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"The Gentlemen's Quarter"..Colleen

Good Morning Gentlemen!

My name is Colleen....I am the Proprietress of "The Gentlemen's Quarter"...Mama Bear, was kind enough to let me know (Thank You!) that a few Fellas from B&B had been asking about my "Cavendish Black" shaving soap.

The shaving soaps are glycerin based, with added clays and butter. The Cavendish Black is a "Custom Blend" of Top Shelf, cosmetic grade fragrance oils, available only thru TGQ.

It is my attempt at a pipe tobacco...it does seem to be highly favored by Gents and I do receive many requests for the Cavendish Black.

If you are a Man with Sensitive skin...or allergic to Fragrance....it is probably not for you. I am currently working on a "Gold Cavendish" that I hope will be more skin friendly to those of you with sensitive skin.

I am always happy to send out samples for a small charge of .90 cents ea for a quarter oz. size round....plus shipping. Shipped first class in the US...isn't much, depending on how much your sampler pack weighs, anywhere from .50 cents to a couple of dollars. I accept payments thru PayPal....

My Business email is : thegentlemensquarter@hotmail.com If anyone would like to contact me there....

## PayPal address is the same


I'd be more than happy to list the other items I have available here at B&B...and little more about who I am, my cp Bath soaps and a 1937 shaving cream soap if anyone is curious.

Thanks again Mama Bear! By the way...loved that second bottle of beer :biggrin:

XXWarm Regards, Colleen
clhurley2 said:
I'd be more than happy to list the other items I have available here at B&B...and little more about who I am, my cp Bath soaps and a 1937 shaving cream soap if anyone is curious.

Hi, Colleen.

What does CP mean, to you? My guess is custom poured.

CP means Cerebral Palsy to me. And if you look at the top left side of B&B pages, it means Control Panel.

I may have just missed it in your post, but I like clarity, and thought I would ask.

Welcome to B&B!
Hi Colleen, nice to see you here. I still very much enjoy your vanilla/sandalwood bath soap. I am down to my last bar. Hope to see around.

"but I like clarity, and thought I would ask."

Speaking of clarity...
Im glad you finally gave the boys from Stealers Wheel credit for their lyrics!!:wink: :biggrin:
clhurley2 said:
Good Morning Gentlemen!

My name is Colleen....I am the Proprietress of "The Gentlemen's Quarter"...Mama Bear, was kind enough to let me know (Thank You!) that a few Fellas from B&B had been asking about my "Cavendish Black" shaving soap.

The shaving soaps are glycerin based, with added clays and butter. The Cavendish Black is a "Custom Blend" of Top Shelf, cosmetic grade fragrance oils, available only thru TGQ.

It is my attempt at a pipe tobacco...it does seem to be highly favored by Gents and I do receive many requests for the Cavendish Black.

If you are a Man with Sensitive skin...or allergic to Fragrance....it is probably not for you. I am currently working on a "Gold Cavendish" that I hope will be more skin friendly to those of you with sensitive skin.

I am always happy to send out samples for a small charge of .90 cents ea for a quarter oz. size round....plus shipping. Shipped first class in the US...isn't much, depending on how much your sampler pack weighs, anywhere from .50 cents to a couple of dollars. I accept payments thru PayPal....

My Business email is : thegentlemensquarter@hotmail.com If anyone would like to contact me there....

## PayPal address is the same


I'd be more than happy to list the other items I have available here at B&B...and little more about who I am, my cp Bath soaps and a 1937 shaving cream soap if anyone is curious.

Thanks again Mama Bear! By the way...loved that second bottle of beer :biggrin:

XXWarm Regards, Colleen


We're always curious about more shaving soaps and creams. Yes, it would be nice to have a list with descriptions, prices and pics if you have them. I've heard many good things about your products and look forward to seeing you post here on B&B. Glad to have you aboard the B&B Shaving Train!!!
Colleen's Cavendish Black is a killer! As is the Orange Patchouli. And the Desert Ironwood. Gentlemen, start your wallets!

Mornin! Everybody,

I see I should have stopped here first on my morning rounds of checking emails and drinking coffee. I have a deadline for an order that has to go in the mail today...(PO closes at 11:00am "small town") so I only have a moment.

I'll check back in later this afternoon with a brief bio ( that always turns into a long story :wink: ) of who I am and what my little Old Fashioned Business is about. And I say Old Fashioned, because I must be the all time worst computer challenged 40 something Woman. Believe it or not other than my emails...I'm still doing everything else with Pen and Paper...lol.

XXWarm Regards, Colleen
mrs. chefchris said:
What does CP mean, to you? My guess is custom poured.
Mrs. Chefchris

I believe it means "cold poured." It has to do with how the soap is made. As you can tell, I'm only a soap user & not a maker. One of our resident makers can fill you in better.
xChris said:
Mrs. Chefchris

I believe it means "cold poured." It has to do with how the soap is made. As you can tell, I'm only a soap user & not a maker. One of our resident makers can fill you in better.

