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What did you reload today?

Cleaned sized and primed 250 9mm. Gonna load them with 6.3g of Hodgdon HS6 and 124g Berry plated round nose. Medium target loads about 1000 fps.



ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
Processing several hundred pieces of 9 mm brass, de-prime, wet tumble and resize.

I’m probably going to be buying a F.A.R.T soon, how are you drying the cases when cleaned? Do you put a fan on them or heat them at all? Do you use a vibratory tumbler at all anymore?


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
In cooler weather, I put them on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven @ 220 ish degrees for about 30-45 min. In hot weather I let them air dry in the sun. I rarely ever use my old faithful Dillon vibratory case cleaner anymore. The last time I used it was for a large batch of really dirty range pick up brass with lots of mud and debris, then I de-capped and cleaned in the FART as usual. The 9mm brass that I'm usually cleaning in the FART was range brass that I acquired decades ago that I initially partially cleaned up in the vibratory tumbler, but didn't de-prime first, so it wasn't shiny and often had a dark patina. Run it through the FART and it looks like new.
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ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
43 rounds of .357mag. 180g XTP over 9.1g of H110.

I managed to ruin 7 rounds because I didn’t notice that one of my kids apparently was screwing around with the seating die and screwed it down so far that the crimp ring literally tried to crimp half the case. The cases had concentric circles running around and down them and then buckled at the bottom of the bullet. I was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on. I was able to pull the bullets and dump the powder. Gonna soak the primed cases in oil to kill the primers. Not worth it to me to try and de-prime live primers.
@Whisky next time you decide to do some reloading maybe have a list nearby to do a check of your equipment?

I know simple things like when i sharpen a knife i make sure my equipment i use is not out of whack any way. And i am the only one that does this fun thing. Thankfully kids aren't around here to mess with anything. But i still check my stuff.

I want to learn how to reload and own reloading equipment. Maybe one day ine the far future that will happen. 9mm and 556 didn't seem difficult to do on the videos i seen of them being reloaded.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
@Whisky next time you decide to do some reloading maybe have a list nearby to do a check of your equipment
Believe me I learned a lesson. The dies are almost set once and forget as long as your loading the same components, which I was. What I didn’t account for was a kiddo messing with the dies. Turns out he did it while I was sitting there, but I was concentrating on something else.

43 rounds of .357mag. 180g XTP over 9.1g of H110.
These turned out to be some powder puff loads. Nowhere near the 1100fps Hornady specs. I was getting 960-1000fps. I also took along some old (15ys or more) Remington lead SWC and the difference in recoil was obvious.
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ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
I’ve tumbled about 400 pieces of 9mm with some 5.56 and .357 thrown in. FedEx lost my shipment of 5lbs of BE-86 so I guess I’m waiting on Natchez to replace it. I’ve got a pound of CFE Pistol sitting around so I guess I’ll use that up first.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
I posted this is the shooting sports shopping sticky as well.

Natchez has free hazmat on primers right now, AND their primers are on sale. I haven’t seen bricks (1k) primers at $65-80 in a long time.
Use code FH250206
Dry tumbled and cleaned the primer pockets on 600 rounds 45ACP. 100 in each bag. It feels like drudgery when you do too many at once. LOL

I usually wait till I am ready to load 1,000 rounds but I limit myself to doing them in batches of 200 at a whack. As you said, it can become drudgery very quickly.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
I deprimed and tumbled about 1000 pieces of 9mm brass, about 100 5.56, and 50 .357. Now I have to find time to load them all.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
Adam, did you ever get the Frankfort Arsenal Rotary Tumbler?
Not yet. With the suppressors, and all the parts for builds I'm doing I'm having a hard time justifying the wet tumbler. Especially when the corn/walnut media I use does an adequate job. I'll get one eventually but first I'm going to get a 300blk and 223 wylde build done.
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