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Uk Members - buying from the prestigious makers from these shores

Anyone had a similar experience to me? Whenever I buy a brush from a UK manufacturer I get the distinct impression its a reject, or a second, or a brush a refutable vendor from across the pond has sent back. The knots are invariably crooked, or they're shedders.

Yes. I ordered three 3/1 Supers from Charles Nicholls, over a period of a few months.

On their web site, they are advertised as Silvertip. I knew no different at the time, thinking Super and Silvertip were the same thing.

I received a Super, which after a bit of research, I was pleased about. This Super brush was cheaper than the equivalent Silvertip on Executive Shaving's site (again, I've enquired about this - no response from either).

This brush turned into a massive shedder, shedding 3-4 hairs per shave over a number of weeks. Not good. To their credit, CN did promptly replace the brush (it seems they do respond when an item is faulty).

The replacement brush was nowhere near as dense, and was prickly, yet still said "Super" on it.

I sold it and bought another one recently (I don't know why I did, from that vendor, at least). It had a loft of around 55mm! Aren't they supposed to be around the 45-48 mark? No dimensions listed on their site, obviously.

Executive Shaving at least lists the dimensions, yet their (presumably Silvertip) brushes are more expensive than the Supers sold by CN.

So yes, it seems we are blessed with reject brushes. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they are counterfeit!

Very weird.

I've ordered from Classic Shaving and received exemplary service, as I have with Charles at QED, and their brushes have been superb, and as advertised.


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Hi Adam,

Can you not go and see the brush you want before you buy?
Living in the South of England, I usually go to Hungerford and visit The Gentlemans Shop which carries a superb range of brushes. They also export a lot of shaving stuff to America and all around the world I believe. I don’t think they differentiate between the brushes they might show me and the ones they ship overseas and I certainly didn’t see a little label on any box saying reserved for the English.

I think for many guys living in Countries that are not serviced well with shaving supplies, having to buy blind all the time must be very frustrating.
I just looked up the Manx language translator and in a funny twist of fate Manx language for made on Mann looks just like the English words made in England. Funny how things work out ain't it? :001_smile
Hi Adam,

Can you not go and see the brush you want before you buy?
Living in the South of England, I usually go to Hungerford and visit The Gentlemans Shop which carries a superb range of brushes. They also export a lot of shaving stuff to America and all around the world I believe. I don’t think they differentiate between the brushes they might show me and the ones they ship overseas and I certainly didn’t see a little label on any box saying reserved for the English.

I think for many guys living in Countries that are not serviced well with shaving supplies, having to buy blind all the time must be very frustrating.

I don't live in London or Hungerford.

Charles Nicholls seemingly tryed to con me(!)

They told my other half that she'd been upgraded to a 'super' from a 'silvertip' at no extra cost (!) because the 'silvertip' was out of stock.

On their site the super was £36, the silvertip £43. :mad3:

I've already posted on this before...


I'd avoid CN like the proverbial plague.
That’s a pain when you can not see before you buy. It makes buying expensive stuff like a good shaving brush a stab in the dark.

Don't most companies let you return unused things, like brushes, within a certain amount of days? I am rather sure they do. So, technically, you ought to be able to feel the bristles and send it back if it is not the brush you want, right? Or you could possibly ask them about it.
I have no idea whether the brushes are better or not in the UK, but damn, I love all of this British jargon. Seriously, you almost need subtitles to follow what's going on here. Keep it up guys, and please throw in some unintelligible, uber-British insults now and then! The only exposure to your language we get on a regular basis is a talking lizard who sells car insurance on TV, which is pretty depressing if you think about it.
Charles Nicholls seemingly tryed to con me(!)

They told my other half that she'd been upgraded to a 'super' from a 'silvertip' at no extra cost (!) because the 'silvertip' was out of stock.

On their site the super was £36, the silvertip £43. :mad3:

I've already posted on this before...


I'd avoid CN like the proverbial plague.

D'oh I missed a key point, the silvertips were NOT out of stock.

