer soap & splash! Smells wonderful, cooling, and a creamy slick lather!
Decided to use this long-ignored shavette, my 1st foray into SR shaving back in 2019...cut myself badly back then using it, hahaha. Today...it was too easy...so smooth and very efficient and overconfidence caused a serious nick & a lined weeper...dang! Rating 9 😅😅😅
View attachment 1790210

Similar experience with open blades. I cut my teeth (and most of the rest of my face) on cheap shavettes (including the appropriately named Sanguine that was out the other day), and avoided them for a while once I'd got into solid blade straights. A year or so later when I went back to them it just seemed easy - until it didn't. A straight razor will give you a nudge to warn when you're getting cocky - shavettes go for immediate retribution.
3rd February 2024

Razor: Muhle R41 Traditional (chrome)
Blade: Personna Platinum stainless steel (new blade)
Brush: Muhle Classic STF synthetic shaving brush (faux ivory, medium)
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements lathering bowl (blue and white)
Soap: Tabac Original shaving soap (new vegan formula)
Post shave: Tabac Original aftershave splash

Rating: 9.5/10

The "full German" shave as I call it! I had a Nacet at first and I put it back and got a Personna to keep with the German theme. 😆 The only thing not German was the bowl. Come to think of it now, I have one of those little Muhle stainless bowls.. I could have used it. I always thought it a bit small.. only a couple of inches wide. I think it's maybe more designed for travel or something.. but it'd likely be ideal for use with a "disc" cut from a shave stick as I do with my shave sticks.

Anyways, another exceptionally good shave. I think I've found my "life razor" in the R41. As I've said before I really love this razor.. never had a bad shave from it. Every time I use it I get a great nice clean shave, no irritation no matter what. I'm not good at putting in words but I find it works great for me and is a pleasure to shave with.. like you have a real good feel of what you're doing with it, very satisfying to use. Overall, I find it to be the perfect balance.. gentle yet it shaves so well that after the first pass it's 95% perfect.. anything more than two pass are more from habit than necessity. I suppose efficient would be the word. Probably my favourite razor of all now.

I was using the new vegan formula Tabac. I love it also. I get brilliant performance from this soap. I was somewhat worried when I'd heard they had changed the formula so I stocked up on a few NOS tallow sticks. Its always a concern when you hear of changes to something you know and love. I threw in a stick of the new formula to the order too just out of curiosity and to my surprise I found it to be fantastic too. Great rich, slick lather.. classic Tabac scent. I'd be more than happy with this new formula.. great soap. Anyone who is reluctant of the new formula.. I would say, don't be!

Hope all are having a nice weekend! 😎


3rd February 2024

Razor: Muhle R41 Traditional (chrome)
Blade: Personna Platinum stainless steel (new blade)
Brush: Muhle Classic STF synthetic shaving brush (faux ivory, medium)
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements lathering bowl (blue and white)
Soap: Tabac Original shaving soap (new vegan formula)
Post shave: Tabac Original aftershave splash

Rating: 9.5/10

The "full German" shave as I call it! I had a Nacet at first and I put it back and got a Personna to keep with the German theme. 😆 The only thing not German was the bowl. Come to think of it now, I have one of those little Muhle stainless bowls.. I could have used it. I always thought it a bit small.. only a couple of inches wide. I think it's maybe more designed for travel or something.. but it'd likely be ideal for use with a "disc" cut from a shave stick as I do with my shave sticks.

Anyways, another exceptionally good shave. I think I've found my "life razor" in the R41. As I've said before I really love this razor.. never had a bad shave from it. Every time I use it I get a great nice clean shave, no irritation no matter what. I'm not good at putting in words but I find it works great for me and is a pleasure to shave with.. like you have a real good feel of what you're doing with it, very satisfying to use. Overall, I find it to be the perfect balance.. gentle yet it shaves so well that after the first pass it's 95% perfect.. anything more than two pass are more from habit than necessity. I suppose efficient would be the word. Probably my favourite razor of all now.

I was using the new vegan formula Tabac. I love it also. I get brilliant performance from this soap. I was somewhat worried when I'd heard they had changed the formula so I stocked up on a few NOS tallow sticks. Its always a concern when you hear of changes to something you know and love. I threw in a stick of the new formula to the order too just out of curiosity and to my surprise I found it to be fantastic too. Great rich, slick lather.. classic Tabac scent. I'd be more than happy with this new formula.. great soap. Anyone who is reluctant of the new formula.. I would say, don't be!

Hope all are having a nice weekend! 😎
That R41, (The Gentle Beast), can surely be classified as a “life razor” indeed as you say…..Gentle yet extremely efficient.
But as the sign at the zoo says, “Do not poke the Beast”.😊👍🏻💈

LEAP GRUME – 03 February 2024

Bobby B’s Daily Shave Report



Shaving Blade
Buffing Blade
Prep Cold Shave Hot​
KCG Shaving
VDH Buffing & tight spots​
Bic Chrome #44 of 100 Shave #9 and out
King C. Gillette
#2 of 10
Cube 2.0 Menthol
Left Timeless Blue Bowl​
Noble Otter RAWR
Right Timeless Blue Bowl​

Noble Otter Prep Lathering


Comments: Despite lots of tugging and dragging, a worn-out #44 did its best for his final shave. Blade #45 will take over tomorrow morning. Last night’s storms allowed me to harvest enough fresh rain water for several days of prep and shave lathering.

