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I have to retract my earlier, glowing praise for Rockwell. Sadly. I bought my razor last year, only months back, a 6S that was gold plated. I developed a rust problem on the thread of the head. I contacted Rockwell and finally got them to send a new head. The same rust issue developed again. The photos attached are AFTER I scrubbed and cleaned the thread so this is how it looked at best. I contacted them and said I would like to return the razor. 'a lifetime of smooth shaves' was part of their marketing slogan. I had lost faith, a razor I really intended to keep for life and eventually gift to someone else was rusty in months. Rockwell's reply? I'm not in the 60 day window for returns. This is true, I am probably about six months out or so. It does not negate the fact that the razor they made is poor quality and they stand behind it when convenient or when trying to sell more. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU CONSIDER THIS FEEDBACK BEFORE BUYING A ROCKWELL RAZOR. I should mention I have a gunmetal 6C that I quite like but the finish began to fade immediately once I began to use it.


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Well that’s not good. They replaced the cap, but never the handle too?

I’ve had vintage gillettes off of the eBays that had posts which were rotted enough they barely held the cap on…. some I knew it going in (I didn’t want the cap, I wanted the other parts), a few were a surprise and I should have known better with those sellers.

but threads rotted enough they barely held the cap on. All etched logo cap techs. I was piecing together known good parts that were definitely all brass. I have one left. Might have it replated one day, but it really doesn’t need it.

those vintage razors can have problems as well.
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I have to retract my earlier, glowing praise for Rockwell. Sadly. I bought my razor last year, only months back, a 6S that was gold plated. I developed a rust problem on the thread of the head. I contacted Rockwell and finally got them to send a new head. The same rust issue developed again. The photos attached are AFTER I scrubbed and cleaned the thread so this is how it looked at best. I contacted them and said I would like to return the razor. 'a lifetime of smooth shaves' was part of their marketing slogan. I had lost faith, a razor I really intended to keep for life and eventually gift to someone else was rusty in months. Rockwell's reply? I'm not in the 60 day window for returns. This is true, I am probably about six months out or so. It does not negate the fact that the razor they made is poor quality and they stand behind it when convenient or when trying to sell more. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU CONSIDER THIS FEEDBACK BEFORE BUYING A ROCKWELL RAZOR. I should mention I have a gunmetal 6C that I quite like but the finish began to fade immediately once I began to use it.
I’m really bummed to hear about this @Virgil Sollozzo , I was following your previous thread when you first got this razor.

Have you tried asking Rockwell to replace it when the matte stainless steel 6S or T2? It seems like the only right thing they could do here. Unfortunately, you likely won’t be the only person this happens to.
This has happened to me with gold plated Rex razors. I think it is a combination of water trapping designs and low cost 310 stainless instead of 316L marine grade stainless.

I agree it is unacceptable for something at this price point.

Yet you can get an Italian gold plated brass Fatip for $30.
Hmm, according to the website the 6S is made of 316L.

A few days ago a guy sold his 6S for $45 on the BST.

I was sorely tempted. And I knew if I bought it I'd end up having it pvd coated with titanium nitride. It would still have been less expensive than the premium gold plate one since the starting price was $45, shipped.

The starting price was $45, shipped.

Just what in Hades was I thinking?

Now I'll never know how that titanium nitride would've held up...

And I'm not going to the BST after I post this.
Hmm, according to the website the 6S is made of 316L.

A few days ago a guy sold his 6S for $45 on the BST.

I was sorely tempted. And I knew if I bought it I'd end up having it pvd coated with titanium nitride. It would still have been less expensive than the premium gold plate one since the starting price was $45, shipped.

The starting price was $45, shipped.

Just what in Hades was I thinking?

Now I'll never know how that titanium nitride would've held up...

And I'm not going to the BST after I post this.
I guess I could have looked. I wonder if they did something to the surface to prepare it for plating that ruined the corrosion resistance of the base metal.

Or perhaps that threaded part is a different material. With Rex it is a separate piece glued in. I can't tell on the Rockwell from the pics.
A few thoughts. Rust on a plated razor is due to poor quality plating, more than the substrate metal.

Some spotting may be seen on any 300 series stainless, and is more likely with a matte, vs high polish, finish.

I have a Rex Konsul with more/worse spotting that I purchased off the 'bay, but I knew what I was getting.

I would not worry about the structural integrity or flaking plating, based on the pics. You can remove the spots with a soft rag and Mother's Metal Polish or Flitz, or, even softer, a swatch of NeverDull. You can apply a light coat of Renaissance Wax to give added protection.

Definitely not satisfying for what you pay.😕
I guess I could have looked. I wonder if they did something to the surface to prepare it for plating that ruined the corrosion resistance of the base metal.

Or perhaps that threaded part is a different material. With Rex it is a separate piece glued in. I can't tell on the Rockwell from the pics.
Perhaps some surface contaminant residue on the threads when they were cut, which was then plated over during the electrolysis process? Trapped under the plating?

I'm no machinist or metallurgist.

