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Titan H1 Discussion Thread

Here are a few pictures to liven things up in this thread: Feather AS-D1, Fatboy, 40's Aristocrat, Merkur Slant 37C, Titan H1, Muhle R41

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I have tried the Titan H1 twice now and have had CCS both times. With all the razors pictured I get close comfortable shaves as well. I noticed this razor is definitely aggressive, less than the r41 but more than the rest pictured. The blade gap isn't quite as large as the r41 but it has plenty of space to cut whatever enters its path (hair, mole, pimple, skin) when one is not being careful. I have been using Astra SP blades and they are a good combination, for me, in this razor. I am a 2 pass guy, wtg then xtg; sometimes I add another xtg if I am using a more mild razor. The Titan H1 and Muhle r41 are aggressive razors that get the job done in less passes but they can bite you if your lather is bad or your technique is bad (too much pressure or improper angle). It does feel less scary than the r41 (which I like). I like the Titan H1 but I feel if you don't like aggressive razors then you wouldn't like this one, the feedback (sound of hairs being cut) on it reminds me of the r41 or a single edge razor.

My head happened to be discolored as well, I polished it up with some flitz, looks fine now.
So the discoloration is just cosmetics issue that can be easily shined/polished off? ( by the way, you have a 48-51 Aristocrat)
Guys I'm sorry for the dumb question.

What is this Titan ?

Who makes them ?

Who sells them?

from the site:

Above the Tie is proud to offer the Titan H1 Safety Razor, hand crafted from solid 303 stainless steel here in the USA.

The razor weighs in at 109g, total length is 3 3/4" while the handle is 3 1/2" long. The Titan handle weighs 71g providing great balance and prevents that top heavy razor feel. This tool is wonderfully machined with very tight tolerances. The blade seats precisely in the head with symmetrical blade exposure.

This razor is easy to master, the shave angle is very intuitive. In addition the razor "sings" like no other. This audible feedback is helpful in maintaining a proper shave angle. The Titan is a very efficient yet smooth shaver.

The Titan handle also fits the following; Weber, Tradede OC, Goodfella, Edwin Jagger, Muhle, Gillette Old Type and Tech heads.

Be one of the first to own this tool. Order from our web site and secure your Titan H1. Estimated shipping date is the week of October 22nd. All Titan H1 Razor purchases include free shipping.
4th shave almost no blood letting-this morning was my 4th titan shave with a feather blade and qcs Vostok. Only 2 little spost of red one was all my fault and 1 was a weeper so my technique is getting better with this razor and the shave is still the best of any razor I have used in 45+ years of shaving.
Despite being anxious to try my "reverse" shim idea, I felt it best to lay off shaving today. (I never do that!) My neck is a bit sore from two days in a row with the Titan. (Yesterday afternoon and evening, it was quite sore, despite regularly using Neutrogena moisturizer throughout the day.) Today, I will simply have to rely upon my shirt and tie to hide my neck stubble!
^ Thin/narrow strips of duct tape applied to the underside of the cap, at the extreme edges, to push the blade down a bit more, to increase the curvature of the blade and decrease the blade gap and thereby decrease the aggressiveness of the razor.
^ Thin/narrow strips of duct tape applied to the underside of the cap, at the extreme edges, to push the blade down a bit more, to increase the curvature of the blade and decrease the blade gap and thereby decrease the aggressiveness of the razor.

Very interesting indeed. Not sure if i would bother with that as that tape could shift or change over time, I would likely just buy another razor I think. Thanks for the explanation though!
Very interesting indeed. Not sure if i would bother with that as that tape could shift or change over time, I would likely just buy another razor I think. Thanks for the explanation though!

I agree, if I need to do so much work to enjoy a razor then I won't bother. These are the times BST comes into play and then getting a razor that better suits my desires without modifying it (handle modification is acceptable to me, not a fan of shims), YMMV of course.

While sitting in church this morning, my mind wandered (as it often does, regardless of where I am sitting) to the subject of DE razor geometry and the Titan in particular. It seems to me that the Titan head has a lot of room for adaptability. As I did with my R41, I plan to try using some "reverse" shims to see if I can tone down the Titan a bit. I fully expect success and will report back after I have tried it.

