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The World Shave Off Showdown


Hello my friends. I just wanted to post up that I was going to start the " Extremely Efficient " category and the Shave Offs today after being absent for over a week. I'm not sure if I posted it but the other day I was lucky enough to obtain a new razor and tried it out on Friday thinking I'd have enough regrowth for the first round of the Shave Off but I was shocked by the excellent quality of the shave I got and the longevity of it and although I have a decent amount of stubble today it's definitely not enough in my opinion to challenge any of the razors in this next group. I had mentioned before that because of the efficiency of all the razors I'd feel a lot better about having 3 days growth for these Shave Offs in this group rather than the normal 2 days that I've been doing when doing all the other Shave Offs in the past. So I'm going to put this off until tomorrow morning or if need be tomorrow evening. As normal I will post up the photos and Shave Off report. I was really looking forward to starting today but I've got to follow my gut instincts on this so I made this decision just now and thought I'd post it up.

Thanks and have a great day!

:tank: a salute out to all who have served!
Absolutely! Better to do it right than do it fast. And, hey, I knew about the PAA only because our generous friend said maybe he'd lend it to me when you're done. :001_tt1: So I've a vested interest. :001_302:
Sounds like a great plan waiting. Imagine, all your hard work growing whiskers for 3 days will be eliminated in one swoop hearing the razors sing. I only have the 2011 R41 and from experience it can mow down whiskers. Last time I used it I had 2-3 days growth and my wife could hear it from the bedroom (we have an en suite).

PS This thread encouraged me to pick up a Timeless SS off the bst. I blame Frankie for this :p

Hello my friends. I just wanted to post up that I was going to start the " Extremely Efficient " category and the Shave Offs today after being absent for over a week. I'm not sure if I posted it but the other day I was lucky enough to obtain a new razor and tried it out on Friday thinking I'd have enough regrowth for the first round of the Shave Off but I was shocked by the excellent quality of the shave I got and the longevity of it and although I have a decent amount of stubble today it's definitely not enough in my opinion to challenge any of the razors in this next group. I had mentioned before that because of the efficiency of all the razors I'd feel a lot better about having 3 days growth for these Shave Offs in this group rather than the normal 2 days that I've been doing when doing all the other Shave Offs in the past. So I'm going to put this off until tomorrow morning or if need be tomorrow evening. As normal I will post up the photos and Shave Off report. I was really looking forward to starting today but I've got to follow my gut instincts on this so I made this decision just now and thought I'd post it up.

Thanks and have a great day!

:tank: a salute out to all who have served!

Looking forward to the next match-up!! :a11::a11:

Hello my friends. I just wanted to post up that I was going to start the " Extremely Efficient " category and the Shave Offs today after being absent for over a week. I'm not sure if I posted it but the other day I was lucky enough to obtain a new razor and tried it out on Friday thinking I'd have enough regrowth for the first round of the Shave Off but I was shocked by the excellent quality of the shave I got and the longevity of it and although I have a decent amount of stubble today it's definitely not enough in my opinion to challenge any of the razors in this next group. I had mentioned before that because of the efficiency of all the razors I'd feel a lot better about having 3 days growth for these Shave Offs in this group rather than the normal 2 days that I've been doing when doing all the other Shave Offs in the past. So I'm going to put this off until tomorrow morning or if need be tomorrow evening. As normal I will post up the photos and Shave Off report. I was really looking forward to starting today but I've got to follow my gut instincts on this so I made this decision just now and thought I'd post it up.

Thanks and have a great day!

:tank: a salute out to all who have served!

Frank as an afterthought. Was the Raw RS 10 or RS 18 ever considered?

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Frank as an afterthought. Was the Raw RS 10 or RS 18 ever considered?

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I can answer that. I was going to send Frank the RS10 but I returned it. I regretted it and after talking with Avi the owner I just got another one but it was too late to get it to Frankie for the right categories
I hope Frank remembers how to do a shave off after a week resting up with the extremely efficient category. Hopefully no nicks or razor burn or hitting an artery :p
I can answer that. I was going to send Frank the RS10 but I returned it. I regretted it and after talking with Avi the owner I just got another one but it was too late to get it to Frankie for the right categories

What category would it be in? How well does it perform compared to some of the others in this group?

