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"There's Only One Way to Shave"

According to her, her ex-husband (who thinks he is an expert on everything) said that there was only one way to shave: with the latest Gillette creation and Edge shaving cream.
There's never only one way to do anything. Anyone that says so doesn't know what he or she is talking about and is likely missing out on a lot of things. As always, consider the source.
I face lather exclusively, have only one brush and one razor - so that pretty much limits my choices. Currently have a rotation of four creams, which I use pretty much at random - depends on how I feel in the morning. I am going through a blade sampler pack right now, so like to use 5 blades before switching to something else, but the plan is to use five and then go back and use one of every blade from earlier in the sample pack just to see how they feel.
I change mine up on a whim with little pattern. Probably the most regularly used is Arko and a best badger brush, but the straights change daily, and occasionally I throw in a random DE with whatever blade it has in it... until I decide to change THAT, which is also pretty random. (the selection, not the timing, HA)
Razor - month or two at a time with an HD, DE89L, or Flare Tip. Had trouble going back to the HD after obtaining the EJ, but I changed it up today!
Blade - Astra SP nearly exclusively. I'll throw a Personna Comfort Coated + into the mix now and again.
G5 scuttle every shave, but for initial mix only, then to the face.
Soap - I use a single soap until it is gone. Right now it is Cade.
Brush - Here I mix it up daily. I have 9 sitting out to choose from.

Travel is when I get to mix it up! Face or palm lather. Variety of sticks and creams. ER travel brush.
Jim, my routine is pretty much the same as yours . . . except I really do prefer the Treet Carbon Steel blades for my SE shaves.

As to your wife's friend, I can see why that guy is her EX-husband!!!
Sometimes I bowl lather, sometimes I uberlather, sometimes I use a shave stick. Also, I rotate through soaps, creams, and sticks depending on what catches my eye that day. There's not really a set rotation, just whatever soap/cream/stick/AS/other tool comes to my hand.
A friend of my wife visited us and my wife showed her the roll out drawers I put in our respective vanities in our bathroom. When she saw my razors, brushes, creams, soaps, etc. she was shocked. According to her, her ex-husband (who thinks he is an expert on everything) said that there was only one way to shave: with the latest Gillette creation and Edge shaving cream. As my wife rolled her eyes, I began to explain to her that there were many ways to shave.

I showed her the difference in SE and DE razors and among those categories there were differences in brands. I showed her various soaps, soap sticks, creams, brushes, etc. She then asked some interesting questions:

  • Do all wet shavers go from product to product or do they stick to one thing?
  • Do we use the same brand of blade or do we alternate?
  • Do we always bowl lather or face lather or do we go from one to the other?

I told her that I use one razor until it is time to change the blade and then go on to another razor. For my DE razors I use various blades but stick to PTFE blades for SE razors. I use one brush for a few days and go on to another. Most of the time I bowl lather and make Uberlather. However, on some days I face lather with a soap, cream, or shave stick.

How about you guys out there? Do you exclusively bowl or face lather or do you change? Do you use the same brand of blade or do you change? How do you decide what soap, cream, or shave stick to use or do you use the same one? Do you use one razor or do you change?

Like you, I stick with one razor until it's time to change the blade. In the last 3 months, I have only used a Lady Gillette, a Black Beauty, and my current razor-R41 Grande.
I change blades depending on how I'm feeling or how the shaves have been going.
99% face latherer using mostly the Chubby 2 in Best; while it's drying, I may use another brush.
My software is right out where I can see it, so it all depends on mood and environment-really hot days lean towards the colder products, more comfortable days lead to more variety, while work days I use citrus products to help keep the bugs away.

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