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Taking a moment to thank the mods...

I only post at a handful of forums. This is one of the very few places I've come across with great mods and great members!

A big thank you to those who keep this place running - I appreciate your hard work. I think everyone else does, too, but what goes on behind the scenes rarely gets the attention it deserves.
Yeah. Doing this kind of task repeatedly is often a thankless job.

I heard that once you get one-thousand 'atta boy's' you get a paid day off :thumbup:
The only problem is you could have 995 lined up then one 'aw $#!@' wipes the slate clean :001_tt2:

In all seriousness, keep up the great work.

We're not worthy...
We're not worthy...
There is a tremendous amount of help here from mods and users alike.
I appreciate the watchful eyes on the boards.
I appreciate the users advice, lessons and passion for the art.

Thumbs up to all!:thumbup:
The mods here really are excellent. Its probably why this is the only board I consistently come back to.

They do an incredible job every day, not just during the carnival.

Another sincere thanks.
Yay the Mod Squad

"Justice never goes out of style"

I'm very happy to "pile on" this thread and add my heartfelt thanks to the Mods. A lot of thought went into setting up B&B, and thanks to the Mods, the environment we enjoy here is diligently guarded and maintained. I appreciate, as we say in Texas, "all ya'lls" dedication and commitment to excellence. :thumbup:

And props to you, ScooterCrunch, for wanting to jump in quickly and participate by providing a review. I'm glad you took the gentle, friendly guidance well. We need you on here. :thumbup1:
In addition to working the boards, lets not forget the extras they do like the Carnival of Smiles and the Limited Edition products the arrange for us.

Thank you for all of the hard work guys!
This is one of the few forums I frequent, another being 2+2's poker forum. That's a great forum too, but let's just say B&B is a refreshing change from that one.


"Got Shoes?"
If I may join the "love fest" for a moment.

I would echo the sentiment being conveyed here. I am privileged to moderate this website with dedicated individuals who not only dedicate their time to maintaining B&B and who strive to make it an enjoyable place for all of us to visit but they are some of the finest group of individuals, some I have had the pleasure of meeting, others with whom I have spoken to on the phone and of course in the Mod Forum.

Although there is quite a bit to do "behind-the-scenes", we have a lot of fun as well. We hope that this spirit of camaderie we share is conveyed to each and every one of you.

This thread is really a reflection of all of you. We are able to do this "job" with less effort and more ease because of the caliber of the members who decide to spend their time at the Beeb.

Thanks to all of you.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Kudo's to all the Mods here. I used to spend a lot of time on another forum... (a different AD) where the mods displayed a godlike demeanor and a lot of snarkiness. The only good thing is that I was pointed to this forum from there. This is by far a more evenhanded and open forum. This says a lot about the members, but also speaks volumes about the Mods... thanks guys for not banning me !!!
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