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Sandals: to expose the toes or not...

I don't wear sandals or flipflops, unless in a beach like environment. I appear to be in the minority though, as the trend of wearing open "shoes" like this is quite popular.

I personally find men's feet in the open, in a normal situation, to be unpleasant to be around, but that might just be my problem. I'm not old enough to complain about the deterioration of appropriate fashion, but I can say that I don't recall this practice being anywhere near as acceptable as it is now.

I've heard the sandals you showed are comfortable; then again, so are my pajamas, but I choose not to wear them in public. :biggrin1:

Apologies for my curmudgeonly attitude on this.
Men have been wearing sandals for thousands of years. I bet them Romans weren't squeamish about showing their toes.
let me put in a contrarian argument vis a vis the whole socks with sandals thing.

i always thought socks w/sandals looked dumb too. my feet perspire quite a bit, so i often wore sandals but repeatedly noticed on a hot day the bottoms of my bare feet would stick or slide around on the sole due to my feet sweating. tried inserts, different sandals, etc. nothing helped.
one day i got the bright idea of wearing a pair of my ultra-light breathable moisture-wicking tennis socks with the sandals. boom goes the dynamite! suddenly i had the best of both worlds--the enhanced air circulation & cooling of the sandal, but also a light membrane to soak up any excess perspiration and wick it to the outside for easy evaporation.
two caveats: i do try to loosely match the sock color to the sandal for minimal dork-ness and usually keep the sock length to ankle-high only but overall it's a beautiful thing. okay, maybe not beautiful.

I only wear flip flops. Rainbows are my preference.

But this does bring up a great standup bit by Ralphie May. Google "Ralphie May flip flops". Not politically correct! Or I would have posted a link here.
I never wear sandals for "daily" use. They're more beach only wear in my opinion.

However if you’re going to wear them I'd say the whole purpose of sandals is to have that "open" feeling, so I say go exposed toes.

If you have ugly feet issues then get a pedicure, no big deal.
I just ordered a pair Sanuk sandal/shoes. Best of both worlds? At the very least, I'll be able to wear them to work. :thumbup1:
If you have really thick disfigured toenails that are beyond the capabilities of your girlfriend's emory board, then get a more effective 'manly' tool - a medium to fine 6 inch bastard file over at your hardware store. You will find the bastard file files your toes in quick order, however be careful about not damaging your adjacent cuticles or other skin, especially if you have diabetes. In addition to the edges of the nails, also file over the top surface of the nails to make them thinner (to the same thickness of normal nails about 2 mm or so) being careful not to file all the way thru the nail bed.

Usually people will tell you that you can only cure fungal infected toenails with oral medications. Thats because anti-fungal creams do not penetrate well through nails, especially nails thickened by fungal infections.

However, if you are certain that your nails are infected with fungus, either due to a history of athlete's foot, or a culture/scraping from a dermatologist, then you may be able to partially reverse your toenail problems by filing them as above, followed by applications of clotrimazole anti-fungal solution such as this one:

This type of solution penetrates better than creams and, used regularly, can be very helpful. It works well with the filing, in that the filing both removes infected areas of nail, as well as making the nails thinner and more easily penetrated by the topical solution.

Keep in mind this takes regular maintenance over several months to see siginificant improvement, but I have had a number of people get significant results doing this. Again I would just caution people to do this carefully just like you would when you shave your face.

I hope this is helpful to folks here,

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