Chris S
Does anyone know of a supplier for these in Australia?
I'm sold after reading all your comments.
I'm sold after reading all your comments.
This may sound odd, but I'm still having a difficult time putting the size of the wee scott into perspective despite all the pictures. What would actually really crystallize the image would be if someone were to post a picture holding the brush, maybe even lathering with it. If its not too much trouble...thanks in advance.![]()
How about this? I have this photo I took last November.
The wee Scot is in the background on the far right. To its immediate left is a C&E BBB, then a B&B Essential and finally on the far left is an EJ Medium BB.
Does that help?
OK guys these here are some Wee Scot shots for scale .
First in my usual grip (albeit with my left hand for the photo...not my usual hand)
Then as a comparison to fingers as you can see it is just a bit over my ring finger in length and I do not have large hands.
A blade box for comparison and along with a perfect tube I found for it (Hyatt Hotel mending kit from decades ago), and my mini shave stick stuffed with PdP (made from a small glue stick tube).
And finally this wonder brush tucked in its travel tube
If anyone should order one of this Wee Scot brushes .I guarantee once you open the Simpsons box you are going to exclaim outloud .Damn this is small.
However if you give it a decent shot at face-lathering I think just about anyone can find a place for one of these in their shave routines .home or travel.
Combined with my glue stick soap tube this brush is a wonder of efficiency.
Here it is with my EverReady Restore and another brush I made for myself.
Perspective here makes for a bit of difficulty to compare but neither of these other brushes are huge....and the Wee is diminutive in comparison.