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Switching to DE, care for existing irritations?

Hey guys, just finished my 5th DE shave! Things are going really well and I am starting to get the hang of this thing. Even tried an ATG pass on my cheeks and got BBS, which felt great! That area still has a few red spots but they are relatively flat and don't get irritated from shaving regularly. I actually think the irritation of shaving is better than the irritation of some growth there.

The neck area is a different story. There are about a half dozen irritated spots that actually stick out slightly and seem to get irritated by the blade, or in some cases actually cut into slightly with a bit of bleeding.

I'll continue light WTG passes in that area and hope that these areas heal as after then I think I'll have no problems, but please give any advice you guys have for techniques or other products to help the area heal!
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