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LMAO! Good one my friend! Well I'm writing up the report on this latest Shave Off and I'm happy to report no nicks, razor burns and thankfully I didn't hit an artery! lol

Report coming up!
I have went over this pairing for a week now and I've asked the opinion of members who I talk to quiet frequently and that was one of the considerations but where we arrived was in the 1st round was the R41 vs PAA as they were both OC razors and there's been a lot of comparing these two on the forums so that's how we got to that. With that said. You never know the two razors your requesting may end up meeting each other in the next round. If not I'm doing special request Shave Offs of any razor that is currently in my den as some of the participating razors have been shipped back to their owners. After the category is over I've got a quick 2 to 3 razor Shave Off comparing the new WR2 Wolfman with the WR1 in either 1 or 2 different gaps and then I'll do request Shave Offs. So if the pairing your requesting doesn't happen I'd be glad to do it then for you. I think I'm going to start a request Shave off list where members can put in theirs. I'm also really hoping more members use this Shave Off thread to do some of their own and share with all the members who are following it.

Bottom line one way or another I'll make it happen!


I am really looking forward to the Wolfman vs. Wolfman Shave Off!!! :a11::a11::a11:
Great review, Mr. Beard. I don't have either of these razors but they both sound like lots of fun.

Glad to see you back in the saddle my friend. You've been missed.
Shave Off complete!

Asylum RX vs PAA Doc

First Shave Off in the ' Extremely Efficient " category is in the books and the good news is we have a clear winner!

I'd like to start off by saying thank you to all of you for patiently waiting for my return to this thread and for all those that kept this thread going with their own Shave Offs which I really enjoyed reading and to all the members that came in with their informative and often funny posts. I sincerely thank you all.

Ok on to this Shave Off and what a way to start off again by jumping right into the " Extremely Efficient " category! First off the RX is in my den and I got it during the Shave Off so I've only had one shave with it up until now and I had 2 shaves with a friend of mines who sent me his a while back so although I kind of new what to expect it still felt a bit weird picking up an SE razor as I've pretty much used DE's for a long time so when I was loading a blade in it I was like Wow this head seems wide! I will say I really like the low profile of the head. The PAA is a heavy SS razor and this is a first for me as far as shaving with one and I have to say thank you to Scott for sending it to me for this Shave Off. I love the way the head looks and the open comb top cap kind of is a take off of the Eclipse Red Ring which to me is one of the most beautiful razors ever made. The handle is substantial and no lightweight with a nice amount of knurling for good grip. An impressive razor for sure and what bothers me is I was oblivious to this razor until recently. A very nice shaving tool for sure. I know from past shaves with the RX and this shave with the PAA that both of these razors are not for the beginner just like all the other razors in this category. This is not a scare tactic on my part, it's just good sound info for those that may be reading this thread and think they should go right out and find one of these " Extremely Efficient " razors cause they want to own the top dogs when it comes to efficiency when they have only been using a razor that is very mild up till now like a vintage Tech or maybe even coming from cartridge razors. So yeah let it be known these are not mindless shavers and demand your focus and a bit of respect when using them or you may be seeing RED in mirror!

Gear used:
Asylum RX polished - Retail $260
PAA Doc - Not made any longer so selling prices not known.
Georgetown Shaving Scuttle

Mike's Natural Shave soap & aftershave
Thayers witch hazel unscented - not shown
Proraso Professional boar brush
RX blade - Schick Proline
PAA - once used Feather

