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Souplex Owners Club


Another outing for the "Combless" today, and the more I use this razor the more I'm beginning to appreciate it.

Paired well with a BIC, and although it couldn't be described as anything other than mild it still gets the job done with absolutely minimal effort or fuss. Very smooth and enjoyable result today.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Mühle Rocca
Souplex OC
7 OC Yellow (8)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Boris Shave Soap (BSS) #1 (33)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Splendid shave with the Rocca and Souplex today. Both are extent in their own right.

Click here for today’s highlights.

The Omega 10108 Brush Chronicles can be found here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves


Blackland Blackbird SS
Souplex OC
7 OC Yellow (3)Zenith 502B XSE
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool Fat (73)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Harsher than yesterday, but equally smooth. Good shave despite the weepers.

Click here for today’s highlights.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
I'm applying for membership of the Souplex Owners Club, please.

I had my first shave with the Morecambe Marvel this evening. Thank you so much Scott (@Lee Van Cleft) for getting me this (hollow handled) marvel (LINK), much appreciated. :thumbup:

Just one shave (I'll do my usual seven consecutive trial shaves with it), and I'm in love. :001_wub:

So, on to my first Souplex OC SOTD:

Morecambe Marvel SOTD

Brush: none
Cream: Cella Rapid (9)
Razor: Souplex [hollow handled] Open Comb. The Morecambe Marvel. (1)
Blade: Personna Red (6)
ASL: Caffè Latte [home brew]

A fabulous shave. :biggrin:
My first shave with the Morecambe Marvel was superb. :w00t:

I'm a Lightweight Handle Fanboy (LHF), so that was the reason I asked Scott (@Lee Van Cleft) for the hollow handled version.

For a lightweight it's quite heavy (considering its size). Here's a pic of it (16.3 grams) with my GT (15 gram) handle:

The GT was made by my (late) good friend Doug (@Rosseforp). It's hollow with an aluminum body and stainless steel nose and tail. I guess the Souplex handle is brass.

For anyone who's interested I measured my new (to me) Souplex OC. HERE'S THE MEASUREMENTS:

Complete razor (loaded): 41.3g (dimension 79.5mm)
Cap: 13.4g
Blade: 0.5g
Baseplate: 11.1g
Handle: 16.3g (dimensions 75.3mm x 8.5mm [across the flats] and 9.7mm [MAX])

That's probably all TMI, but there you go. :laugh:

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:


Is it swell time?
Welcome aboard @Cal! And nicely played by @Lee Van Cleft - he is definitely on a Souplex mission 😅.

Have you tried the soap before? HWF is really wonderful stuff. Nicely subdued scent (which I like) and great capabilities. Fantastic lather.

Goes very well with the fantastic razor!

Welcome aboard @Cal!
Thank you, Guido! :biggrin:
And nicely played by @Lee Van Cleft - he is definitely on a Souplex mission 😅.
Scott is definitely THE MAN. :yesnod:
Have you tried the soap before? HWF is really wonderful stuff. Nicely subdued scent (which I like) and great capabilities. Fantastic lather.
Nope, not yet. I'll no doubt get to it eventually, but I'm currently on a Cella Rapid kick (no brush, no lathering, and superb shaves). :cornut:


I shaved a fortune
I noticed that this 1930s razor is not easy to find
How does it behave in terms of effectiveness? I'm referring to the OC version
I get 12 hour shaves from mine. The thin head also makes it extremely maneuverable. They show up on the Bay every so often. Mine came in a nice, leather travel case. Both the razor and case were in pristine condition. The shipping from the UK was expensive but the razor was only 30 pounds.
I get 12 hour shaves from mine. The thin head also makes it extremely maneuverable. They show up on the Bay every so often. Mine came in a nice, leather travel case. Both the razor and case were in pristine condition. The shipping from the UK was expensive but the razor was only 30 pounds.
so let's say that at £30 it's an excellent price 👍
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And bear in mind it came in a variety of brands, not just Souplex. The Big Ben OC is basically the same razor. The handle seems to be the giveaway.
Also I think there’s a Paragon branded version but I might be having a senior moment.
There’s a Souplex on U.K. EBay…in with a lot of four….two techs , a Beatles twist and the Souplex…..£20 the lot but might get snapped up quickly
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