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The World Shave Off Showdown

My friend we need to talk. The Ikon can be a smooth and non harsh razor my friend. Get in touch soon.

Thanks also for the welcoming message.

Sure thing. I’ll PM you later. But regarding the Asylum RX recent win would it perform “less good” with the Feather AC blades ? These SE razors do not have as many blade options as DE razors. AJ
I suspect that a wide open Vision (like the Futur) can remove all one's beard like the Wolfman but the Wolfman's head is narrow enough to maneuver under the nose vs that monster Vision head.

+1 Wolfman based on maneuverability
Being an adjustable fan, I chased a Vision for a while but never felt it was worth the going price. Ive been told it will filet you wide open so I'm looking forward to this report.

The WR1-94 is a wonderful thing. It shaves super close and is very comfortable in the process. As previously mentioned, it's certainly more maneuverable than Vision. It's also much shinier...and I like shiny.

+1 Wolfman

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Great shave off!
I. Am. A. Little. Surprised.

But that's an amazing result for 2 WTG passes. This remains the most compelling thread on B&B imo.
Great shave off once again. Definitely showing that your are calling them as you feel them cuz this is a surprise winner for me too. Never thought of the Vision wide open as a smooth shave, but goes to show you technique and prep make all the difference. Wonderful job my friend.
I guess we can call this last round an upset. Who thought the Vision would unseed the Wolfman. Maybe I’ll revisit my Futur (ie baby Vision) which I haven’t used in forever to see how it performs. Just goes to show you how much this thread can teach you.

Thanks Frank

Oh did anyone see this coming? Great review Frank!!

All over EBay and BST threads everywhere bids on Wolfmans are being smacked while investors seek out the ever elusive Visions that have been stocked away in vaults for years.

Oh the things that move the Shave world.
Taking away all the fancy opening mechanism, Is the geometry of the Vision head different from the Futur? I can't discern from photos I've seen.
Shave Off Complete!

Wolfman SS WR1 .94 DC vs Merkur Vision Adjustable

So this mornings Shave Off was an awesome Shave Off for a couple of reasons. One I got to try a razor that has a reputation for being one of the most efficient and more often called an extremely aggressive razor when wide open on max setting. It's also as most know very hard to find. The razor was sent to me by a shaving buddy of mine Gus aka @GlazedBoker which was very generous of him. Also I got to compare the champion of the “ Very Efficient “ category with a razor from the Extremely Efficient category.

NOTE: My printer broke so I don't have my normal face shot of what sections of the face I used which razors but it's explained in the Shave Off copy.

The Merkur Vision adjustable is a surprisingly large razor. It looks like it's out of the cartoon series the Jetsons or the robot Gort in the movie The Day the Earth stood still. Like retro modern and I love it! I'm not sure what its made out of but someone said the head is Zamac but again I'm not sure. I have to say the presentation box and all the
literature it comes with is impressive to say the least. Of course the Wolfman is also a thing of beauty with it's high polished finish and modernistic yet classic design. So looks wise 2 winners but completely different in every way.

Astra blades in each razor
Oleo Soapworks Shiloh soap
Thayers unscented Witch hazel
Aqua Di Parma colonia classic
Fine shaving bowl
Razor Rock Monster

So I decided to do 2 WTG passes on my face. One N to S and the other a reverse S to N and an WTG and ATG pass on my neck. I loaded an Astra in both razors which used to be a habit of mine when using a brand new razor and I have to say it was a good choice for today's Shave Off. I decided to using the Wolfman on my right side of my face and the Left side of my neck leaving the Vision with the right side of my neck with the nasty cowlick and the left side of my face. course I'm using my SSSST with these two beasty razors to insure I get no nicks or weepers from these two.

1st Pass - 2 WTG passes on my face and one on my neck - I started with my Wolfman on the N to S pass on my face and what a wonderful shaving razor this is. Very Efficient and yet very smooth with a moderate amount of blade feel and audible feedback. An excellent razor in all areas. The soap I used gave me excellent glide and cushion for this entire Shave off. This razor feels so natural to me now and I was surprised that the Astra took down my whiskers as easily as it did and I'd say the razors efficiency probably added to that as well. An excellent pass! Now for the reverse WTG pass. Starting at my lower jawline I headed back upward towards my starting point and the razor was wiping away my growth with little effort. Maneuvering around my nose, mouth and chin are no problem with this razor and this was another excellent pass from the WR1. Continuing downward on the WTG pass with the Vision on my very first shave with this razor as soon as I took a few strokes I was like WOW this razor is an extremely efficient razor with a good dose of blade feel and it sings a nice song yet I find it to be a smooth shaver. I gotta say I'm liking this razor right away and I always like to challenge myself and I wasn't going to let the razors reputation intimidate me so I set it on max setting. I knew enough to stay focused with this razor but once again the SSSST proved to me that it could tame any razor and there was no disappointments here and I got a wonderful pass! What was really impressive to me was it mowed down my cowlick like it wasn't even there on the first pass and that's a feat that not many razors can do, especially on the first pass! With the Vision in hand I couldn't wait to get over to my left side to see how it felt on my face on the other side and it was another WOW pass for me. Got to the bottom of my jawline and started back upward with my stretch hand above the razor head and if there was any stubble left well it was apparent that it would be gone with this pass and with this razor still be wither enough Ok at this point I'm like thanks a lot Gus for sending me this razor! Hard to get and yet what a shaver! I picked up the WR1 and completed the WTG pass on my left side of my neck and an easy task for this razor. Wiped the growth right off with little to no effort. I'm reminded of what the Champ is made of on this pass. This pass finished up the WTG 1st pass and I lathered up for the ATG pass and I can't wait to go at it again.