Technique and passes:
I decided to do 2 WTG passes on my face downward and reverse and a WTG and ATG pass on my neck using my SSSST. Of course sectioning my face into 4 quadrants to make things fair. Each razor getting an easy section and a difficult section. And just a note because I've been asked quite a few times in my discussions with members who want to know how the technique affects the use of these extremely efficient razors and my answer is always the same. When the technique is used properly for me it has tamed every razor I've shaved with including all of the ones with a aggressive reputation and because of the SSSST I no longer find them aggressive but just " Efficient ' and it's the only word I use when describing a razor other than the word " Harsh " which I have found some razors to be and that's more about face feel. Like I said many of these razors have been labeled aggressive and by using the SSSST I've found I can do less passes and get the same or better overall results than if I used a more traditional long stroke technique. Stretching the skin as you go along with your shave is like shaving a balloon. Keeping the surface of the skin taut so wrinkles and lines and even bone structure doesn't become a factor and it also helps with skipping which can lead to a nick or weeper when the razor skips over a wrinkle or line etc and especially if the razor catches one of them. This is even more so when using an OC razor as I have found from experience back before coming up with the SSSST. So I thought I'd throw this in as long as we are starting this new category of " Extremely Efficient " razors.

1st Pass - WTG on my face and neck - I started on the right side of my face using the Asylum RX and what a beauty in the polished finish. The handle is a take on the Tradere handle which is a razor I regretfully sold a couple of years ago but because of a kind and wonderful member will be returning to my den very soon and I'll be sure to do a review on it. Anyway see how easily I get off track! LOL! Ok back to the WTG pass with the RX and aside from feeling a little odd in hand because of the wide head I just took a moment and did some practice strokes without touching my face just to get the feel for it again. So I was good to go and Wow now I know why I loved this razor the first time I took one for a spin. Very efficient but loaded with my favorite AC blade the Schick Proline I find this razor to be very smooth and easy to shave with. Maneuverability is good but not as nimble as a lot of DE's or injectors but still better than some AC razors I've shaved with. Also very noticeable about the wide head and blade is how much turf it can mow down in once stroke! Staying true to my technique I had a great pass and getting under my nose and around my mouth was no issue whatsoever and I felt the mojo/connection with this razor again immediately! Blade feel and audible were at what I'd call a mid level. It gave me a great N to S pass and as soon as I got to the base of my jawline it was back upward reverse skin stretching all the way back up to my original starting point still taking downward strokes. An props to Mike's Natural soap for providing some nice slickness for my upward pass as I didn't feel the need to relather. I love the reverse skin stretch technique when using these beasts because as you go back upward and stretch while your taking your downward strokes and you can feel all the whiskers being completely wiped away and taking refuge under the skin! So a wonderful WTG pass from the RX! Continuing downward with the PAA I found the angle and sweet spot within the first couple of strokes and I have to say this razor feels different from both the razors it's usually compared to which are the 2011 and 2013 R41 and the Ikon Shavecraft Tech. Yes I found the PAA I found to be super efficient but just a tiny bit harsh as far as face feel goes. It may be because of the finish on the head and maybe the design of the teeth on the OC and this assumption does not include the top cap which is highly polished. Not 100% sure and maybe others who know the razor better can explain. Audible feedback was noticeably louder than the the RX and blade feel was also a step up but nothing crazy. It took down my 3 day stubble but like I said with a touch of harshness felt but finished the pass so with the PAA in hand I moved over to my left side on my face for my N to S pass and same experience as the last pass. Took down my growth but had just a touch of harsh face feel. So I started to move back upward on the reverse WTG pass and things changed up a bit. The razor smoothed out and it was noticeable. My thoughts were it needed to get rid of most of the 3 day stubble before it smoothed out and I can't think of another reason why else this would have happened. So I was happy about that of course. I picked up the RX to continue and again the wide head feels so different as it covers so much turf that it seems like it only took a few strokes to make short work of my stubble on my neck in such little time. It is also noticeably smoother than the PAA as far as face feel goes at this point in the shave. I rinsed my face and had a good feel just to get an idea of where both razors were at as far as removing my stubble. At this point the RX was ahead in this shave as there were some traces of stubble on my lower jawline on my left side and on my right side neck where the PAA had shaved but when feeling my cheeks at this point they felt similars and I would have needed to do a cotton test to be sure of my observation and conclusion.

2nd Pass ATG on my neck only - I started with the PAA on my difficult right side where my nasty cowlick is and some weird beard growth under my ear and I have to say this pass was much better than all the others as far as face feel goes. I think my theory that the razor gets smoother feeling as it removes more of the stubble may be correct. Again I'd like some input and feedback from others who have many shaves in with this razor as their experience with the razor may be different than mine. Anyway nice pass! Over to the other side of my neck with the RX and I used my normal skin stretching towel as I did on the other side to get a nice tight stretch and moved upward. Once again very smooth and the pass was over quickly with the wide head clearing up any leftover stubble in a few strokes. Great pass and I'm finished!

