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Shaving survey

I use to only shave once a week, my beard grows slowly plus I didn't mind looking scruffy for a couple of days. Now that I am getting the hang of DE shaving I shave every other morning. Plus the MAD is flaring up again and I have a lot of new stuff to try.
Every weekday. I probably shave on one or two satrudays a month, and never on Sundays, unless I do super luxurious strraight shave sunday night, in whcih case I do not need to shave monday. Love that monday morning scruff-mowing!
Every morning right after my shower. I might skip an occasional Saturday or Sunday, particularly if I'm planning any morning outdoor activities and don't shower until later in the day.
I'm back into the habit of shaving every day, usually late in the morning, between 1030 and 1130 after my shower. It feels good!

Each day I'll use a different cream or soap but for now I'm working my way through blade samples. So, one blade in one ax till it can't be used any longer. The goal is a full week of shaves; naturally this may not work out.

Benvenuto! :001_smile
Morning, every day, or if I think I can get away with it, I skip a day.

I don't shave on weekends unless someone is coming over.
Every day except Saturday, after a morning shower. At least that was my routine when I was using disposables. I find myself shaving sometimes on Saturdays now, especially when I'm using a blade I particularly like. Just can't resist it.
I shave every day. I won't be able to retire for another 17 months, so work requires it. At that point I will still shave every day but then it will be because I want to, not because I have to.
I try to shave daily, but there are times when I'm in a rush and have to go without shaving. I try not to let that happen too much because I've gotten to the point where I really don't like having a stubbly face. :001_cool:
Every weekday morning. Later on Saturday if we have a baby sitter, otherwise I'll skip Saturday. I always shave on Sunday, too, but the time varies.
I used to shave every day except Sunday unless I planned on going somewhere. Now that I'm retired I average 5 days a week and never go two days in a row without shaving. I always shave when I'm going out of the house.
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