Here's what I plan to do: cut six very narrow strips of duct tape, stack two on top of one (twice) to assemble two stacks consisting of three strips each, and then apply the stacks to the UNDERSIDE of the head, at the very edges. These stacks will press the edges of the blade further downward, reducing the blade gap considerably and also causing the blade not to project as far outward as it does now. I expect the resulting shave to be considerably milder, but I'll let you know. Wish me luck!

Uh, so the answer to enhance the performance of this $185 razor is duct tape? I'm rapidly losing interest in the Titan.
Shaved with the Titan H1 today. I had the closest shave of my life! Quite literally. I feel like I shaved off the skin around my face. I've got some major face burn. I can say without a doubt that this is the most efficient razor I've ever used. I only needed two passes for a bbs shave. The troublesome area under my jaw line, no problem, shaved off completely clean. I'm amazed how well this thing shaves.

However, I'm going to just give it one more go around because of the post shave burn. There's a point where it's not worth it, and I think this is it for me. I have sensitive skin, and I think for people who have sensitive skin, this may not be for you. But for others, this may be the last razor you'll ever need.
Shaved with the Titan H1 today. I had the closest shave of my life! Quite literally. I feel like I shaved off the skin around my face. I've got some major face burn. I can say without a doubt that this is the most efficient razor I've ever used. I only needed two passes for a bbs shave. The troublesome area under my jaw line, no problem, shaved off completely clean. I'm amazed how well this thing shaves.

However, I'm going to just give it one more go around because of the post shave burn. There's a point where it's not worth it, and I think this is it for me. I have sensitive skin, and I think for people who have sensitive skin, this may not be for you. But for others, this may be the last razor you'll ever need.

I appreciate the honest reviews here. I have thought about getting one but if it's another R41-like aggressive razor (which I have) that i need to stress over while shaving, I may go with the Feather or Tradere for an all stainless instead. I'm interested in others experience with the razor and will anxiously monitor the thread. Thank you to all the reviewers.
I have been enjoying my Futur with a Personna lab blade set @ 2. How does the Titan compare to a Futur? I am wanting to get a stainless US made DE but, I am torn between the Titan and a Tradere OC or SB.
I have a new one waiting at home for me when I get back later this week...I will be comparing it very thoroughly to my current stable...

Cobra Classic
Futur Satin
Gillette Big FellowOld
R41 2011/OSS
Barbasol FloatingHead
Joris Palladium
Mergress LH
Mekur Slant 39C
Gillette Slim Adj
Tradere SB
Tradere OC 2nd Gen
Stahly LiveBlade/UFO Kaiser
Parker 98
Schick Krona
Gem Damaskeene OC

Schick Type F

I'm sure the Titan will beat some of them...I would be rather surprised if it out-shaved all of them.
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I have a new one waiting at home for me when I get back later this week...I will be comparing it very thoroughly to my current stable...

Cobra Classic
Futur Satin
Gillette Big FellowOld
Barbasol FloatingHead
Joris Palladium
Mergress LH
Mekur Slant 39C
Gillette Slim Adj
Tradere SB
Tradere OC 2nd Gen
Stahly LiveBlade/UFO Kaiser
Parker 98
Schick Krona
Gem Damaskeene OC

Schick Type F

I'm sure the Titan will beat some of them...I would be rather surprised if it out-shaved all of them.

Sam, i tried these highlighted in bold black, i think that the Titan can beat some. ( YMMV)
Cobra Classic
Futur Satin
Gillette Big FellowOld
Barbasol FloatingHead....not quite
Joris Palladium..........not quite
Mergress LH
Mekur Slant 39C
Gillette Slim Adj.....maybe
Tradere SB
Tradere OC 2nd Gen
Stahly LiveBlade/UFO Kaiser.....maybe
Parker 98
Schick Krona
Gem Damaskeene OC


Schick Type F
I have been enjoying my Futur with a Personna lab blade set @ 2. How does the Titan compare to a Futur? I am wanting to get a stainless US made DE but, I am torn between the Titan and a Tradere OC or SB.
I had a Futur, it was too aggressive and not refined for me. The Titan is aggressive but more refined and less irritation, but i never tried a Tradere yet.
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