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They can have my wallet. I haven't opened it in 3 years so there probably isn't anything I need in it. Money always goes in pockets(plural) that way If if in an unfortunate situation ther is a good chance I would only lose a small amount of cash instead of all of it. I keep change from a $20 in one pocket and the rest in the other.
I'm surprised only one person mentioned using the Veg as a deterent...that would be my choice and if that failed, the inexplicable sound of the slide moving on a 12 gauge usually works as well.
No need to rack that pump anymore, be all stealthy like...except for the sound of a safety clicking off.

This is my boom stick! :tongue_sm
Getting into my house is a lot easier then getting into my den. The bank vault door on my bathroom would take them hours to crack! I have kids, and when the handle of my G5 mysteriously fell off I had to take desperate measures......

I have nothing in my wallet I couldn't get replaced in less than a week, so they can have it.

Mind you, replacing an entire den with insurance money could be MIGHTY fun!

OK OK, I let them have the wallet, and my 2 year old.
Getting into my house is a lot easier then getting into my den. The bank vault door on my bathroom would take them hours to crack! I have kids, and when the handle of my G5 mysteriously fell off I had to take desperate measures......

I have nothing in my wallet I couldn't get replaced in less than a week, so they can have it.

Mind you, replacing an entire den with insurance money could be MIGHTY fun!

OK OK, I let them have the wallet, and my 2 year old.

One of the two items you would let them have would be rapidly returned :lol::lol::lol:!
Many folks here use straight razors, and the edge is tested by shaving some hair from the fore arm.

I think it's just a basic misunderstanding of the wording.
Some folks think the wording is actually "to keep bare arms".

I always thought it meant the following:
Take the razors, get the .38 for free. One problem- I would be delivering the ammo a bit faster than they'd like.
I'd skip the guns and go straight to chemical warfare.

Getting into my house is a lot easier then getting into my den. The bank vault door on my bathroom would take them hours to crack! I have kids, and when the handle of my G5 mysteriously fell off I had to take desperate measures......

I have nothing in my wallet I couldn't get replaced in less than a week, so they can have it.

Mind you, replacing an entire den with insurance money could be MIGHTY fun!

OK OK, I let them have the wallet, and my 2 year old.

Agreed. I could get that plisson I was always curious about.

I always thought it meant the following:

Really? I was thinking more along the lines of....

Take the wallet, leave the shave gear. The contents of the wallet would be easier to replace than some of the shave gear,and some of the razors are ones that my father used to use.

I'll shave him till he's got severe razor burn. :shaving: Then I'll go ATG & rub his face with an alum block :spockflam- Once I'm done, I'll gently smash the alum block on his head :a45:-&- shove a whole bottle of spanish floid into his nostrils. Then I'll probably apologize, give him a few shaving tips - ask him for some help with cleaning up the alum mess - give him a cup of my specially brewed tea & I might ask him to become a member of badger & blade. So I don't lose my shave den or my wallet. I think I need some sleep.:blink::blink:
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