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Soda or Pop

Soda or Pop

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The ginger ale thread made me think of this. Around my house growing up (outside Kansas City), it was soda. Regionally it seems to vary.

So which is it, soda or pop?

In my region, the Deep South, we don't usually use either term. Here, everything is generically "a Coke", just like tissues are generically referred to as Kleenex and copying machines are called Xerox.



B&B Tease-in-Residence
In my region, the Deep South, we don't usually use either term. Here, everything is generically "a Coke", just like tissues are generically referred to as Kleenex and copying machines are called Xerox.


+1 to that. Here in my part of Texas its usually asked. Do you want a Coke, we have Dr. Pepper, Sprite, etc..

I have gone north to NYC and have had people laugh at me when i tell them this.
It was always pop in the pacific northwest. (near Walla Walla---I guess that's actually the "Inland Empire"). "Soda" meant club soda.

When I moved to N. Wisconsin it became sOHHHda.
I grew up in NC and the generic term for a soft drink was Coke regardless of what you wanted.

Here in KS, everyone calls them pop.

Here's some demographics for ya -> http://popvssoda.com

I have a good friend from Law School that spent his first 2 years working for a Coca Cola Law firm that drove around and ordered cokes everyday. If the establishment asked what kind (very common in Texas) they would slap a C&D order on them with the threat of no more coke products. It seems to be effective in that I have noticed that more and more food establishments are either replying "coca cola" and putting the burden on the person ordering to say no, I need a Dr. Pepper or whatever.

It's all coke.

Just let me know what kind of coke you want and I'll go to the store and get you one out of the cooler.

You can owe me the 10¢.
I know this sounds crazy, but where I'm from, we all just say "coke." Even if it's a Sprite. Sort of like kleenex or jello.

Funny story: I went to a Chinese/Vietnamese establishment for lunch a few years ago with some friends from back home. When the drink order came around to my friend Chris, he said, "I'll have a Spr-AAH-te." The poor waitor just stared at him blankly. Chris repeated, "I'll have a Spr-AAH-te." Blank stare. Our friend Kyle said, "He means Spr-eye-te." :lol:
Pop. Grew up in Michigan and any carbonated soft drink is called pop.

Here in Texas any carbonated soft drink is a coke. Your Coke is a coke, as is a Pepsi or a 7-up or an Orange Crush.
Here in the St. Louis area it's soda. The more rural areas of the state are more evenly split between pop and soda.
I don't care what you say, Pepsi is not a type or flavor of Coke! Coke is a brand not a generic term. I get into this argument with my wife all the time. She calls it Coke.

My wife would agree! She loves Coke, hates Pepsi, to use the two interchangeably would result in a severe tounge lashing...:lol::lol::lol:

Around here its soda...not sure what "pop" is and if someone asks for coke (a opposed to a Coke) we are no longer talking about beverages.
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