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Uk Members - buying from the prestigious makers from these shores


I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.
Well, as had been mentioned, I didn't specifically mention you or The Gentleman's Shop. But since you have, lets compare some prices from different vendors;
You offer the Chubby 1 in Super for £118 (about $180). VintageBlades offers the Chubby 1 in two-band for $160. Significantly less money for a higher grade of hair.
Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.
I have no idea what you are paying for them wholesale, and if you read the thread I have never claimed your brushes are inferior to any others sold in the UK. What I am saying is I think they're inferior to brushes offered in the States for less money. British customers are not getting a good deal, that much is clear.

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Well, as had been mentioned, I didn't specifically mention you or The Gentleman's Shop. But since you have, lets compare some prices from different vendors;
You offer the Chubby 1 in Super for £118 (about $180). VintageBlades offers the Chubby 1 in two-band for $160. Significantly less money for a higher grade of hair.

I have no idea what you are paying for them wholesale, and if you read the thread I have never claimed your brushes are inferior to any others sold in the UK. What I am saying is I think they're inferior to brushes offered in the States for less money. British customers are not getting a good deal, that much is clear.


If I had a two banded brush I would be delighted to sell it at the same price as a Super grade. We can source them to order and usally have them quietly made up specially for customers.

You are very misleading in your post regarding prices.

To compare prices between US and UK vendors you must quote the EX VAT PRICE advertised on UK sites!

At your exchange rate we are offering Chubby 1 Supers at $153.00 as the EX VAT price is £100.43.

Vintage Blades are charging $160.00, approx £104.90, because they are outside the EU and not obliged to give HM Customs and Excise 17.5% of the retail price.

We also offer free UK delivery.

I will not post again on this subject and I suggest that you get your facts right in future before crying "rip off".
If I had a two banded brush I would be delighted to sell it at the same price as a Super grade.
The fact is...you don't.
You are very misleading in your post regarding prices.

To compare prices between US and UK vendors you must quote the EX VAT PRICE advertised on UK sites!

At your exchange rate we are offering Chubby 1 Supers at $153.00 as the EX VAT price is £100.43.

Then you must admit that they are selling an imported product. And a more desirable, generally more expensive grade of hair. And that given the pound is now about as strong a currency as the peanut M & M, the exchange rate is more favourable to your position than it has ever been. 18months or so ago you could buy three-band supers for virtually half the price from Stateside vendors! But even given the truth of all that, the American vendors are still offering these products significantly less expensively.

Vintage Blades are charging $160.00, approx £104.90, because they are outside the EU and not obliged to give HM Customs and Excise 17.5% of the retail price.

You can't explain away all of the above by simply citing vat.

We also offer free UK delivery.

I ordered from the The gentlemans's Shop recently and had to pay postage. I think it was £3.50 on a £14 item.

I will not post again on this subject and I suggest that you get your facts right in future before crying "rip off".

I've been involved in various online commuties for about 10 years, and when anyone, especially somebody selling something, declares in a huff that they won't be visiting this thread again, its usually for well...a reason.

I live on this side of the pond, not England but New England and Robert is a most reputable vendor with whom I enjoy doing business.

+1000 he is the man

Allways sad to see someone posting false accusations.:thumbdown

I was posting bout the same issue, but as a good CS Robert beat be.

Whether certain vendors are nice guys or not isn't something I'm interested in. What I am interested in is whether I and other members of this community are getting a good deal from them or not. Vendors do VERY well out of communities like this. The membership is well within its rights to ask for treatment and customer service commensurate with that priveleged and profitable position. Unless the admin tells me I'm not allowed, I will continue to query the prices and service vendors offer to the community.
I have an EJ medium best bought from The English Shaving Company. Good brush which has stood up to 18+ months’ abuse and good dealings with the company when ordering.

A Duke 3 Best purchased from TGS, great brush and service, as always.

A brush from both T&H and Trumpers which I’m lead to believe are Rooney and Vulvix respectively, again great product and service from both.

Also an Omega boar from the vendor that can’t be named, again great product and service.

I fail to see the point of the broad slagging off of UK vendors and (Plus I have to buy them from vendors who clearly have no idea about shaving brushes) where you buying from fella, Halfords.