2nd Pass - ATG on my neck only with both razors shaving one quadrant. Started with the Vision on my right side and at this point I'll make it real clear this razor is an awesome shaver. Yes it's big and Yes it has a big head and Yes it has a blade gap on max setting that could really swallow an elephant and intimidate most shavers but it was a butter smooth pass the took down any remaining stubble in no time and I have to admit after working with all of the modern and vintage razors I fell in love with this razor! Next up is the WR1 for my left side neck. An again no disappointments with this razor just smooth and efficient! Excellent pass from the Vision. Next up is the WR1 and it was a repeat performance of wiping away any remaining stubble. Smooth as silk and I'm thinking no wonder this razor was the Champion of the " Very Efficient " category. So the end of the Shave Off and this one is in the books.

Summary: Ok so I rinsed my face using my usual routine of wam and cold rinse and a little of Fridge cold Thayers and let dry while I cleaned up my gear. When my face was dry I did a hand feel and a cotton test and I knew I had a winner. The results was a solid BBS level 2 with the Wolfman but a BBS Level 3 with the Vision. So I have to give this Shave Off to the Merkur Vision! I shaved this morning before going to work and it's almost 10pm now and my face still feels great with no real stubble showing through yet on the Merkur side.

Congrats to the Merkur Vision!

Great Shaves!

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Wowzer! Wowzer! I will be quite honest. That was an excellent shave duel but, I was not expecting the Vision to pull this one out against perhaps one of the definite top 3 performing razors in de razor land. And that’s not just whistling Dixie here Gents.

You are correct Frankie in that the razor head is all zamac as is the body with stainless and some brass internals. But, it is my favorite adjustable de ever as the shave that it can provide as you so correctly stated is sublime but, requires precision and sound technique. Also, I feel as though the adjustability of the Vision gives it an advantage in sheer blade feel and efficiency while actually still retaining better than average smoothness.

I’m not one to gloat or rub things in people’s faces. I’m a gentleman and am happy that the Vision came through in a highly debated and thought of shave off.

Who in the Heck am I kidding???

Yeah Baby!!

Time for a little celebration...


Yes, Champagne tastes lovely..... :a17:
Before anyone rushes out and lays down $300 for a Vision it would be wise to revisit old threads here about their design flaws and rather unusual required maintenance to prevent mineralization (vinegar bath). Buying a used Vision involves more risk than your average Zamak razor.
I don’t think my little thread is going to effect the price of these razors one way or another. I do agree there’s probably a lot of Visions locked up and rarely used. Wolfman razors are always hard to get from the maker. Love James razors and can’t wait to shave with the largest gap WR2
Before anyone rushes out and lays down $300 for a Vision it would be wise to revisit old threads here about their design flaws and rather unusual required maintenance to prevent mineralization (vinegar bath). Buying a used Vision involves more risk than your average Zamak razor.
And that is exactly why I stopped chasing one.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You have good reason to celebrate my fiend! That was a unexpected victory for the Vision. I’m excited to see how it compares up to the Ikon Tech or should I put it up against the RX? I’m leaning more towards the RX vs the Vision. You have both razors so what’s your take on that comparison?

Also dance away my friend!!

Thanks again for sending the Vision my way for me to try!
No matters what happens with the Shave Off I want to have a shave with it using a Feather on max setting to see how close a shave I can get out of a 1 pass shave using my SSSST!

A excellent question we can both ask as I don’t know the difference as well.

I’ve been told the same thing about the Vision as being problematic and high maintenance.
Thanks for bringing these issues up!

I will say that the rumors are true in that the Vision needs some maintenance to keep it going as it should. I’ve never had any issue with it in terms of the tto mechanism locking up or corrosion and scum build up with it. I’m kind of OCD with my razors and I maintain them to a fault, especially with the Vision as that particular razor that you have I acquired from a Gentleman in Belgium when I was there almost 2 years ago. NOS units that he had about 10 of and I snatched one up. In hindsight, I should have bought a couple just to have one or two in reserve. But, in terms of the razor, it has served me well without a single issue to date and it’s a regular in my rotation of razors.

Well, the RX or the Ikon Tech? You know, you can’t go wrong with either one in a face off but, I find the Tech to be a heck of an efficient razor and in my estimation the most efficient de razor to date. Same goes for the Rx. I would put the Vision up against the RX and see which one is left standing to take on the Tech Titan. I think the blade feel is a bit more evident on the Tech over the Vision. Also, that blade feel in the Tech might give it more of a fighting chance against the Rx in terms of efficiency. Only caveat is in my experience the Rx and that head that holds that AC blade rock solid is going to be a tough uphill battle for either the Vision or Tech. I also think the Vision holds the blade more solidly and is more stable than the Tech. It’s your game Frank, you make the decision and go with it. In the end, it’s a battle of the extreme in terms of blade feel & efficiency at its limit this side of a wedge. Like the category states, extremely efficient razors. The Rx & Tech are about as extreme as it gets in the DE and SE world respectively. I’d love to see those two slug it out in a whisker whacking winner take all final round.....
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