You are probably correct. My brain was having a nap at the time I posted that question. :blushing:

OK...Here I am! Shew

First off I'd like to say Thanks to everybody for such a Warm Welcome, and it sure is nice to see some familiar faces as well !!

Thomas...what on earth has happened to your wings ?? lol

I live in the mountains of Southern West Virginia in a small town named Beckley. I am a cold-process soapmaker for the "Tamarack" which is a high end tourist location featuring Artists and Craftsmen of West Virginia. I am a Wholesaler trying to venture into Retail....


Cold Process....is a term for one of the ways to make Handmade soap.

Hot Process - Is like the way your Grandmother or Great Grandmother made soap. "HOT" outside in the big pot, the soap is cooked for lack of a better term. ( hot temp and water boiling off neutralizes the lye) Today lots of people still do hot process (kitchen stove or crock pot) as it has the advantage of being able to be used once it has been cut; no cure time.

Cold Process - Is melting your fats/oils over very low heat and mixing it with lye (sodium hydroxide and distilled water) also at a cool temp; when the soap is poured (large wooden molds) it is then covered with blankets for 24-48 hours...during this stage (gel) the soap becomes very warm and the lye begins to neutralize.

The disadvantage to cold-process is that the soap never reaches a high enough temp to evaporate the water....so the soap must go thru a curing stage of 4 to 6 weeks while the excess water evaporates. Obviously there must be some advantage to this process and there is! Cold-process allows two things; low temperature means less damage to essential oils, fresh herbs, extracts or infusions. And I don't exactly understand the "why" of this next statement; but cold-process (cp) soaps have a finer texture than hot process. Cold-Process soaps are the Cadillac's of the soap world.

Unless of course your talking about Hand-Milled....but thats a different story.

I started out making soaps, sugar scrubs and whipped creams for women, but I don't like flowery or overly sweet smells (headache!) I tend to like very fresh clean scents or low musk and woods with spice.

Honestly I never thought about shaving soaps much until a number of women friends whom I had given soap to, said their Husband's kept taking the soap out of the shower and used it to shave with...LOL. And thats how I got started.

Sooo yep, I can be long-winded too....lol...So I'll save the product list until morning.

Warm Regards, Colleen
You may be thinking of Berkley...or Berkley Springs which is in Webster Co. I think....lol. Guess I'd get an X in my WV History class. Well, you tell your lovely wife that a fellow "Mountain Girl" says Hello!!

Second part of this tale....Last year...in October of 05 I ended up on a shaving forum to learn how to restore some straight razors I had purchased from Ebay. While talking to different folks I thought I'd "test" this idea of Men taking their wives soap and using it to shave with....So I asked for volunteers to receive free samples in exchange for their input about my soaps.

What I learned was, that while the soaps offered an excellent slick they had a poor lather; and thus began all of my experiments...lol And as some of you already know, I sent out some doosies!!!! :ohmy: All of this has taken longer than I ever thought ( the requirements for a good shaving soap are pretty tough) and here I am now almost one year later.

I continue to do "experiments" or tweaking of products that have already been passed by the Great Group of Men at SRP and SMF who have helped me to develop a product that has already been "taken for a test drive" so to speak.

Hmmm...lets see; No Website yet and there may not be one....only a Webpage with pictures, price list and contact info. ( I am still working another job and I'm not sure I can keep up with a website) Better to grow slow!

What will be available at the END OF AUGUST are Cold-process Bath Soaps in Essential Oils only (EO) Fragrance oil only (FO) or a combo (EO/FO)

4 oz.(Regular) $6.95 2 oz.(Guest) $3.50 1 oz. (sample) $2.75

Gentlemen's Oak & Moss (EO/FO), Desert Ironwood (EO), Orange Patchouli(EO), Three Kings(FO), Sandalwood (FO), Bay Rum w/Sweet Orange (EO), Blackberry Sage (FO) Lemon Tea & Verbena (EO/FO) Sandalwood & Vanilla (FO) Orange Mocha (EO/FO)

others that will be available at the end of September (cure time) ...Cavendish Black (FO)and Savon de Comte ("country soap" EO) and then I always do limited edition soaps for the Holiday Season.

Glycerin Shaving Soaps....available in All The Above scents in the following sizes

3 oz. round $5.95 1 oz. round (trial) $1.90 .50 oz. (test) .90 cents

Also available in: Black Currant Rose (FO), Violet,(FO), Lime Margarita (FO), Coconut Cream(FO), Lavender (EO)

Shaving Cream Soap is available in two sizes

4 oz low profile tub (reg) $12.95 - $13.95 1 oz tub (travel or trial) $3.25

.25 oz samples in "little" tubs are .80 cents each...they should be enough for at least 2-3 shaves.

Currently available in a limited selection beginning at the END OF AUGUST.

Lavender (EO) Bay Rum w/ Sweet Orange (EO) Orange Patchouli (EO) Savon de Comte (EO) Desert Ironwood (EO) and Coconut Cream (FO)

Later this evening I'll tell you about the "Hand-made" shaving cream soap...based upon a 1937 formula.....

Warm Regards, Colleen
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