If you have not used a 30K, 0.25 paste, then 0.1 micron film progression then there is no way that one can tell you how smooth the shave is.
+1. I didn't use the 0.1 film, but I followed the 30k with 0.1 diamond on hardwood for a similar effect. The resulting edge would be unbelievable if the Feather Super Pro didn't already exist. Water and lather become optional for the shave.
I don't use this honing regimen anymore, since I have the same problem with those edges that I had with the Feather AC. But I can attest to the really remarkable sharpness achievable with that setup.
Something that I have learned recently when I started using Japanese Naturals is that I will, from that day forward, be careful what I hold as "truth" about honing. There is just to much to learn! I am coming off a J-Nat in which the razor requires absolutely no stropping for a buttery smooth shave, something I never thought I would say.
I've noticed that about the nakayamas as well, which I guess makes it less surprising that historically the Japanese didn't strop their razors, they just honed them whenever they began getting dull. But I should also mention that when coming off my 0.1 micron hardwood paddle that the razor didn't need stropping either, it delivered the same shave stropped or unstropped off that paddle.
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