  • Rinsed & dried face
  • Witch Hazel (Dickinsons)
  • Omega Alum Stick post shave
  • Dr. Teal’s deodorant
  • A/S Aqua Velva Blue
A SOD.jpg

Face wash with Cera Ve Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Vintage Williams
Shavemac 28mm Syn.
Old Spice Mug + Captain’s Choice Copper
Henson Ti**
Thayers WH & Duke Cannon ASB
Beverly Hills, Polo Club
This is my second shave with the Henson Ti** paired with a Wizamet blade. The shave was fair. I find that the Ti version of this razor is a little more aggressive in contrast with the AL version. I felt some irritation after the shave. Today’s brush is a 28mm Shavemac Synthetic. This is one nice brush. I prefer larger brushes such as this one. I topped the shave off with my usual Thayers WH – toner and Duke Cannon ASB. I had to add water to the ASB to make it out of the bottle easier. Have a great day, folks.
Pre-Shave: PAA Cube 2.0
Soap: Spearhead Shaving Seaforth! Black Watch
Brush: Elite Razor w/Tuxedo knot
Razor: YAQI Romulus
Blade: Schick Proline P(10)
Post-Shave: Floïd Black Aftershave
Rating: 10/10 - This shave would rate a 10 just based on the scent of Black Watch and the Floïd Black alone. The fact that the Romulus delivers a BBS shave is just a bonus.


Dull yet interesting
Preshave: Hot shower
Soap/Shave cream: Stirling Soap Haverford
Brush: Ever-Ready rebuild
Razor: Razorock Game Changer 68-P
Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum (2)
Post shave: Pinaud Clubman After Shave
Rating: 9.5/10

A really nice shave. I love the Game Changer and really like the Haverford soap scent (it also lathers quite nicely). The Dorco blade was sent to me by a forum member. This was its second use and, like the first, I am impressed! I'd buy these blades in a heartbeat if I didn't already have enough to hand out to a small city. Meaning I probably will buy some soon anyway. :lol1:
I sometimes ask myself, "If I were limited to only one razor, what would it be?" And the GC would undoubtedly be in the top tier. Just a great razor.

Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Henson AL13 V2 Mild
Blade: Kai Double Edge (4)
Soap/Cream: Arianna & Evans L'Orange Verte
Bowl: The CaYuen Workshop Medium Damascus Shaving Dish
Brush: Trotter Handicrafts NE Ice Handle AP Shave Co 28mm Titanium UHD Knot
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & Arianna & Evans L'Orange Verte AS
Rating: 9.5/10 A comfortable efficient 3 pass BBS shave with no touch ups, 3 weepers, no cuts or irritation. Caught the corner of my mouth in two spots & neck but cured with an Alum Stick. A very good shave though in spite of the weepers. I'm wondering if the Kai blade may be the source of some problems???
SOTD February 2rd 2024 💵 💰💲
February 2024 GRUME
The 15th Annual One Blade in February Challenge
SV Saturday

Hello friends

Saturday dawned cloudy. A great moment for SV Desert Vetiver. Semogue SOC Mistura, Gillette Nacet (2), the blade I chose for OBIF, Greencult 2.0 plate IV, to guarantee a deep shave with its 1.05 mm Gap and 0.20 mm Exposure and Malizia Uomo Vetyver gave me a splendid start to the weekend .

With us the beautiful voice of Ketty Lester.

Rating: 10

Have a nice weekend and great shaves!

Saturday Morning Salutations

RATING: 9.7/10 Excellent

Durham Duplex on the first pass then the Hawk V3A finished off passes 2 & 3. Very weird angles with a straight type razor.
I didn't slice anything open so we have a win. All in all a very nice, clean shave. The little vintage badger brush performed well.
Not a lot of backbone for a knot that small but it whipped up the soap on a Face Lather.

Durham Duplex Straight - First Pass
Personna Med Duplex Blade (1X)
Razorock Hawk V3A Razor
Kai Protouch MG Blade (2X)
Abbate Y La Mantia Blue Tobacco Hard Puck
No Name Brown Acrylic Badger Brush
Brut Splash On
Apex Alchemy Fruit Mix Aftershave


Pre-Shave: Warm Shower, Proraso White
Blade: Shark Super Chrome (7th Use)
Razor: Muhle R41
Brush: Muhle Chrome Silvertip 21 mm
Cream: Proraso Red
Post-Shave: Alum Block, Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel with Rose Water

Didn't need to shave, but felt like it. I had a nice run on a beautiful sunny day so I had to shower. Figured, why not capitalize on this wonderful day with a shave.

I had some time so I bowl lathered today. I got a nice Proraso moist lather, not as watery as the Italian barbers, but solid.

I did 2.5 passes today. One pass on my right neck side to reduce chances of irritation. I also loaded up the soap in that area.

I had some tugging on the 2nd pass going across the grain on my right jawline. I normally have some tugging in that area, but this felt more than usual which I took as a sign that it isn't just technique, but also an old blade. Not sure if that is accurate, but nonetheless I tossed the blade in the grave bank.

I did a 3rd pass ATG on the cheeks and chin with no problems. I even did ATG under my chin where I normally get stuck on the skin and would avoid for said reason. I don't know why I did it ATG this time, but it went smooth with the light touch.

All in all, I am really impressed with my shave. Going to give it an 8 out 10.

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