Which vendors? Without names your statement is worthless.I also think the limited number of Simpsons vendors in the UK are ripping people off.
Which vendors? Without names your statement is worthless.I also think the limited number of Simpsons vendors in the UK are ripping people off.
Anyone had a similar experience to me? Whenever I buy a brush from a UK manufacturer I get the distinct impression its a reject, or a second, or a brush a refutable vendor from across the pond has sent back. The knots are invariably crooked, or they're shedders.
Hi Adam,
Can you not go and see the brush you want before you buy?
Living in the South of England, I usually go to Hungerford and visit The Gentlemans Shop which carries a superb range of brushes. They also export a lot of shaving stuff to America and all around the world I believe. I dont think they differentiate between the brushes they might show me and the ones they ship overseas and I certainly didnt see a little label on any box saying reserved for the English.
I think for many guys living in Countries that are not serviced well with shaving supplies, having to buy blind all the time must be very frustrating.
I don't live in London or Hungerford.
Thats a pain when you can not see before you buy. It makes buying expensive stuff like a good shaving brush a stab in the dark.
Charles Nicholls seemingly tryed to con me(!)
They told my other half that she'd been upgraded to a 'super' from a 'silvertip' at no extra cost (!) because the 'silvertip' was out of stock.
On their site the super was £36, the silvertip £43.
I've already posted on this before...
I'd avoid CN like the proverbial plague.
Now i know this is maybe a one off from a retailer as we are not called Rip Off Britain for nothing but sometimes i think we Brits should take a leaf from our friends across the pond when it comes to customer services , we are far to laid back and allow these company's to take the pee out of us rather than complain, this is something inherent in us i believe, speaking for myself sometimes we just dont like to make a fuss and just put up with poor customer service.
sometimes i think we Brits should take a leaf from our friends across the pond when it comes to customer services , we are far too laid back and allow these company's to take the pee out of us rather than complain, this is something inherent in us i believe, speaking for myself sometimes we just dont like to make a fuss and just put up with poor customer service.all IMVHO
Don't most companies let you return unused things, like brushes, within a certain amount of days? I am rather sure they do. So, technically, you ought to be able to feel the bristles and send it back if it is not the brush you want, right? Or you could possibly ask them about it.
I don't live in London or Hungerford.
I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.
I have been a barber for 27 years now and love the products I sell.
Unfortunatley a lot of online merchants are in it to make a quick buck and internet savvy techies with no knowledge or passion for what they offer and it is reflecting badly my profession.
Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.
Regards, Robert
I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.
I have been a barber for 27 years now and love the products I sell.
Unfortunatley a lot of online merchants are in it to make a quick buck and internet savvy techies with no knowledge or passion for what they offer and it is reflecting badly my profession.
Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.
Regards, Robert