The outfit that did the titanium nitride pvd on my Yaqi Ultima OC and GC .84P would not coat polished stainless steel. They insisted on a blasted satin finish first, citing concerns of contamination unless the satin finish was first applied.
If I’m reading this correctly is this gold plated stainless? The same activity many outside replaters refuse to engage in due to issues?
Ah! An excellent observation. I read somewhere that a quality plating of stainless steel first involves plating in copper, to which the gold or Rhodium or platinum better adheres to. I wonder...
I was under the impression that it was 316L stainless steel. I have a matte black version. I have seen people get rust from leaving blades inside the 6S and 6C though. I am so paranoid about rusting that I leave my razors broken down to air dry at night after a shave and I have a magnet on my mirror to hold my blade. Maybe its excessive idk. But in this case it could be a manufacturer defect.
Ah! An excellent observation. I read somewhere that a quality plating of stainless steel first involves plating in copper, to which the gold or Rhodium or platinum better adheres to. I wonder...
I did some research and there are several different single stage pre-plate options but the main option seems to be copper>then nickel>then gold. From what I’m reading a lot of jewelers that specialize in plating won’t even consider plating stainless.
This is very interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing. I have a silver, black, and recently the gold 6S and one thing I noticed is the gold razor is magnetic. I went to put it on my brush & razor stand where I have a blade magnet and it stuck to the magnet. I tried the other Rockwells and they are not magnetic. What would make the gold 6S magnetic? Is this a property that would negatively impact the finish? I’m not familiar with the different finishings so if anyone knows I would be curious to learn more. Thanks!


Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
I’ve had vintage gillettes off of the eBays that had posts which were rotted enough they barely held the cap on…. some I knew it going in (I didn’t want the cap, I wanted the other parts), a few were a surprise and I should have known better with those sellers.

but threads rotted enough they barely held the cap on. All etched logo cap techs. I was piecing together known good parts that were definitely all brass. I have one left. Might have it replated one day, but it really doesn’t need it.
I have never had an issue with a brass vintage in terms of corrosion.

There is a corrosion affecting brass called red rot. Essentially it is the removal of the zinc element of brass alloy.

"The principle cause of dezincification of brass is contact with water containing dissolved oxygen, chloride ions, sulfur, or CO2. Strongly acidic water can promote dezincification if it has a very low mineral and salt content."

Source: 'mm55'. Posting from Trumpet Herald Forum 19/03/15.

This issue appears most often in brass used in musical instruments, with the discussion from the source touching upon the chemical action of hydrochloric acid in human saliva, or other causes detailed above.

Although I have never encountered it, an extreme prolonged contact with water containing the above mentioned chemical characteristics may be a cause.

More likely the parts you mention were of aluminum or zamac, which were suprisingly significant and common alloys used in vintage razor component manufacture across a wide spectrum of famous brands.

The use of zamac top caps were universal in Techs after 1961-2 as an example. Earlier examples, especially war period and early 1950's models also employed zamac and I believe aluminum also.

These are much more likely to be the subject of corrosion.
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This is very interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing. I have a silver, black, and recently the gold 6S and one thing I noticed is the gold razor is magnetic. I went to put it on my brush & razor stand where I have a blade magnet and it stuck to the magnet. I tried the other Rockwells and they are not magnetic. What would make the gold 6S magnetic? Is this a property that would negatively impact the finish? I’m not familiar with the different finishings so if anyone knows I would be curious to learn more. Thanks!

There's not enough of any metal, in the plating, to give much pull on a magnet.

So my bet is that the "gold" razor is made out of different material (underneath the gold plating) than the other two. The most likely metal, I'd guess, is one of the magnetic varieties of stainless steel.

That's a very interesting situation -- it makes me doubt the manufacturer's claims of what the razors are made of.

. Charles
I am sorry to hear about your issues, but more troubled about their response. You would think spending that kind of money would provide a better level of customer service.

My 6S is the plain stainless and I have not had any issues with rust or corrosion. Still a terrific razor.
I was sorely tempted. And I knew if I bought it I'd end up having it pvd coated with titanium nitride. It would still have been less expensive than the premium gold plate one since the starting price was $45, shipped.

Where were you getting the PVD done?
More likely the parts you mention were of aluminum or zamac, which were suprisingly significant and common alloys used in vintage razor component manufacture across a wide spectrum of famous brands.

The use of zamac top caps were universal in Techs after 1961-2 as an example. Earlier examples, especially war period and early 1950's models also employed zamac and I believe aluminum also.

These are much more likely to be the subject of corrosion.

I’ve seen corrosion on brass instruments… I played trombone for a few decades. Some of the beat up loaner instruments in various schools - for marching band or whatever - were in rough shape. I also used to visit a lot of pawn shops looking at brass instruments - cheap way to have a practice marching horn, or leave one at school, have one at home. Pretty familiar with that

these caps were absolutely not brass of any sort. I started a spreadsheet back then, would measure and weigh the caps. I’d resell the ones that were not nickel plated brass. A few I got the posts were so powdery and rotted through, it was amazing they’d hold the handle in place.

Probably not an issue if you take care of it I suppose.

For the metal on the Rockwell 6S - it’s possible, that because they are a cast manufacturing process, that they are using CF8M steel for this. That will be slightly magnetic.

This has happened to me with gold plated Rex razors. I think it is a combination of water trapping designs and low cost 310 stainless instead of 316L marine grade stainless.

I agree it is unacceptable for something at this price point.

Yet you can get an Italian gold plated brass Fatip for $30.
I agree a lower quality stainless will rust. Also there are grade that are better for machining and welding and bending. Sorry for the rambling. My theory is its remnants of chemical used it the plating process. More than likely in the handle threads.

Stainless is a strange beast. I always felt like it was a sponge, it will attract and soak up any contaminant near it. Each grade has quality’s that make it good for a purpose but also bad for others.
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