Post shave:
Rinsed with warm water and then splashed cold water on my face and at this time of year the water when turned all the way over to cold gets pretty darn cold so no need to use a ice cube afterwards like I do in the warm weather. I did however go to my fridge where I keep my Thayers and splashed on some and as usual it feels really good. Letting it dry I went back into the bathroom and cleaned up my gear. After that I did a face feel with my hands and I had a very close shave from both but I wanted to confirm my thoughts on who the winner was so I got out my cotton and made what I call a cotton cloud to do the test and just as I had thought from my hand feel the RX had no cotton residue left in any of the areas where except a tiny spot near my lower jawline near my chin where I may not have hit it as good or it could have used a stroke or two more so I got a solid Level 2 almost 3 BBS out of it. Where the PAA shaved there were spots on both my face near my sideburn, around my chin near the edge of my mouth and on two spots on my neck where my cowlick is and under my ear. I'd say I got a Level 1 and in some areas a level 2 BBS so at this point I knew who the winner was and applied my Mike's Natural aftershave splash on and I have to say I felt terrific and a nice way to start my day.


So in this first round first round Shave Off I have to call the winner the Asylum RX and a nice first showing on it's part. Props out to the PAA though and to anyone who may want to get one I'd say the razor is a real looker and a very good shaver and if you have skin like leather like it's owner has told me he has ( Yeah Scott you my friend :lol: ) I'd recommend the PAA if you have sensitive skin and a tough beard you may want to look at the RX or other options out there. Just my 2 cents!

So congrats to the RX!

Good to be back and great shaves my friends!


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Welcome back in the saddle!! :a29:

Nice to have a clear winner!!
Great review @Dragonsbeard !

I'm glad you are back, and it was a fun read.

It's interesting that you found the PAA to be a bit harsh to begin with. I wonder if it would feel smoother daily or every other day for someone with fast regrowth.

So far I've resisted all the SE razors, but this makes me want to try one. Not to mention the new Vector and Paradigm.

Thanks for the time and effort!
Thanks, Frank. I'm curious as to how you and others would compare the RX to the ATT SE2. I've tried the latter and found it to be extremely efficient. Stood toe to toe with the Ikon Tech. The only razor that's been able to do so thus far in my experience (though I've not tried anything exotic and only a handful of semi-exotics).

As for the PAA, in what sense did it differ from the Tech? What I love about the Tech is that it has a rather harsh feel. Scott and I seem to share similar tastes in razors so perhaps I'll enjoy the PAA. The only one I've found too harsh so far was the El Jefe and I think that was more a matter of faulty design, as the harshness was not matched by the kind of near-perfect shave offered by the Tech. It was also hard to maneuver. What makes the Tech manageable is the ability to react to the feedback provided by the razor. I'm not crazy about SEs because they run best on their heads at an angle that makes them difficult to control.
Once again great review my friend. @Parallax i found the Rx to be as efficient as SE2 but smoother.
Hey thanks. I'm not a big fan of smooth and, actually, I'm finding I'm not a huge fan of SEs either. I like the SE2 but probably not enough to buy one. Think I'm content to have the MMOC in my rotation with an occasional substitution from the 1914 Ever Ready.
Welcome back Frank. Although I'm not a SE user (...yet) I found it very interesting and I'm looking forward to hearing how the Tech does as it's the only one I currently have in this Shave-Off (as 2013 R41 not the same as the 2011 R41). I prefer efficient razors which are also smooth and I find the Tech a beast - it is harsh but so efficient it can provide a superficial dermabrasion. AJ
Good to have you back Frank. Another great shave off and it's unusual to see a clear winner in this category. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Hope you are healing up very well.
Happy shaves

I don’t think you need to explain your position as to why you choose what you did. Clearly one outperformed the other in your opinion. The overall performance and experience of one out shined the other.

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