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Snuff Journey of the Rat

I'm just curious why nasal snuff doesn't seem to really increase cancer risk, yet chewing tobacco seems to. Both are smokeless, is one form that different from another?
I'm just curious why nasal snuff doesn't seem to really increase cancer risk, yet chewing tobacco seems to. Both are smokeless, is one form that different from another?

There could be a few factors involved... the method of processing the leaf, for example. In most chewing tobacco/dip type things the fermenting/aging process increases greatly the number of possible harm causing agents in the product. The Swedish style snus is steam cured, and that has been proven to greatly decrease those agents, to the point where they have also not linked that form of chewing/dip to increased cancer risk.

There could also be something about the cells in the mouth being less resistant, or the amount of exposure the product gets with those cells, or a combo of those,even. I've not seen where they did any studies on why it's not linked to health risks, I was just happy that they are pretty much positive that it isn't. I can snuff away as I see fit and not have the worries I used to when I dipped into the can of skoal 5 or 6 times a day.
Agreed. I just took my second hit, and am starting to feel a little minor euphoria. That's probably the nicotine. I've never really been a smoker, just someone who's enjoyed a few cigars in his lifetime, so I'm probably in for a real kick. Also, my nasal passage is starting to open. I've always been a little congested up there. The first hit didn't seem to open it much, but this one seems to have gotten through.
Of course there's always the issue of nicotine putting more strain on the heart which in theory could cause coronary issues; but that's a different argument.
Agreed. I just took my second hit, and am starting to feel a little minor euphoria. That's probably the nicotine. I've never really been a smoker, just someone who's enjoyed a few cigars in his lifetime, so I'm probably in for a real kick. Also, my nasal passage is starting to open. I've always been a little congested up there. The first hit didn't seem to open it much, but this one seems to have gotten through.

The menthol ones are definitely great for that. lol

Of course there's always the issue of nicotine putting more strain on the heart which in theory could cause coronary issues; but that's a different argument.

Yes, the effects of the nicotine itself is a totally separate issue and conversation... and one I'm not really concerned with getting into. lol We all can make those choices for ourselves. :)
Yeah, I'll end the conversation about health here, I don't want to derail your thread. Just took my third hit of snuff, this is definitely habit forming(and I'm not even hooked on the nicotine yet :p)
Yeah, I'll end the conversation about health here, I don't want to derail your thread. Just took my third hit of snuff, this is definitely habit forming(and I'm not even hooked on the nicotine yet :p)

lol Not a derail. Those are all things to consider for oneself before trying any sort of product, honestly. :)
Rat, how are you storing your Viking Peach? Does there seem to be a good enough seal on the tin to continue using that, or have you moved it into another container?
Rat, how are you storing your Viking Peach? Does there seem to be a good enough seal on the tin to continue using that, or have you moved it into another container?

With how hard it was to first open, and still is very tight on there, I'm going to let it store in that tin. I have a small lidded plastic container someone send me a shaving cream sample in that makes a great like 5g snuff box, so I filled that with the Viking for ease of transport while on the go and at work.
With how hard it was to first open, and still is very tight on there, I'm going to let it store in that tin. I have a small lidded plastic container someone send me a shaving cream sample in that makes a great like 5g snuff box, so I filled that with the Viking for ease of transport while on the go and at work.

Thanks! I'll do the same with my Brown then. I need to remember to order a couple of smash boxes the next time I place a snuff order.
Thanks! I'll do the same with my Brown then. I need to remember to order a couple of smash boxes the next time I place a snuff order.

Same here... funny thing is, the plastic 5g container I was talking about actually turns out to be the same 5g smashbox mr snuff sells. lol
The Viking Peach is really excellent, from a first impression. Opening the tin for the first time proved to be a chore that needed a lot more muscle than I thought... fair warning on that part. lol

WOW! You weren't kidding! How did you end up getting it off? I don't want to mangle it too bad so that I can close it up tightly.
WOW! You weren't kidding! How did you end up getting it off? I don't want to mangle it too bad so that I can close it up tightly.

I just had to work it up one little bit of a time, working around the tin. It wiggles up slowly but surely... lol
Well, my curiosity got the best of me. I was at the local smokin' joe's with my sisters boyfriend, he was looking for a pipe tool, and I was thinking about picking up a cigar for the weekend. - I'm usually out and about on friday nights, and if it's not a pipe, I like to try the occasional cigar. But anyway, we wound up having to drive to the other smokin' joe's (which is right down the road) to pick up a pipe tool, and I noticed that they had tins of the american snuff co's stuff.

I wound up choosing Carhart's Choice "Sweet" Dry Scotch Snuff. It's of the powdery variety, which as it seems is the "american" style, where the more moist/less powdery types are the "english" style? (Correct me if I'm wrong here, just wondering really).

Anyway. I popped the tin in the car, took a pinch, and I think I inhaled a bit too deeply. I got a somewhat strong burn in the upper nasal passages, and a good amount of eye watering. I took a baby pinch a bit later, but it was too small, and didn't do much for me. As it sits right now I'm not a big fan, but I'll be having a pinch with my morning coffee tomorrow, and probably end up bringing the tin with me tomorrow night to wherever I end up. Maybe I can even convince some friends to give it a whirl.

So down the rabbit-hole I go...
I'm not sure on the American vs English, but I have seen terms like "toast" and "scotch" tossed around to describe various types. The really dry powdery type does have a tendency to burn a bit more (or a lot more) than the more moist styles, so far with me. They are also way easier to inhale too hard with, according to just about everyone's opinion on them that I have read. lol I wouldn't say they are the more enjoyable of the variants I've tried up to this point, but I liked them enough to go get some of the other styles to try. It helped that they are pretty cheap over all to explore a bit while deciding if one likes them or not.
I just had to work it up one little bit of a time, working around the tin. It wiggles up slowly but surely... lol

I ended up using a penny to release the vacuum seal and then was able to pull the lid off. Sealed back up nice and tight to the point where reopening it is even a challenge sometimes!
I ended up using a penny to release the vacuum seal and then was able to pull the lid off. Sealed back up nice and tight to the point where reopening it is even a challenge sometimes!

Yeah, I'm not worried about the big tin drying out too easily or rapidly. lol

Coming down with a slight cold, and sort of stuffed up, so I pretty much brought just all menthols with me for the day... RockIt cherry, Ozona President, Gawith Cola and Apriot, Brannif Whiskey... then the 10g smash box of Viking Peach.
I tried a bit of the Viking Brown after I opened it last night. VERY smokey with what to me seems like a barnyard type scent. I think I like it, though I'm not completely sold yet. Quite a bit of burn, though I haven't used snuff in a while, so that may be why. I think I'm gong to hold off on using it much until my nose has had a bit more time to heal. Plus, I don't want to have to explain the brown flecks in my nose when I go to see my ENT next week! :lol:
I have noticed that "barnyard" type smell with the Viking as well... but also with the Braniff Whiskey. I am thinking that is just the general aged/fermented tobacco giving off that scent. Having grown up on a dairy farm, I definitely do not find that to be an unpleasant part of the experience, though.
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