I suspect they're all tea leaf's me old China.
I bought some vintage handles off the bay,contacted Vulfix UK last week and asked about the availability of super badger knots in various sizes,to my suprise they emailed back within an hour asking what sizes,quantity i need and to say they do best or super,so i asked for 3x20mm and 1x24mm super badger knots
Today i have received an invoice for £42.30 inc p&p for the 4 knots which i feel is very good value for money,also excellent customer services.
Now i know this is maybe a one off from a retailer as we are not called Rip Off Britain for nothing but sometimes i think we Brits should take a leaf from our friends across the pond when it comes to customer services , we are far too laid back and allow these company's to take the pee out of us rather than complain, this is something inherent in us i believe, speaking for myself sometimes we just dont like to make a fuss and just put up with poor customer service.all IMVHO
I prefer to stick with local retailers and smaller company's even if it costs a bit more, anyways got a bit sidetracked there, Vulfix seemed good to me, suppose i;ll have to wait and see on their aftersales
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Now i know this is maybe a one off from a retailer as we are not called Rip Off Britain for nothing but sometimes i think we Brits should take a leaf from our friends across the pond when it comes to customer services , we are far to laid back and allow these company's to take the pee out of us rather than complain, this is something inherent in us i believe, speaking for myself sometimes we just dont like to make a fuss and just put up with poor customer service.

+1. I'm always shocked when I get good customer service, which is ridiculous; it should be the norm.

We need to boycott these companies until they own up, apologise, and assure us that they will do all they can to ensure we will receive exemplary service in the future.

I wonder if they realise how unpopular they are on these boards? I'm almost tempted to email them a link to this and other threads....

Vulfix are one of the few companies over here that do understand the concept of CS.

sometimes i think we Brits should take a leaf from our friends across the pond when it comes to customer services , we are far too laid back and allow these company's to take the pee out of us rather than complain, this is something inherent in us i believe, speaking for myself sometimes we just dont like to make a fuss and just put up with poor customer service.all IMVHO

Definitely. I paid £70 for a Vulfix a while back I turned out not to be happy with. Uneven, assymetric knot. I vacillated for a while (couldn't be bothered complaining, posting it back etc), used it a bit, then decided I couldn't get on on with it. Now I have a brush in a cupboard I'll never use. Definitely a British failing (not being demanding enough).

Don't most companies let you return unused things, like brushes, within a certain amount of days? I am rather sure they do. So, technically, you ought to be able to feel the bristles and send it back if it is not the brush you want, right? Or you could possibly ask them about it.

A fair point. But in the case of brushes, its difficult to make a judgement on them before they've been used; the first 'Ehsan' looked very raggedy, but the chap who ended up owning it and used it said it looked fine post bloom. It varies...

I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.

I have been a barber for 27 years now and love the products I sell.

Unfortunatley a lot of online merchants are in it to make a quick buck and internet savvy techies with no knowledge or passion for what they offer and it is reflecting badly my profession.

Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.

Regards, Robert

I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.

I have been a barber for 27 years now and love the products I sell.

Unfortunatley a lot of online merchants are in it to make a quick buck and internet savvy techies with no knowledge or passion for what they offer and it is reflecting badly my profession.

Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.

Regards, Robert

Robert, did I miss something or did someone actually call you personally a rip off merchant?
I am answering a sentance in the first post by Ignatius.

"Plus I have to buy them from vendors who clearly have no idea about shaving brushes. Plus they actually cost more here than they do elsewhere (especially Simpson's)."

To my knowledge I have never dealt with this Gentleman, although to be fair I am not mentioned by name it is a sweeping statement that should be more focused on whoever his complaint should be with.

Regards, Robert
Yes it was as I suspected. One should beware of sweeping statements. I'm sure the member didn't actually mean you in person. Indeed if he has an issue with a vendor he should take it up with said vendor and not attempt to air his laundry in public. :001_unsur

I take it personally to be called a rip off merchant and not knowledgable about shaving brushes.

I have been a barber for 27 years now and love the products I sell.

Unfortunatley a lot of online merchants are in it to make a quick buck and internet savvy techies with no knowledge or passion for what they offer and it is reflecting badly my profession.

Simpsons are the least profitable line we offer, but my love of them keeps them on our shelves and I do not believe ours are inferior to any offered for sale in the UK.

Regards, Robert

I live on this side of the pond, not England but New England and Robert is a most reputable vendor with whom I enjoy doing business.
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