Hey, you're a few toes short. And where's the webbing?
I had the web between the big and second toe removed so I could wear shower shoes!

Hey, you're a few toes short. And where's the webbing?
let me put in a contrarian argument vis a vis the whole socks with sandals thing.
i always thought socks w/sandals looked dumb too. my feet perspire quite a bit, so i often wore sandals but repeatedly noticed on a hot day the bottoms of my bare feet would stick or slide around on the sole due to my feet sweating. tried inserts, different sandals, etc. nothing helped.
one day i got the bright idea of wearing a pair of my ultra-light breathable moisture-wicking tennis socks with the sandals. boom goes the dynamite! suddenly i had the best of both worlds--the enhanced air circulation & cooling of the sandal, but also a light membrane to soak up any excess perspiration and wick it to the outside for easy evaporation.
two caveats: i do try to loosely match the sock color to the sandal for minimal dork-ness and usually keep the sock length to ankle-high only but overall it's a beautiful thing. okay, maybe not beautiful.