im a DE only person and the products i prefer in my den are mostly soaps C&E Sienna, KK, MWF, Cade are amoung my most reached for products, the only creams that tend to hold up are my CF and my GR thiugh the GR is a distant performer to the CF
Yep, soaps tend to offer more bang for the buck..normally more product (with less used each time) for your money.
My first, and I still have it, is RazoRock Third Eye.
I've since tried Cella and RazoRock Don Marco...soft soaps rock.
It doesn't make sense to me that a soap or cream would be better to use with one particular shaving device.
I get what appears to be the opposite effect using cream with a straight. I have tried repeatedly and only shaving cream is good enough with a straight. Perhaps it's my brush? It's a bit soft. Might have to try aa stiffer one.
I can't speak to straights, but you can certainly use either soaps or creams with safety razors. Or both soap and cream (superlather).