Purchasing any medium to high end brush will inevitably involve dealing with a spe......ed shaving shop/vendor. Surely that comment would have served better purpose if you named companies/vendors that you personally have experienced to have limited knowledge of their products and have not rectified by replacement of products.

As for prices, HELLO, we are what marketing companies call a golden cash cow. We’ve always been ripped off in the UK, let’s face it they will be taxing us to bloody breathe soon.

I think that Robert answered the price differences betwen the USA and the UK very well indeed and the figures quoted speak for themselves. What he can not say is the quality of service which he provides which is world class. He also often has in stock very desireable shaving items which can be difficult if not impossible to find elsewere. I’ve never seen him raise his prices in such instances and that how I would judge integrity.

In fact I really think you should apologise to Robert because you have picked on a very reputable and honest trader and he does not deserve your wrath.

In England, there are 70 million people and in the USA there are 270 million
people. That has a bearing on price, because the volumes are greater in the USA, the margins and prices can be lower. If you buy in bulk, you can usually get lower prices. You are more likely to buy in bulk when you see a market place of 270 million wrather than 70 million. So it is not suprising to me that the price of most consumables in the USA seem lower than in the UK. It’s pure economics.

Yes it often feels that it is greener on the other side of the fence but ask an American how much he pays for health cover or car insurance or school bills and you might find that it’s good value to pay the taxes in England.

As for rip off Britain, I actually buy 90% of my consumables on line in England and I rarely find that I can source them cheaper outside of the Country unless I am travelling and basically want to cheat on my taxes.
I also find that in England the choice is just incredible compared with almost anywere.

There you go, somebody who actually likes the Country he lives in and doesn’t mind saying he’s proud to be English even if it’s cold and damp with high taxes, rip off prices, terrible service, litter on the streets,
violence and crime, to many immigrants and a government that can’t even control the bankers and overpriced shaving brushes.

I love it.

I think that Robert answered the price differences betwen the USA and the UK very well indeed and the figures quoted speak for themselves.

As I've said, I don't.
In fact I really think you should apologise to Robert because you have picked on a very reputable and honest trader and he does not deserve your wrath.
Robert blustered in here and put himself on trial. The vendor I and others were complaining about was Charles Nicholls. I'm not going over it again, because you won't read it anyway and will just start blubbering about how nice Robert is, but imo UK buyers are generally not getting a good deal on Simpsons and Rooney brushes, particularly, and just saying 'VAT' isn't a good explanation, for me. I take it that when VAT was cut last year Robert instantly passed the saving on to customers?

I do wonder why people have reacted with such emotion to criticism of vendors. There is sometimes a lot of emotion displayed here, and its a bit puzzling at first. When say, someone says your favourite soap is rubbish, you feel a little offended; you may have put a lot of time and effort into learning about how to use it, and you enjoy using it everyday; its a hobby. Perhaps people feel like they are being persoanlly criticised. However, I do find some of the responses in this thread quite puzzling. I spoke to one member who thought these brushes were overpriced but it was terribly out of order to say so! This British politeness will not help you get a better service.

ps the population of England is nowhere near 70 million, more like 50.

I have read the post again and the thread has taken got a little disjointed.

Ofcourse you have a point and I have taken on Board to be extra careful if I ever buy from Harvey Nicholls.

I also agree that at the moment, the $ internet price of shaving brushes in the US seems good value, but I think that is exchange rate related. If you import one, which you can do, you will ofcourse need to add VAT at 17.5% if the item is more than $18 (I think) plus you will need to pay the postage and don’t forget the carrier will levy a charge for handling the import VAT on your behalf. The post office minimum charge for this service is about £9 per package. So I doubt if the goods will end up less expensive.

I can also see why Robert thought it necessary to explain UK pricing. UK VAT is 17.5% and this together with fluctuating exchange rate can make prices in the UK compared to the USA look excessive. But there are times when the situation can reverse. You can not blame UK traders for the UK taxation system.

Yet again though you are being deliberately provocative and digging at Robert’s business integrity by asking if he lowerd his VAT. I don’t know the answer to that question but I do know that he hadn’t added the recently increased VAT onto an item I purchased from him a few weeks ago. It was only a £1 or so, but never the less, it shows he isn’t a money grabbing trader.

As to defending the soap you like to the death, that is all part of the enjoyment of the forum. It’s much better than talking about VAT.:001_tongu
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